Fallout Modification Tools


Vault Senior Citizen
Here's a new summary page for modding tools:
Fallout Modification Tools

- View screenshots of each tool
- Read docs and notes for each tool
- Multiple sources for download
- Links to most recent versions
- Links to my FAQ

If you find any errors, newer versions of tools,
or tools that I don't have listed, please let me know.

Happy Modding.
Odin said: I've got that hosting ready if you want it.

Cool! Yes, I'd like to move this stuff over.
Let me know the details on how to transfer my files.

BTW I checked versions on all of the tools on NMA, DAC, and TeamX. All three sites have some old versions of stuff. I will submit the ones to NMA to get it up to date. Hmmm I just noticed that I can submit screenshots too, and I have screen shots of almost all of them now ...
Corpse said: Couldn't help to notice though you missed Falche

I didn't include tools that edited save game files, because I considered those to be more of a player tool than mod builder tool. But since you requested it, it 's now there.

The Charedit character creator appeared to be useful for creating premade characters for mods, that's why I included it. However, I never got this tool to work, it gives errors trying to save. I changed permissions and such and still had these errors. Has anyone used this tool successfully?

One other question: there is a DatRepairer tool mentioned here but the link for the tool is dead. If anyone has this tool could you please email it to me. TIA. Is there still as issue with DatExplorer corrupting DAT files, or has that been fixed now?
I thought you just overlooked it but nevermind.

The only issue with DatExplorer I know of, happens when adding multiple files into a Master or Patch000.dat replacement. If you make a dat you can run on modrunner or FAME, you don't need to worry about packing order.
there is a small mistake on your tools page.

"FRMHEAD 1.00.01 Create FRM talking heads "

FRM header maker is actaully used to make the INI "header file" for making new FRMs out of BMP files using Bmp2Frm
hee hee okay fixed. The readme says:
no error control, no hints. be careful.
It doesn't even say what the program does :lol:
That becuaeI used an online translater to convert 2.0 so I coudl figure out hwo to use it :) I can try and do the same for 2.51 if you want.

Also do you have a copy of the scripts I made and uploaded to NMA?

version 2.51 is very good and you can make a critter in half the time of 2.0 becuase of the scripting and automate options :)
Feel free to add my EXE Patcher:


And my INI Maker for FVP:


These 2 programs do the following:

Change the starting map
Alter the DAT name (patch%03d.dat)
Starting male frm
Starting female frm
Default male frm
Default female frm
Mod Name (Appears on the menu)
The starting year, month and day
Unlimited city count
Disable movies
PIPBoy at start
(FVP only) The world X and Y positions at the start of the game (it was annoying when you'd set a new city, and the player would be there, but the viewport would be still over arroyo)


Also note, that changing the DAT name can create many possibilites for modding. For example, if you change patch%03d.dat to myMod%03d.dat. And then you put your mod into a dat file named myMod000.dat, it should work fine. Then if you wanted to patch your mod, logically, you could just create myMod001.dat and add it to the directory. (I haven't tested this, but it should work)