The Escapist magazine has done an article on the top ten story-based games ever made. Naturally, Fallout is not missing:<blockquote>Fallout's story may have seemed familiar in that you start out trying to save your people, and along the way find out you have to save the world. But it was also the first game I played that allowed you to not care about the fate of humanity either. Really, would you personally care about a bunch of dirt farmers that had no impact on your life? If anything, Fallout should be remembered for helping to give rise to the anti-hero, and all of the plot twists associated with them. Speaking of plot twists, the ending really made me wish I had gunned down more people that deserved it.</blockquote>Other winners include System Shock, Thief and Planescape: Torment.
In other laterally related news, Todd Howard has made Next Generation's top 25 people of the year on #6, thanks to producing hyped-up "best game ever" Oblivion. A good Fallout 3 will no doubt propell him up in the list. A bad Fallout 3...well...we've all seen what happened to Herve.
Link: top story-based games on Escapist Magazine
Link: top 25 people of the year on Next Generation
Escapist article spotted on DaC, thanks to Briosafreak for the Next-Gen news.
In other laterally related news, Todd Howard has made Next Generation's top 25 people of the year on #6, thanks to producing hyped-up "best game ever" Oblivion. A good Fallout 3 will no doubt propell him up in the list. A bad Fallout 3...well...we've all seen what happened to Herve.
Link: top story-based games on Escapist Magazine
Link: top 25 people of the year on Next Generation
Escapist article spotted on DaC, thanks to Briosafreak for the Next-Gen news.