Fallout in Warcraft 3?


Mildly Dipped
I've been thinking about it, and you can do pretty much anything with Warcraft 3's World Editor.

I'm thinking of making a working technical demo (or whatever). All I have to do is research and get the turn based mechanics right. It shouldn't be too much of a hassle to store all the skills, traits, character stats, etc.. into variables.

The only thing that would be missing would be character models and an actual game. I'm also not sure how verbose the dialogue tree can be with the World Builder but one does exist.

The big positive I see here is that WC3's World Editor is more user friendly than those released for Fallout.

Eh I'll probably get flamed off the forums for even thinking of this but I want some more Fallout and I currently don't see much, if any, progress with the current fan projects. Also Fallout 3 doesn't look very good anymore. >.<

Anyway I'm going to try out a campaign entitled Hero RPG that is supposedly turn based now. I'll update this thread in the future as I make progress (unless, of course, it ends up being vatted).
Well, to begin with it gets moved into General Modding, since that covers modding other games to resemble Fallout.
I worked on a similar project once (back in 2005 was it?) but I used the Glest engine and only made like 4 units (which looked terrible) but it did work, and was pretty fun. So I encourage you to continue.

I think my thread should be around somewhere...

Add: I found it.. aah the memories... http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209771

Sadly the "design documents" seems to be no more than broken links these days.
Oh I see. That's not really what I had in mind though. But thanks for the link anyway. I want to make something more like the actual Fallout games. From what I read, that project seems to be more like the many various Civ type maps that people have made for WC3.

I'm hopeful that if I can get a working tech demo that some more enterprising/inspired individuals/groups might be inclined to make something with it. :D
Yep. It was meant to be a Warcraft clone with a fallout theme. But your idea sounds interesting. Would be great to have a tech demo to look at! Great initiative there.
I tried a similar sort of thing using the Stratagus engine and using the Fallout Tactics sprites. But i couldnt relly get hero units in that game. Warcraft 3 could be a nice idea.

If it was made up like the bonus campaign in the frozzen throne where the player could go back and forth etc.. it would be really cool :)

I'd like to help out with this, but i'm still a noob at 3d animation.
I've done some work with going back and forth between one map and another. I can get it to work but it's glitchy, to say the least.

The main problem being that you have to store all this stuff in a saved... thingy (I forget what it's called at the moment) and then load it and then empty it, etc.. every time you go from map to map. It might be simpler to just make the whole RPG on one tremendously huge map.

The different maps would certainly load better though, than one large one.

Eh I guess I just need more practice with that. xD

But actually Fallout isn't about being BIG. I mean just look at Fallout's world map. That could easily only be a small portion of a Warcraft 3 map.

First thing I need to do though is start making the SPECIAL system. I think the key to making any kind of game with the Warcraft 3 engine is keeping all the stats seperate from the actual characters. The models and their actions are just eye candy anyway.
Interesting initiative, i've modded War3 a bit before. Anyway, if you haven't already you should check out this forum which is one of the best there is for editing warcraft3 as far as i can tell http://www.thehelper.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=42

There's tons of tutorials and something you might be interested in is InvX which adds a massive full-screen inventory with equippable slots and stuff, it's more than you need but anything is better than those piddly six slots down below.

You're gonna have a real field day implementing combat if you want it to be turnbased and proper and you'll have to do stuff like substitute distances (like 100 units) for hexes (this is needed for calculating AP movement costs) but I'm sure it can be done.
Yeah.. actually I played a short unifinished RPG one time that actually had turn based combat with movement. So it should be possible.

I expect the movement will be the biggest problem to overcome. Along with calculating to-hit ratios, distance modifiers, objects blocking line of fire, etc..

Need to know a few things:

If you set all your starting SPECIAL stats to 1, then you end up with 33 stat points, right?

What are the base values for these, and how do SPECIAL values effect them?

ArmorClass (???)
ActionPoints (5 + 1/2 agility?)
CarryWeight (???)
MeleeDamage (???)
DamageResistance (0 + perks, armor, etc..?)
PoisonResistance (???)
RadiationResistance (???)
Sequence (???)
Healing Rate (???)
Critical Chance (0 + Luck + perks?)

