Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

I got to the government vault by a train from Salt Lake City. When I try to interact with corpse on the first floor, the game crashes. I believe it prevents me from fulfilling "Fulfill your mission in government vault".

Another bug I noticed is lack of effect when I use horsekillers. Doesn't matter if I place it in hand and use, or if I select a character I want to poison, click backpack, then horsekillers. It gives no effect whatsoever. I would like to use it on a viewer by Patricks projection - no effect. I use it on mr. Presidents head in government vault - no effect (in speedrun video, the same action kills mr. President instantly - but the speedrun video shows russian version of the game).

Can someone please tell me if the bug is still there, or maybe I just missed some new translation version?

Best regards

OK, so reinstalled the game and the translation - the corpse gives no more error.
Horsekiller still does nothing.
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I don't know a lot about a horsekiller stuff, but i know it can be used to poison water/water-tanks and food/meals when its possible.

Patrick viewer while they project a movie? Just use your steal skill on him, leave him without gun and he will not kill Patrick durning movie and he will go away.
Horsekiller doesn't do so much direct damage as it does give a shitton of poison, like a radscorprion attack. If you want to kill someone with it, give them a dose, then wait ten minutes and watch their HP drop.

It's frankly more useful in quests than in the field, but it can still be used to kill someone (usually) unnoticed, similarly to super stimpaks.
Small cosmetic one - Caravan drivers reputation appears as one of karmic titles instead of rep:

I got to the government vault by a train from Salt Lake City. When I try to interact with corpse on the first floor, the game crashes. I believe it prevents me from fulfilling "Fulfill your mission in government vault".View attachment 9318

OK, so reinstalled the game and the translation - the corpse gives no more error.
Horsekiller still does nothing.

Sourcus, can you say which game & translation versions you are using?
I'm at the same spot with the same game crash as you describe.

I'm playing Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD
SFALL v.1.7.8
translation v1.02
SFALL2 v1.7.8
Why use such an old version (a year ago? lol)...
no yellow crosshair.
...and even from the Fallout Nevada (Crazy Edition), where their improvements and ini-settings. In particular, their cursors for skills (Lockpick-Repair in ddraw.ini).

If you are quoting me, it's 'SFALL v.1.7.8' and not 'SFALL2 v.1.7.8' that i'm using...

Old? I dunno I downloaded the game file and translations just when they got available a month (or 2?) ago, before imprvements were made and other problems arose (yellow crosshair per example).

Is there a more recent SFALL file still available? Will I be able to continue to play my savegames? Will it solve the problem with the game crashing upon speaking to the overseer in the government shelter, and the horsekiller-on-presidential-head problem?

If you are quoting me, it's 'SFALL v.1.7.8' and not 'SFALL2 v.1.7.8' that i'm using...
On the previous page, in post #97 you mention SFALL2 v1.7.8 :-p
As far as I know SFALL v.1.7.8 never existed, and if there were, it would have been made not a year ago, but 8 or 9 years ago, kek ;)

Of course, it wasn't personal about you, it was about using obsolete programs. It's like using a translation version only when it's started and wonder what is not right.

Is there a more recent SFALL file still available?
Latest SFALL version available here.
Ooooops... My bad ;)
Didn't took it personal, just noticed the difference and thought to mention it.

So then, if i install this new SFALL version, can i continue with my current save games you think?

Big thanks for the heads up on the SFALL link!
So then, if i install this new SFALL version, can i continue with my current save games you think?
Nevada, unlike Olympus 2207, developed without the requirement of using Sfall. However, I still recommend to use the latest version of Sfall (at least replacing ddraw.dll in the Nevada directory) because it fixes a lot of engine bugs.
And yes, I think that you can continue playing.
Well, I downloaded the new SFALL 3.8.4 file and replaced the ddraw.dll file.

I can play the savegames allright :-) but unfortunately the error with the overseer persists (when talking to him, the dialogue window opens but then the game freezes and crashes).

When i also try to replace the ddraw.ini file, I can't open the game due to an error stating the sfall and game are uncompatible...

Dunno what the .dll and .ini files are meant to do, and if the .ini file is as important as the .dll file though.

Any more ideas?
So after applying new patch(fresh install and everything) there is no yellow crosshair when using skills :sad:

In ddraw.ini find this:

;Change the skilldex cursor frm numbers
;Default is 293 for all skills

IF theres any different number change to 293, maybe it will help.
Just started playing the game (got it from here) and the first issue I've run into was an interface bug accompanied by a CTD, which apparently caused by the "inventory plugin" which adds additional buttons to inventory interface. The moment you open a container two sets of buttons appear on both sides of the inventory interface and when you close it the buttons on the right remain on the screen. Buttons still function but do nothing. Pressing the "armor" button caused a CTD but I didn't bother finding out why it happens as I deleted the plugin completely by running del_infilt.bat.
Gambling seems a bit bugged, at least in Reno. It says that "you've won" but doesn't actually add any money until you play again.
After I reached level 3, grabbing "Hint" as a first perk, everytime I open the level-up window I seem to get the perk selection screen again. choosing the same or another perk selects and adds it, but closing and opening the character screen just resets this again.

[EDIT: I managed to fix this somehow by reloading and opening several times in a row every load. Also funny thing is, taking here and now using this bug possibly provides infinite bonus skillpoints.]
After I reached level 3, grabbing "Hint" as a first perk, everytime I open the level-up window I seem to get the perk selection screen again. choosing the same or another perk selects and adds it, but closing and opening the character screen just resets this again.

[EDIT: I managed to fix this somehow by reloading and opening several times in a row every load. Also funny thing is, taking here and now using this bug possibly provides infinite bonus skillpoints.]

Sir you probably clicked "cancel" instead of "done " in character screen after choosing perk on smaller screen.
The talking head for the mayor of Vegas is the water storage of the raiders in Lovelock and vice versa.
The dialogue for Larry Geller (in Dead Hotel part of Vegas) isn't translated, still all in Russian. Also he's a ghoul but the talking head for him seems to be made for a normal guy with power armor.