2237 and the UK is still a molty mess?
Why do I feel they only have that date so they can put Tenpenny in and have him fuck off to America after a questline.
I don't think Fallout can't be done outside of the US. But a UK Fallout, I think, should look towards Threads, Where the Wind Blows, and their own mix of punk, mods, rockers, and the like from the 50s and mixing it with the 80s onwards.
The rule for any foreign Fallout should be - what did your nation think, in the 50s, its future would be like, then, what was it doing in the 80s, then add a hundred odd years of atomic energy and cold war politics ontop of that. Something like Ghana would be a left-leaning nation surrounded by a West African megacountry, for example, fighting off both Soviet and American influence to varying levels of success, and so on. Remember the movements then. Pan-nationalism, lots of balancing the powers, so on.
By 2237 it's been 160 years since the bombs, and 180- years since the European Commonwealth fell apart. You'll think *Something* would come up by then, than some small government around a neighborhood.
The Knights of Camelot thing is a neat idea. The Fifth Columnists...maybe? The UK had both a strong labour-left scene throughout the 20th century, and a strong right-base theme.
London should absolutely be flattened or holey. I can get the appeal of landmarks. But I would imagine something more like 3. Some landmarks left, a lot of holes, a lot less intact and pristine urban environments. Nuked bases, lots of camps, lots of burnt out warzones. Especially since the UK is much closer to the USSR and fuck it lets say the French lob a few their way.