Fallout-like RPG

Krai Mira

First time out of the vault
I'm happy to introduce the game we are currently working on - http://crimeagame.com/index_en.php

Can I ask you to do a small favor for me? My English is not ideal so could you look at the text of the page and if you see the sentences that could look better please tell me?
Wow, the graphics are really nice. But I can't read anything from the non english. :/
I know it happens to me very rarely here, in the cradle of all kind of naive projects, but I'm very impressed with the buildings. The ones on the screens are actually more cool then in Fallouts.

Also, I do hope it won't turn out to be another fuckin' MMO.
Just because a game is isometric, doesn't make it cool

The developers of this game have a great resolution setting. But the camera distance is not cool.

Is the player suppose to be doing an air strike? Let me slap on a gui..... cool! now lets take a look at my modification.

Link: http://img53.imageshack.us/my.php?image=albumpicphpag9.jpg
Most of the english on the page is pretty good. I can tell it was written by a non-native speaker, but I can still understand what you're saying, so it's not a problem.

Krai Mira has no predetermined storyline, and the player has a great number of the ways of development.

I would say, "...and the player can choose many paths of development," or even better, "...and characters may be developed in many different ways."

Options to play for bad character

This should probably be, "Options to play as a bad character."

Puncher is great. I've never seen that word used as a character class, but it works. Do not change it.

Monster’s behavior is described by artificial intelligence (AI).

This sentence is technically correct, but I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. I think what you mean is, "Monster behavior is controlled by artificial intelligence (AI)."

There are some minor errors in the rest of the text, but nothing that prevents me from understanding what you are trying to say.

Good luck with the game, it looks great so far!
Is there a single player?

Don't get me wrong I mean it looks great, but if its online only I lose all hope and care for the game :?
I get tons of lots of more excited over this then I ever was over Fallout 3. Hope it turns out good and yes as some said, singleplayer would be the best... But interesting anyway!
Looks great. I don't speak Russian though, and don't care for online games too much.