Fallout FIXT - How to have Fallout 1 NPCs use armor?


First time out of the vault
I'm sorry if this has been reposted, I did do a forum search but I couldn't find any answers to this particular question.

It seems I'm the only one who doesn't know how to equip his partners with armor in Fallout 1. I was wondering if anyone could share to me how to equip them with armor?

I have Ian and Tycho with me. I've got two metal armors I'd like for my teammates to wear. I just don't see anyway of how to get them to wear the armors though.

I'm sorry if I missed out on any obvious sign or point. :cry:

Please help me.... :help: :puppy-dog:

Ok, guys. I figured it out. I had to put the armors in their inventory and then that's when the "change your armor" dialog came up in the combat tactics dialog option.

How embarassing, sorry fellows. :-) At least, I got it though. Heh heh, I had no idea it was that simple until I experimented a little more. :clap: :mrgreen: :D 8-)

Thanks for such a great mod, guys! Keep up the good work!

One day, I will donate money to the cause for this. :wink: