Fallout Europa


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Europa is an indie turn-based French RPG for Nintendo DS that uses Fallout's background, but takes place in Europe. This alpha version is still unstable and comprises bugs, so if you have questions or bugs to report, send an email to fallout.europaATgmail.com.

<center> </center><blockquote>How to play:
- Exploring:
D-Pad: Direction
Hold down B: Move
A: Interact with the environment
L-R: Navigate through menus

- Combat mode:
D-Pad: One touch moves one square
A, B, X, Y: Turn the character towards the corresponding direction (no AP loss)
Start: End turn
Select: Object menu (uses AP)
L-R: Action

Meaning of Stats:
With each level up, the player receives 5 stat points to spend on 4 different stats:
Endurance: determines maximum Hit Points
Perception: determines inflicted damage
Agility: determines Action Points during combat and Armor Bonus
Intelligence: determines what weapons can be used</blockquote>Download: Fallout Europa demo
Spotted at: Nukacola
I don't own Nintendo DS but that looks neat.

Why turn-based though? We have XXI century dude. [/retard]
I'm guessing that with the tiny screen and low res graphics, anything but TB is overly difficult.

It is also the sacred combat system of Fallout, so...
fallout ranger said:
I'm guessing that with the tiny screen and low res graphics, anything but TB is overly difficult.
Er... haven't we had the whole discussion about real-time combat not being technically difficult or reliant on uber graphix on this site many times?

There's plenty of real-time games on the DS. And there were on the Gameboy too. Really.

Anyways, this looks interesting. The graphics look more Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger than Fallout to me, though.

Though amazingly enough you guys aren't saying "What the hell? Why are they making this for console gamers who are barely able to speak much less play a sophisticated game for a sophisticated person such as myself. Sophistication" which is partially why I like you guys better than RPG Codex. One time while I was lurking there I saw a thread where they were debating why Morrowind was popular on consoles. It didn't seem like anybody thought the answer could simply be people who play consoles could enjoy an RPG that didn't hold your hand/wasn't linear, as those sub-human console gamers obviously only like Japanese RPGs with androgynous characters, pointy hair and silly pants.

I'm rambling again, but PC gamers shitting on console gamers always gets my goat. And I know you guys weren't really doing that here, it's just that this game made it spring to mind.

As an addendum for people owning console hardware and enjoying PC games, apparently there's a version of ScummVM for DS out there somewhere, so you can play all your old LucasArts adventure games on the go. Buddy of mine says it works pretty well.

Don't be trolling, Jiggly. You know darn well consoles are just tools.

Just like many a their user :P
Jiggly McNerdington said:

Though amazingly enough you guys aren't saying "What the hell? Why are they making this for console gamers who are barely able to speak much less play a sophisticated game for a sophisticated person such as myself. Sophistication" which is partially why I like you guys better than RPG Codex. One time while I was lurking there I saw a thread where they were debating why Morrowind was popular on consoles. It didn't seem like anybody thought the answer could simply be people who play consoles could enjoy an RPG that didn't hold your hand/wasn't linear, as those sub-human console gamers obviously only like Japanese RPGs with androgynous characters, pointy hair and silly pants.
1 - That thread is quite recent, actually... By "one time" you probably mean "yesterday" or something...
2 - They weren't discussing why it was successful in consoles, they were discussing why it was successful overall... Unless I'm terribly mistaken, that is...
3 - Oblivion had more success on consoles than Morrowind did, so that only leads us to one rational conclusion... which I'm not saying...
4 - ... I like finishing my sentences this way... :mrgreen:
1. I found this game the other week and wasn't too blown away with it. If I don't remember wrong it was in French as well. Still I hope for it to turn out good, as the DS desperately needs some good RPGs.

