Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

This is a little embarrassing, but I couldn't think of a better place to ask for help.
I have successfully translated all texts and edited all the textures... except one.
I have no idea how to add a transparent layer for a world map when creating FRM.

This is the only thing I need, so it is not necessary for me to read any lengthy texts or download and learn how to handle new programs.
If anyone could convert this image to FRM with a transparent layer, they would have my infinite gratitude...


  • WorldMap.png
    86.3 KB · Views: 300
This is the only thing I need, so it is not necessary for me to read any lengthy texts or download and learn how to handle new programs.
If anyone could convert this image to FRM with a transparent layer, they would have my infinite gratitude...
You didn't use (or keep) the Fallout palette when saving the image, so loading it in Frame Animator will result in white color for the transparent area.
Changing the "Transparent Color" setting to "Sample" should work, but I still re-saved the png with the palette just in case.
Here are the png and frm.


Here are the png and frm.

Work like a charm.
Thank you very much !

Honestly, I'm just a passionate amateur and more complex technical things go beyond me.
I'm surprised this was the only thing I couldn't do.
I was expecting many more problems.
Can You spoil the secret on how to access the demo-scrapyard in EtTu repository version?

I've noticed some mentioning of it in the repository update notes. I know it's tied to DEADCOMP.int , an computer terminal in Necropolis. However I went there (with an older savegame[after finishing the game]) and the only terminal functioning was the one from which the waterchip has been taken, so I'm clueless now. Do I need to start a new game in order to get a chance to get to scrapyard or what?
When I change things with companions, I see these weird things.
It is normal?

(If I trade with merchants, everything is fine.)


  • FL1.png
    384.9 KB · Views: 314
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Could be issues with either the font files, or the text file for the translation is not in the correct format (in english / german it must be ANSI)?

Merchants will only show numbers in that place, while for companions it says weight. I have no idea where exactly that string is, though.
Could be issues with either the font files, or the text file for the translation is not in the correct format (in english / german it must be ANSI)?

It's here and I have the text in ANSI format.

As for fonts, I use fonts that worked perfectly for my language in Fallout 2.
In addition, Weight is in my language "Vaha" which does not contain any unusual characters.
You forgot to mention that the computer that holds scrapheap simulation is not in the necropolis vault but in dead hotel..
Anyways, I got in, made through, and got out of the simulation. here's what I've noticed:
Phil from the scrapheap mentions the guy that left the dog on his doorstep was killed by "Gizmo's" guys, and mentions "Gizmo" at least twice.. funny considering I've wasted the fucker a while back in Junktown :p

After killing both gangs and looting everything, a red message pops up in center of the screen, and the whole screen goes grey for several seconds, until it returns to service desk at dead hotel in Necropolis. is this intended?
Well, it's the demo text - I didn't changed it. Personally I think it's pretty badly written. Feels to me exactly like the cut content stuff in Fo1... As if someone was shitting it out in a week (which is probably what happened).

After you completed the demo, the ending slide will run. I hadn't put these files on the repo yet, so you couldn't see them. I've pushed them to the repo now.

Out of curiosity. After you have returned, then reload a savegame and do it all again - will the game crash for you? I have a crash bug here, but I can't figure out how to fix it. Might be related to the ending slides, but it all just makes no sense to me.

About the terminal - yeah, Fixt added some easteregg here about playing Fallout. I just reused that idea and slapped an extra condition inbetween. The old Fixt easteregg can be accessed again if Scrapheap is disabled and Fixt is enabled (the Demo has precedence over Fixt).
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Yeah I do get a crash after replaying scrapheap. just before loading the slides.
I think it is an sfall issue. For example while playing Fo:Nevada i have to save every 5 minutes or i'll crash, despite having 16GB swap file.
He can. Maybe you gave him a weapon that has better stats?

No Lexx, RedRyder LE BB Gun has its priority fucked up.
It is the lowest of the low of the guns out there.
Tycho chooses even his base shotgun he comes with over LE BB Gun, despite the fact that both weapon's minimum and maximum damage is higher, it has better range than shotgun, but no.. Tycho tends to stick to his shotgun. I belive the issue is LE BB Gun has the same priority as standard BB Gun, which should have low priority, as standard BB Gun sucks. Limited Edition version however is on par with sniper rifle (it deals less damage per shot but can shoot twice per turn).
The only better weapons for Tycho are actually burst weapons. Assault Rifle /(Ext Mag), Advanced Assault Rifle, and possibly the best option Advanced Assault Rifle HPFA, which very rarely spawns in Glow lvl 4 wall lockers in place of the standard one, and i haven't seen one ever at Gunrunners. HPFA rulez because of the 20 bullet burst, which would be second best just after my minigun burst. With Advanced Assault Rifle HPFA + custom bullet spread in sfall, and Tycho can solo most of game's mobs.
and possibly the best option Advanced Assault Rifle HPFA, which very rarely spawns in Glow lvl 4 wall lockers in place of the standard one
Nah, I replaced it with the standard rifle some time ago, because the HPFA felt a bit too much.

So the ai preference calculation is (max dmg - min dmg) / 2. AIBestWeaponFix in the ddraw.ini will apply a weapon perk modifier, however that won't help the LE gun, as it returns always 0 ... (25 - 25) / 2 = 0.

Need to think if there is a way to fix it without changing min/max damage.