Fallout intro in best game cinematics list


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
After the legendary introduction movie to Fallout failed to appear on the GameSpy's staff list of Top 25 Video Game Cinematics; it has taken seventh place on the Reader's Choice follow-up.<blockquote>It may be old, but its presentation is still unforgettable. Its opening line -- "War. War never changes." -- was picked as our number-one most memorable video game quote and from the way you voted it looks like it's made an impression on all of you as well.</blockquote>So unforgettable that it failed to appear on the GameSpy staff list, unlike the 2006 E3 Super Smash Brothers Brawl trailer.

Link: Readers' Choice Top 10 Most Cinematic Moments in Gaming at GameSpy.

Thanks to Anonymous for the tip.
By the way, I don't know if it was mentioned anywhere outside Poland, but in 2005 Nowa Fantastyka, the oldest Polish science fiction magazine, published a list of the best science fiction/fantasy plots in computer gaming. They were:

Blade Runner
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
The Longest Journey
Fallout and Fallout 2
Planescape: Torment
The Nomad Soul
Gabriel Knight 3
Tannhauser said:
So unforgettable that it failed to appear on the GameSpy staff list, unlike the 2006 E3 Super Smash Brothers Brawl trailer.

Fallout might have made it into the "official" list, if half the GameSpy staff weren't afflicted by a throbbing anime fixation. In defense of their other, normal half, who picked mainly Blizzard cinematics...nobody beats Bliz as far as the movies go. Those guys just got a knack. What I don't get is how Halo weaseled in there four or five times, because that shit never gave me wood.

The Fallout intro goes someplace around 3rd or 4th on my personal list, but 7th of 10 in GS' reader poll sounds about right. I can't argue with the first place winner, either. That 40K intro is about unbeatable.
No Fallout? No Arcanum? Bah!
Anime fixation doesn't even explain it. Where's Star Ocean: Till the End of Time? That game had fabulous cinematics. Well. Fabulous cinematics were all it had that was worth anything. :P
Fallout 1 Intro deserves to be in every intro top ten list of the world.

This short clip is so awesome I can not describe it. Amazing how it manages to summarize the whole essence of the setting in a few scences.

The stark contrast between the naive 50s style vault comic movies, war propaganda (and the "funny" cruelty in it), car commercial and the "maybe" song playing then - shock- the viewer is completly ripped out of the tv utopia and confronted with this devasted world.

Even after watching trough that cinematic 100 times it doesnt lose this amazing effect for me.

Fallout 2 intro unfortunatly was much weaker, although admitatly the guys had big shoes to fill, and credits for them they didnt just make a ripp off of the fo 1 trailer (hehe, unlike some other developer we all love so much).

Also, I liked the introduction text of FO 2 better than that of FO 1.

"The details are trivial and pointless...the reasons, as always, purely human ones"

"Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth"

Woah, that gives me the chills.
Ausir said:
By the way, I don't know if it was mentioned anywhere outside Poland, but in 2005 Nowa Fantastyka, the oldest Polish science fiction magazine, published a list of the best science fiction/fantasy plots in computer gaming. They were:

Blade Runner
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
The Longest Journey
Fallout and Fallout 2
Planescape: Torment
The Nomad Soul
Gabriel Knight 3

Nice to see Nomad Soul on their.. Still one of my favorite games :D
Despite the Fallout 1 intro deserving a spot on "best intro cinematics" lists, I get the feeling the reason everybody are mentioning Fallout in every poll, is because Bethesda is paying them to do so.

The reader's poll follow-up shows just how stupid the masses are for one reason: Half-Life's intro, while a good idea, does not make a good cinematic. At all. It's only there because of "teh fanboyz!!"

Other cinematics I would at least recommend for consideration are:

# At least one from Psychonauts (just pick one, they're all great).

# The intro from Day of the Tentacle.

# The one in Final Fantasy VII where the Emeral Weapon is about to attack Junon. THAT was a good FF cinematic.
DarkLegacy said:
I see Kingdom Hearts 2 as #7 on the list.

Are you sure that you posted the correct list? :?
You're looking at the wrong list.
Wooz said:
How... predictable. In a "total corporate whore" way.

Actually, it's quite easy to see where their loyalties lie with the entire list of cinematics that they listed.

Gamespy gets put on the 'no-read list' along with IGN, Gamespot, and any other shitlicker. :x
uurrgghhh you're not usted to this kind of thing yet? gamespy have no credibility or integrity anymore, whenever i play a crummy but big budget game, i see gamespy give it 5/5! (really poor marking system btw % is surely better?)

did everyone see the s.t.a.l.k.e.r review? 8)

gamespy s.t.a.l.k.e.r reviewer said:
It's very tempting to say S:SoC is "Oblivion with guns," but that wouldn't be accurate. GSC Gameworld's offering does feature an open expanse of land for you to explore, but it's not nearly as vast as what a true roleplaying game like Oblivion offers.

Gamespy and IGN are owned by the same company. They generally give shit the same praise, and get console fanboys to write PC reviews, where they have plenty of leeway to prattle on like total dumbfucks.

Is it just me, or did they mention Halo five times?

And can someone please explain to me who the hell plays Final Fantasy? They mentioned it five times, too! And how they can get away with the glaring titular error?
Gamespy's First Place said:
Gears of War

Why am I not surprised?

Oh right, Because people like it when they're given the same palatable shit year after year...

That game didn't even have cinematics, those were just non-shooting moments, placed there to make the game even shorter (Single-Player clocks in at an astounding 6 hours to beat) and make for a good excuse to spray more brownish diarrhea blood over the place...
generalissimofurioso said:
Gamespy's First Place said:
Gears of War

Why am I not surprised?

Oh right, Because people like it when they're given the same palatable shit year after year...

Dude. That guy runs down a street... as directed by David Fincher! He jumps into a building... as directed by David Fincher! Clearly you do not pick up on these things.
Per said:
Dude. That guy runs down a street... as directed by David Fincher! He jumps into a building... as directed by David Fincher! Clearly you do not pick up on these things.

I must not, I mean... Am I the only person who expects the Transformers movie to suck? I mean it's directed by Micheal "I LOVE EXPLOSIONS AND CAR CRASHES" Bay!!!!
generalissimofurioso said:
I must not, I mean... Am I the only person who expects the Transformers movie to suck? I mean it's directed by Micheal "I LOVE EXPLOSIONS AND CAR CRASHES" Bay!!!!

* sight * Another fond childhood memory down the drain.
I think I am almost through all of them.
About time they show Fallout's cinematics some respect. It is overall the classiest intro ever.

By the way, anyone down to bomb Gamespy and IGN? (not?)