First time out of the vault

grayx said:... it could be, as some above have said, actually tediously hard. Illogically, for no good reason annoyingly probability-based hard. The worst kind of hard.
Yes very true I actually felt the challenges were there for no other reason than to cover up the fact that they rushed the DLC or to make you understand why Elijah was there. The lines of Elijah say watch out for the speakers to stop if you hear it beep and look around.
My thought was piece of cake only until I ran into the first one and some kind hearted individual thought to hide it under a desk where I could not see nor get close enough to see the damn thing. My solution was lob a grenade in the room voila, success so fast forward into the casino and im out of grenades, most of the speakers are indestructible, and now I have to find holo-emiiters that have the ability to fry my already weakened character.

I could deal with those if they had instituted a pointing feature so you could at least know where to look for the speaker instead of running out searching dying reload repeat. The main thing is the speakers and holograms were bought from nowhere a main character that had so much potential was seemingly squandered and on top of that there was no considerably good weapons or armor around to make you understand "oh that's why it was that hard... I got the Power suit of god". I just hope the others are better and actually, you know challenge you instead of making you participate in the 360 controller hurl event.