Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

Baba Jaga

First time out of the vault
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The Human Abstract by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Future imperfect by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Finding the garden of Eden by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Jolly days by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Following in his footsteps by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Strictly business by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

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Collecting for fun and profit by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART

These are some of my photos heavily inspired by Fallout. A lot of them carry names of songs appearing in Fallout and some that aren't in the game but are of the same genre.
Sorry for it being in flash, but since they are hosted on DeviantArt (and since they provide sharing links in this form), I thought it would save me time from uploading to Photobucket and linking here.
That's right! I find songs/titles I'm listening to, to be a good source of inspiration as well. After a couple of hours of filtering photos, trying to get to an end result, it's hard to come up with a name, so a lot of song titles on my playlist are titles for my work as well.
Reminds me more of STALKER than Fallout. A bit of a shame the overlaying textures are so 'heavy'.
Textures were necessary due to poor lighting on those days, it made all the colours very dull and shadow-less. I'm a bit anal about lighting like that. If it's not perfect, I'm not happy. And so, I resorted to textures to turn photos into photomanipulations.
And yes, I guess there is a lot of Stalker in there too...but when it comes to something like this, it's hard to separate where Fallout ends and something else like Stalker begins.
Nah uh!

Gasmasks, trees, hay = Stalker. No gasmasks, wasteland, tight lycra suits = Fallout :D
I'm not here to argue...but do check the pictures in F3's Pipboy for various raider headgear and it's going to be there...
Baba Jaga said:
I'm not here to argue...but do check the pictures in F3's Pipboy for various raider headgear and it's going to be there...
you'll find that very little of us even think of FO3 when arguing when something "is Fallout or not".

that said, i think there's some mentions of gasmasks. doesn't Tycho carry one in his kit? (not in his inventory though)
Here's my two cents about the pics.

[*] Nice, but not fallout in the least.
At least not the fallout I know.

[*] There's way too much vegetation.
Fallout is supposed to be a barren wasteland with nothing as far as the eye can see.

[*] The focus of the pics seem to be the dude in a gas mask and very clean trench coat, playing in the woods and posing in grassy fields.
Fallout is supposed to be wide open spaces, ruined cities, mutated creatures, abandoned bomb shelters and military installations, and a post apocalyptic dystopia.

[*] "Finding the garden of Eden" was pretty close to capturing the loneliness and general feeling of agoraphobia
Is that even the right word? I dunno, I mean the feelings of being stuck in a huge open place with nowhere to go

[*] The colors suck. Fallout is a very colorful world, while the pictures are bland, lifeless, and, no offense, but quite boring.

you'll find that very little of us even think of FO3 when arguing when something "is Fallout or not".
Indeed. Most of the people here don't even believe FO3 is fallout.

SuAside said:
that said, i think there's some mentions of gasmasks. doesn't Tycho carry one in his kit? (not in his inventory though)

"He carries a gas mask just in case, wears hardened leather armor, has a knife, knuckles, canteen, all the usual survival gear."

Source: This post: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=671438&highlight=#671438
awesome pictures, though the guy reminds me of HUNK from resident evil oddly enough :/
Baba Jaga said:
<embed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=123596939&width=1337" height="558" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed>

Nice photos…the last one reminds me of Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid.

Very nice pictures, though, I do agree, not very Fallout-styled, other than the color tones.

Also, I'm actually just now noticing that gas masks are widely used in most post apocalyptic movies and games, but the Fallout games appear to lack them entirely. Odd.
Well, the filter cartridge usually lasts about 8 hours, and if you don't have good usable cartridges, the gas mask is pretty much useless. Those filters do expire, you know. Depending on cartridges, they have about a 10 year shelf life.
had similar ones in the army... used ones from swedish aid or smth :ugly: http://www.homelandsecurityppedirect.com/military/F2_respirator.htm

werent working that well... had a exercise where we went to a tent filled with tear gas... like 40% leaked/had a bad filter... including mine :lol: never the less we had to lug them around for 8th months... wouldnt really trust them with every day use in post apocalypse :crazy:

as for the photos, gear is good the processing on many of them is heavy, and yes, i know how crappy light can ruin a photo but theres better ways to save them. although if you look at them in their proper size on devart, theire much better, though i prefer these:



and the reason people say it looks like stalker is because stalker uses a grim, washed out color palette just as on your photos ;)
This chick left a year ago.

tO scared her off guys. I mean, drop it.