Fallout in Warcraft 3?

Yeah I need to work on this some more. I can't stop thinking about how to implement weapons better so I'm gonna see if I can do that.

There's also the targeting system. This could get tricky. xD

Ah well one step at a time. *nods*

It's going to be a lot easier to design stuff for just the player, than for the enemies as well. Like I can make the eyes, head, groin, left arm, right arm, etc.. areas but I can't think of a good system to use for the NPC's as well.

Guess I've got a lot to think about...

Edit 1: Aha! The player will, occasionally, be randomly hit in a spot other than the torso. This will damage that area. This will be different from NPC's, whom will simply take more damage from criticals and/or have "abilities" added which will slow them down or whatever, depending on the targeted shot.

Anyways back to working on it. >.>
I think one of the more interesting things in this thread is the overall positive response of everyone, I think there is a real interest for this to happen.

I cant wait to play a new version of this
Yeah I was shocked at the level of interest too. Especially considering the default setting of Warcraft 3. :P

Anyways, I've almost got all the weapon details sketched out. It's amazing how many factors are involved with each different weapon type. You don't really think about it when you're playing Fallout, but there's at least 8 things about each weapon that makes it unique. And that's not including the sprite.

I was considering dropping stuff like weight, strength requirement, etc.. Actually there's still three factors I need to connect somehow to a unit's stats. I'll work on this some when I get back. Hopefully there's some more unit constants I can use.

I could just store all the item ID's in variables using triggers but I want to use as few triggers as possible while having all the information stored in a unit's stats. Because I'd rather work with units any day of the week than have to redo a hundred triggers. >.<

Edit: BTW does anyone know if any weapons ever required more than 6 AP to use? If that much? Doesn't seem like it..
I fairly certain that the bazooka was probably the slowest firing weapon with about 6 APs to use.
What a coincidence, just a week before I read this thread I also wanted to make a Fallout map in Warcraft 3 ^^

But then I realise that it’s better to wait until Starcraft 2 comes out, I think it’s will be much easier to start from the editor there.

This week I actually started training my Warcraft 3 map editor skills again (and some real programming) to prepare me for the Starcraft editor, but if you need help with your Warcraft 3 map I could help if I can.