Fallout for the G1??


First time out of the vault
Hi, I was at another developer forum and they mentioned talking to you guys. I was wondering if it was at all possible to port Fallout 1 and 2 to the android OS. There is already a company that is porting games to the android legally, but they said that Fallout wasn't the style of game they were going to add. I own both games, but being able to play them on the go would be the best thing ever. If you think it's possible or know who I would talk to. Any information would be great.

Thanks for any help, Tlynx
I can't say anything absolutely sure, but I would wager there are major issues with commercial ports of Fallout 1/2

The problem is Interplay owns the right to sell copies of the game, but Bethesda owns the exclusive right to all new offline content, meaning Interplay would need Bethesda's ok to do it. That just seems unlikely.
I'm fairly certain it wouldn't be in Beth's interest to go ahead with something like this (although it may add a % or two to the FO3 sales). It seems to be company policy to clamp down on older titles (see the way they handle the original TES games), and as BN mentioned, it seems unlikely.