2. ScummVM for the DS works great, haven't had any problems at all with that program. I just wish something like that could be done with Fallout as well..
Morbus said:
1 - That thread is quite recent, actually... By "one time" you probably mean "yesterday" or something...
Just looked it up (Ugh. Sometimes I think I should find better things to kill time with but I haven't been really grabbed by a game in a while (Well, Bioshock, but it can't hold me forever)) and it was September 16th, so apparently it was pretty recent yeah.
2 - They weren't discussing why it was successful in consoles, they were discussing why it was successful overall... Unless I'm terribly mistaken, that is...
Going back to look at it again, I see that. However, when it's late at night and I'm wandering around the internet (What I'm doing at the moment) I tend to skim threads and posts to turn it into an easily digestible sleep-deprived mush. With comments like "Xbox fanboys in particular used the game's graphics to rub it into the faces of other console fanboys that their console was superior." and "It was also an Xbox launch title and reaped a lot of lasting hype from that." I see how I thought they were only talking about why it was popular on Xbox.
3 - Oblivion had more success on consoles than Morrowind did, so that only leads us to one rational conclusion... which I'm not saying...
World of Warcraft had more success on PCs than all other western RPGs combined, so that only leads us to one rational conclusion... which I'm not saying...
Jiggly McNerdington said:
World of Warcraft had more success on PCs than all other western RPGs combined, so that only leads us to one rational conclusion... which I'm not saying...
What has WoW to do with RPGs?
Makes as much sense to me as saying that since Oblivion sold better it must mean that console gamers like Oblivion better.

Or should I say maekz as much sens 2 me as sayin tat sinse oblion selld betar it muzt meen tat conzol gamrs like oblion betr you PC gaming World of Warcraft-loving monster.
Sacre blue! Le jeu est en Francais?

Being a huge FO fan since I first played the FO1 demo AND owning a homebrew playable NDS... AND living in Europe..... i found myself obliged to check this out......

Oi! WTF? it's in French?!?!?! Living in Holland and Being at least basicly educated enables me to read/write/speak very basic French..... but eeuh..... not this much....

Please make an English version? or calll it Fallout France or something.....

Other then that, game looks terrific, even has a war-never-changes-kinda intro... lacks Ron Perlman though.....

Great effort! Make it english, keep it up!
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Going back to look at it again, I see that. However, when it's late at night and I'm wandering around the internet (What I'm doing at the moment) I tend to skim threads and posts to turn it into an easily digestible sleep-deprived mush. With comments like "Xbox fanboys in particular used the game's graphics to rub it into the faces of other console fanboys that their console was superior." and "It was also an Xbox launch title and reaped a lot of lasting hype from that." I see how I thought they were only talking about why it was popular on Xbox.
Well, I guess you should be more careful about your claims on something you are not 100% sure about...

Jiggly McNerdington said:
World of Warcraft had more success on PCs than all other western RPGs combined, so that only leads us to one rational conclusion... which I'm not saying...
It does: you didn't get my point. I was comparing games of the same series...

Also, edited newspost for clarification... I'm sorry MarcovandeHaar.
Fallout 3 for ADHD kids and Fallout Europa for emos. Yup, caters the next generation well. Wish there was some project for nerdy ones too.
Meh said:
Fallout 3 for ADHD kids
The one group I'd never expect a Bethesda product to appeal to is anyone with "ADHD" (not that I'm not leery of actually subscribing to that whole "disorder" to begin with). Big, empty worlds, and slow, rather bland combat aren't things to hold a person's interest if it tends to wander. They may get some enjoyment out of watching environmental objects and corpses twitch violently from the poorly implemented Havok physics.
and Fallout Europa for emos.
Dunno where you get that one from.
Wish there was some project for nerdy ones too.
ADHD kids, emos, nerds... ascribe to superficial, generalizing stereotypes much?
Why you, people think Fallout wouldn't keep the attention of someone with ADHD?
I don't think it's about the game keeping the attention of the player, but about the ability of the player to stay focused and be able to play.
As such, a game like Fallout with so many options and variables is definitely much more difficult to play for a person with such... symptoms.