Fallout inspired HL2 Map (56k warning, screenshots)


Vault Senior Citizen
As some of you may know, the GMOD community has a strong RP following. These maps are designed as towns, where the player can choose a role, and acout out interesting storys with friends. I am interested in this sought of thing, and seeing a role playing map enspired by fallout MADE me download it.

What i found was pretty interesting. A walled town marked shady sands, pretty true to the original, but with such things as a sherrifs office and bar, and failing crops. Along the road was my most interesting find. An old gas station, guarding a tunnel into a secret underground base, which had falloutish ambient music on loop. Obviously, this was navvaro. Though you guys would be interested to hear about this.

Some screen shots i took:


The navvaro gas station.


The tunnel entrance.


Enclave base terminal.


Enclave barracks.


The control centre.


Shady Sands.


A bar, reminiscent of the one in Junktown.




Dying crops.

Hope you enjoyed this little overview. I accept no credit for making this map, as it was done by Sewer Boy. If you wish to download it, here is a link: http://forum.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=133229
The first pic can't be taken in Navarro, 'cause the truck is obviously a Russian ZIL-130 truck (garbage variant).


Or do you call it a lorry?

But all that is pretty falloutish.
I think it was just something in the toolset that the mapper used to add flavour. It was probably featured in HL2 somewhere, as the game is set in an eastern european country.
Wow those maps are awesome! I like all the tiles and objects looking so tired and worn out. Excellent!

The Vault Dweller
Just a note, the creator of the map is not Sewer Boy, unless he goes by that name here. His name is CaptSuperCow on Facepunch Studios.
Ah, i apologise. You are correct. Strange though, i'm sure it said Sewer Boy two days ago. Weired.
Fucking hell these pics look sweet...

Now all you need to do is create one for each and every city on the Fallout maps and I'll be a happy man...

Congrats, these are just awesome
sweet pics/maps
the best one is THE CONTROL CENTRE
shame i dont own HL2...this maps may grow into a nice Fallot mod...
or were they already taken from the THE WASTES: SOURCE (or whatever) MOD?