Fallout in 20 gaming lows

On hte keyword point: I think that keywords would be cool to bring back, especily if you could jumpstart convos with the (but only things the PC should allready know enough to ask about).

However, keywords should NOT be part of the main quest.

At most, there should be subquests that require lots of searching, and maybe a keyword started convo with a NPC on the subject of that particular subquest.
Sander said:
Claw said:
<Oh, God...>
To this Claw should respond with: "Made you post. Dance, puppet, dance!" Seriously, Sander, I think the sole purpose of Claw's one-word post was to provoke you into entering your AP (Annoying Pseudointellectual) mode. You need to learn to simply ignore these things.

Sander said:
Psychosniper, the recently unbanned, and still spammy as hell would-be-moderator.
Note0 to PS: you're not a mod.
Note1 to PS: he wrote that he couldn't send a PM, and hence had to do it like this.
Note2 to PS: you were recently banned for posting spammy and annoying messages, and I don't see any improvement. Alas, I am but a simple moderator of the Fallout General Discussion board, so I have no authority on this subject.
*irony detector goes off with a resounding beep*
To this Claw should respond with: "Made you post. Dance, puppet, dance!" Seriously, Sander, I think the sole purpose of Claw's one-word post was to provoke you into entering your AP (Annoying Pseudointellectual) mode. You need to learn to simply ignore these things.
Screw that, this is more fun. (For me at least)

To this Claw should respond with: "Made you post. Dance, puppet, dance!" Seriously, Sander, I think the sole purpose of Claw's one-word post was to provoke you into entering your AP (Annoying Pseudointellectual) mode. You need to learn to simply ignore these things.
Hey, at least I have SOME place to say these things: I'm a moderator.
Sander said:
To this Claw should respond with: "Made you post. Dance, puppet, dance!" Seriously, Sander, I think the sole purpose of Claw's one-word post was to provoke you into entering your AP (Annoying Pseudointellectual) mode. You need to learn to simply ignore these things.
Screw that, this is more fun. (For me at least)

To this Claw should respond with: "Made you post. Dance, puppet, dance!" Seriously, Sander, I think the sole purpose of Claw's one-word post was to provoke you into entering your AP (Annoying Pseudointellectual) mode. You need to learn to simply ignore these things.
Hey, at least I have SOME place to say these things: I'm a moderator.
:rofl: What's up with the duplicate quote? Random oversight? Intentional? Weed-induced? MYSTARY!
Random oversight, due to Windows erratic Control-C behaviour, and my not looking at what I wrote.
Sander said:
Alas, it seems that your only response to this is of the short-sighted and rather unimaginative form, so I cannot be convinced nor can this actually initiate a debate, since there are no points to debate right now.
I am not certain what I supposedly failed to see. I did however notice a while ago that I spend far too much time on internet debates not leading anywhere, so I like to keep it short as well as pointless.

What did we really miss though?

Yes. For two reasons, one for each point of view.

The first being that people even tried.
Trying to restrict the sale of "mature" games is so not new. I don't see anything mentionworthy about it. If it had been successful then yes, but it's the usual level as it is.

'The second being that the rich game industry got out under from what every other industry does have to deal with: limitation on sales if products are deemed improper for children.
Aww, poor little tobacco industry.
Allright, I acknowledge someone might hold this viewpoint, but even the article itself makes it sound like nothing really happened so why bother?

Naturally, I fully expected your vast intellect to derive all that from the letters "N" and "o" :P
Nah, that's just silly.

Screw that, this is more fun. (For me at least)
It makes me happy to keep you amused, although my own entertainment has priority. Thank you for participating. :)
Trying to restrict the sale of "mature" games is so not new. I don't see anything mentionworthy about it. If it had been successful then yes, but it's the usual level as it is.
No, actually, I think it is new on this level. I can't recall an attempt to have games really restricted from sales, not just marked for 'PG13

Aww, poor little tobacco industry.
Allright, I acknowledge someone might hold this viewpoint, but even the article itself makes it sound like nothing really happened so why bother?
The article does state that 'the rich gaming industry' got out from having to do this, suggesting that that's their point of view. Ah well.
Sander said:
No, actually, I think it is new on this level. I can't recall an attempt to have games really restricted from sales, not just marked for 'PG13
I can. Carmageddon and original GTA were banned in several countries (Brasil, possibly Australia, and a bunch of others), and there was a massive public uproar against Kingpin because its release coincided with a massacre in an American school (it may have been Columbine, I'm not certain, though). There was even a disclaimer about it that popped up during game installation.

Sales restriction comes with mass popularity of games. Severed heads and internal organs weren't invented last year. Games that make your stomach turn are as old as PC, yet in 1995 nobody gave a damn about all the blood and sexual content in Phantasmagoria.

What annoys me is that publishers are oft willing to censor themselves in order to avoid negative publicity that inevitably comes with legal prosecution - I remember EA cancelling an already finished beat-em-up called Thrill Kill because they deemed it "distasteful". Yep, in 1999 EA were already greedy morons.
I can. Carmageddon and original GTA were banned in several countries (Brasil, possibly Australia, and a bunch of others), and there was a massive public uproar against Kingpin because its release coincided with a massacre in an American school (it may have been Columbine, I'm not certain, though). There was even a disclaimer about it that popped up during game installation.
Yes, and games have been banned before. But I was talking about general sales restrictions on ALL games with a certain rating, since that was what the article was talking about.
Games that make your stomach turn are as old as PC, yet in 1995 nobody gave a damn about all the blood and sexual content in Phantasmagoria.
yes they did. It got banned in several countries, caused a bit of a stir-up. And I remember reading an interview with the (female) creator of the creator about the games blood, sex and violence in one of my English books. (Yes, the ones used to 'teach' me English in school).
Sander said:
yes they did. It got banned in several countries, caused a bit of a stir-up. And I remember reading an interview with the (female) creator of the creator about the games blood, sex and violence in one of my English books. (Yes, the ones used to 'teach' me English in school).
You are kidding...