Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

I'm tweaking it from time to time, but I don't really have plans to do anything big with it. However, it should be possible to get idolized in Junktown (and any other town except the Glow, Raiders, Mariposa, and Cathedral).
Really? Well I tried twice in Junktown doing all possible quests including unmarked ones with "good" approach but so far no luck. Sorry for the bother, but do I need to do anything in particular or a repeatable quest of some sort to attain "idolized" status?
I just checked the files and it seems like I did some reputation changes which means you can only get 15 points max (need 30+ for idolized). So yeah, right now it's not possible to become idolized in Junktown.
Ah, I see. Well thanks a lot for clarifying that. Much appreciated. Well from now on I'll keep a close eye here for any possible updates. Thanks again :ok:
Something is wrong with Griffith and getting the motorcycle...

I'm playing the 'git' version and after speaking to griffith and he seposedly goes into tunnels. but he's not there (i did this counltess times during various playthroughs and he usually ended up ded killed by giant molerat in tunnels, but not this time). Griffith is not in tunels, and if i manage to steal the key from his inventory, talk to him to go to the tunnels and after he's gone, using the key on the motorcycle causes the motorcycle trunk to vanish. It's like the whole mororcycle's ass get's removed.

got a savegame. Just remember to use:
in ddraw.ini as neither dude nor NPC's will walk without that, as I'm full'o'stuff. either that or throw out shitton of stuff to the flor.


What do you mean with "a game freeze with music loop"? Game stops but music keeps going?

No idea what this could be. Can't think of any script right now that would be heavy enough to cause this and do so *only* in the Cathedral. Guess this would need a lot more investigation.

/Edit: I was able to debug this shit on discord. Download this file and overwrite the one in fo1_base\scripts\
Looks like I fucked some shit up with the last cleanup before v1.5 release.

Just wanted to say that i also had the same problem with the game crashing when you enter lvl 3 but the file fixed it.

A suggestion to implement the fix in the next patch of the mod since it is frustrating to crash just before the ending :cry: .

Again, great mod! :ok:
It will be in v1.6 later. Don't know yet when the new release will be. Either beginning of next month or with the next Sfall release.

he seposedly goes into tunnels. but he's not there
He will spawn randomly in one of the three maps. Maybe he is in a different place this time?

Will check out the motorcycle trunk later. I did some changes a short while ago, because the trunk kept popping up in places where it shouldn't.
Would just throw in a wip version, like I did with the german translation. Who knows how long it will take till it is all done.
Considering you gave me exactly 0 information on what is or was going on, let me quickly ask my magic 8 ball ...
I've been away from this site (and Fallout) a looong time, but just discovered this mod yesterday and it made me reinstall and play F1 (through F2) again and I'm LOVING it. I have huge nostalgia for F1 but F2 was always the one I replayed and going back to F1's engine without the QoL changes F2 made was always a bit hard. This realyl is an amazing mod and something I've always wanted! Thanks so much to everyone involved in making this possible!

I have one question, though; I "ported" a couple of personal mods I made for F2 to F1inF2 and they work fine, but is it possible to make a "map" mod for F1inF2? By that, I mean, if I wanted to edit something in Junktown (say, add a new NPC, change a vendor's wares, beef up the guy who tries to kill Killian, or change a guard's equipment), how would I do it? I can use the BiS mapper for F2, and there are modified versions of that for F1 vanilla... used those before... but where do I start for Et Tu (F1inF2)? Assuming it's possible, since this mod exists, but I've got no idea how to edit the Et Tu maps (or script files, for that matter). Help would be very much appreciated!

EDIT: One other question, sorry: is it possible to add the "Virgin" Perk you get automatically (can can "lose") when starting F2 to F1 using Et Tu (happy to do it myself as a mod rather than expecting the creators to add it if they don't want it)?
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Sorry for the lack of context, i just tried to run the game and the screen blacks out and get that message.
Can still be anything. Need to know the OS and what language version of the game you are using.

@banjo_oz ofc you can change / edit anything. To get the mapper to recognize the correct files, you have to set the master and critter patch path to the fo1_base folder. Best is to just download the sources from git, it already has everything setup as necessary.
Editing / compiling scripts is done in the same way as any other Fo2 mod.
Can still be anything. Need to know the OS and what language version of the game you are using.

@banjo_oz ofc you can change / edit anything. To get the mapper to recognize the correct files, you have to set the master and critter patch path to the fo1_base folder. Best is to just download the sources from git, it already has everything setup as necessary.
Editing / compiling scripts is done in the same way as any other Fo2 mod.
That's awesome (and a huge thanks again for your work on this amazing project!).

I got the mapper working (it seems, maps load at least) by downloading the git and then copying the folder Fo1in2-master\Fallout2\Fallout1in2\Mapper from that into my own Fallout1in2 folder.
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Hello guys.

I'm currently translating this amazing mode, but I've run into a minor problem.
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't figure out where are these two buttons stored.

Can someone please advise me?
(It drives me crazy, I've been looking for them for a week.)
Can still be anything. Need to know the OS and what language version of the game you are using.

@banjo_oz ofc you can change / edit anything. To get the mapper to recognize the correct files, you have to set the master and critter patch path to the fo1_base folder. Best is to just download the sources from git, it already has everything setup as necessary.
Editing / compiling scripts is done in the same way as any other Fo2 mod.

Im using windows 10 pro and both fo1 and fo2 are from gog.
Does vanilla Fo2 start? Also what about other mods like the RP, etc?