Fallout in the top 3 rpgs on RPGDot.com!

Oblivion is rated higher than Fallout.


Higher than Fallout.

How do people that retarded manage to breathe, let alone write online reviews?
i wouldn't mind if they said oblivion was the best game ever. lets face it, too many kids (& sadly older people too) have forgotten or have never experienced what true gameplay is.

however, i'm quit offended to find this as the best RPG ever. it's rather moronic to rate a linear hack & slash game as the best RPG ever on RPGdot.com.

edit: right before my vote there is some moron rating 2/10 to fallout, so i took a look at what his other votes were:

Baldur's Gate: 10/10 points

Best ever

Fallout - A Post Nuclear Adventure: 2/10 points

Too overrated rpg.

Gothic 2: 4/10 points

Average game, Never great!

Might & Magic 6 - The Mandate of Heaven: 10/10 points


oh here is a nice one:

Fallout - A Post Nuclear Adventure: 2/10 points

I wanna sword not gun!

Fallout 2: 3/10 points

I wanna sword not gun! Better than orignal.

he probably met some yakuza & got their nifty little pointy things, dont you think?

what else can we find? ah yes. a discriminative customer: he votes everything 1/10. fo, deus ex, baldurs gate, PS:T, jagged alliance,... everything. except *oooh look bling bling* The Empty Scrolls: Oblivious & *zoing zoing* KOTOR2 with 10/10 each, how nice.

it is also nice to see multivoting is allowed & clearly condoned by the site.
Oblivion and MW are #1 and #2 RPGs? I suppose McDs and Burger King are top rated restaurants too.

And FO dropped to #5. ugh.
RPGDot said:
Retarded people like Oblivion and dislike Fallout.

13. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

That should have been higher than the Elder Scrolls. I would even put it right next to Fallout 1 and 2 as my picks.

But by far the most hilarious part has to be how Warcraft 3 beat Diablo 2.
Hold on - they have *Warcraft 3* on the list?!

Jesus fucking Christ. Why not put Red Alert, Half Life and Super Mario Bros. up there as well?
Feel glad that in the future, people won't be so stupid as to put bad and non-rpgs on this list. Future historians agree: Oblivion was not as good as Fallout.
[i said:
Rattus Rattus[/i]]Hold on - they have *Warcraft 3* on the list?!

Jesus fucking Christ. Why not put Red Alert, Half Life and Super Mario Bros. up there as well?
They've got Dues Ex there too. Apparently cross-genre games count under both genres, rather than their true ones.

Dues Ex: FPS with a few RPG elements = FPS
Warcraft3: RT Strat with very minor RPG elements : RT Strat

Leave them off the goddamn RPG list.

Black and White made the list too. At least its at the bottom, still, B&W = Sim, not a damn RPG.

FF7 and the rest of the FF games don't belong there either, in my opinion, but then, I don't consitter them RPGs, just interactive movies.
euhm, Deus Ex is more than just FPS with 'a few' RPG elements.

it deserves a spot, but WC3 doesnt
that would be really nice, yeah.

we mostly use dialog thingies for that usually though. lynette (for posting in the wrong forum) & horrigan (for being an ass) jump to mind.