Fallout mentioned in random spots

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This ghoul has seen it all
Fallout, aka "The Game That Refuses To Be Forgotten", is once again popping up in random places in the gaming media world. First is a sociogaming article by the Escapist analysing settings and zeitgeist:<blockquote>Games, as they continue to evolve in terms of technology and audience, progress toward a threshold of societal relevance. We, too, pull from the leaf-mould, and looking back on landmark successes in the game industry invites inspection: In Fallout and Deus Ex: Invisible War, we see a recurring post-apocalyptic theme (...)</blockquote>Fallout as a social comment game? Might be missing the '50's perspective in that short commentary. zioburosky13 pointed out a podcast on PC Gamer (#55) that mentions Fallout at 33:58:<blockquote>"Turn based...that doesn't seem to sell game this day" (...)

"Well Kotor was turn-based"</blockquote>Both these statements, surprisingly, are untrue. More interesting is Fallout again popping up on a Gamasutra list (having made "RPGs that advance the genre" earlier), this time as a honourable mention on the Leap Forward: Storytelling list (Deus Ex makes 1):<blockquote>Black Isle's 'Fallout' was one of the first games with a cinema caliber story, sharp dialogue, and true story-driven objectives. You had a reason to act that was intensely personal. The whole world may have been in danger, but your first priority was always your own friends and family. That you are then rejected and cast out into the wastes, even as their savior, remains one of the most poignant moments in gaming history. Even when you "beat" the game, your character loses that which is most dear to him.</blockquote>
On a personal note:

"Not only did Deus Ex include the feel of a branching story line, it also makes an attempt at changing the way your character acts and reacts based on previous actions. Everything from how many people you kill to whether or not you wander around in the women’s bathroom have an affect on other characters’dialog, and yours as well"

Isn't the same true of Fallout?
The same (although it didn't feel like a branching storyline, it felt like a whole world), and much, much more...
Kharn said:
'Fallout' was one of the first games with a cinema caliber story, sharp dialogue, and true story-driven objectives. You had a reason to act that was intensely personal. The whole world may have been in danger, but your first priority was always your own friends and family. That you are then rejected and cast out into the wastes, even as their savior, remains one of the most poignant moments in gaming history. Even when you "beat" the game, your character loses that which is most dear to him.</blockquote>

Friends and family? I don't know. IMO It seems that the vault dweller was chosen for no reason and kicked out from the vault to find a water chip. We have no background info on why and how he/she was chosen to carry such task (of course this might be a reason since Fallout is an open-gameplay style CRPG, the player can make their own reason of 'why' 8) )

/still can't believe his nick is on the news :lol:
Kharn said:
"Not only did Deus Ex include the feel of a branching story line, it also makes an attempt at changing the way your character acts and reacts based on previous actions. Everything from how many people you kill to whether or not you wander around in the women’s bathroom have an affect on other characters’dialog, and yours as well"

Isn't the same true of Fallout?
Yes, and it's also true of many other RPGs. Deus Ex, however, is an FPS.
Kharn said:
More interesting is Fallout again popping up on a Gamasutra list (having made "RPGs that advance the genre" earlier), this time as a honourable mention on the Leap Forward: Storytelling list (Deus Ex makes 1):

Funny that the screenshot shows a location from Fallout 2, and doesn't appear to have been taken in the game (car is in the wrong spot, no text in the message box).

Er, Starcraft's plot has nothing on Grim Fandango. The Longest Journey should perhaps be played some time. They like Jade Empire, too.
Per said:
Funny that the screenshot shows a location from Fallout 2, and doesn't appear to have been taken in the game (car is in the wrong spot, no text in the message box).
I believe it is a screenshot from the old official Fallout 2 website, you can see it down in the bottom center.

I can't believe they included Dreamfall, which tells half a story badly, and not include The Longest Journey. However, I never agree with any of these lists anyway. I do find some more insipid than others, I only look at any list from G4 out of morbid curiosity.
IF (EnterBathroom = 1) {&say "Stay out of the women's bathroom!"}
ELSE {&say "Good job!"}

Compared to Fallout's scripting. Gamasutra's smoking crack, again.