I think I will add traits later. Also I think I should only allow the player to pick SPECIAL stats, skills, and then traits one section at a time to make it easier to prevent exploiting stat resets. I know all the stats start out at 5 by default, with 5 to spend on them, but starting them all out at 1 with 33 points to spend is easier becaue then I don't have to put in buttons to reduce stat points.. Although I suppose I could do this later.

I piddled around a bit with the editor and now have a decent SPECIAL stats character generator.


I probably should have cut the screenshot down. >.< I'll do that later...

Anyways, as you can see all the stats can be put in and altered at any moment and used to determine the outcome of any number of situations. ^_^

I also have the skills and other various characters stats already stored in variables but don't have the values calculated yet.
If I remember correctly, it goes like this :
AC= Agility + armor (+perks, or - Agility for Kamikaze)
Action Points= 5+ (1/2 Agility)
Carry Weigth= 25 +25xStrength
Melee Damage= 1 for Strength 1-6, +1 for every point after that
DamageResistance= armor
PoisonResistance= 5xEndurance
RadiationResistance= 2xEndurance
Sequence= 2xPerception
Healing Rate= 1 for Endurance 1-5, 2 for 6-8, 3 for 9-10, 4 for 11+
Critical Chance= Luck + perks
Wasnt there an old version of the pen and paper version floating around that should have this information on in it?
Thanks for the info! :D

I was just copying & pasting the skill descriptions here, and noticed that something looked a little strange..

They're different. >.>

I've noticed all the skills seem to have one line added on, as helpful information to starting players. Is that the only thing added or is the rest of the information pretty much 100% what it was in the games?

Got the tag skills picking done. Though I still need to add a few variables for tagged skills, as otherwise when you increase them upon leveling it won't make them increase any faster.

Also need to have the skills change to accomodate character attritbutes.


I have a good idea on how to do this. Also I guess I'll use lumber for skill points. Sounds simple enough anyway...

I think I'll try to get all the non-combat mechanics working before I get into the turn based combat. A simple quest. A dialogue tree or two. Locked doors and/or containers. Computers.. how hard could it be? >.>;;
I just wanna say that I think this effort rocks, I would kill to have the knowlegde or skill to help out!
I think this is a great idea! When it's finally completed, I know I'll get back into WoW so I can play on your mod. I'd offer to help, but I've never tried to mod a game before.

Feel free to make whatever you want with the map. Just be sure to give me credit and also link to my clan's forums: http://clanddg.co.nr/

If you want to try it out, just start up the game and use the "attack" skill on the footman. It's a little glitchy and super simplistic but works for the most part. Have fun!

And yeah I'll still be working on it and making improvements. I still need to imiplement inventory, using skills, dialogue, and a bunch of other stuff.

The system I went with was actually inspired by what I had originally imagined Beth's Fallout 3 VATS system to be, turn based for the player and then a wild free for all for all the other characters after you've spent your AP. It was very easy to implement once I thought of using Mana & blink for AP & movement, respectively.
I just tried this out, looks really good so far. When you get the technical stuff sorted out I can try and help do some of the art for you :)
That would be nice. Especially new skins/models to make the game seem more Fallouty, as there's hardly anything post apoc in the custom Warcraft 3 stuff. :(

If there's any particular units you'd like to reskin then let me know and I can export and upload the originals. That is if you need them.

I think I'll concentrate on the skill system when I work on it some more. And stuff like linking the character's life to endurance, etc..

I'm trying to make the triggers as generic as possible. For example the turn based system would work with any neutral passive unit you put on the map.

I'm just glad there's a spellbook system I can use to put all the usable skills in. :D
I wonder if there are some models out there that we could use or recycle for this? There are a few secret starcraft units floating around and if/when project revolution gets finished there will be all of the start craft units. I'm not really sure I know how to skin models just yet, but I could give it a go.
Nice work, dude, I've got exams right now but I might lend a hand in a couple weeks if I can.
As for models you should try to get a modeller to use Gmax or 3dsmax4 with the Warcraft3 Art Tools to make weaponless characters and numerous weapon attachments that can be added and removed in-game. It's going to be some work but the models don't have to be too detailed and it's certainly nothing compared to the billions of sprite images Fallout has to use to cover every possible combination of armor and weapons.
You could try a recruitment drive on warcraft3 editing forums, if you have something cool to show to begin with someone should be interested.