Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The third Fallout: New Vegas developer diary talks about their basic decisions on picking Vegas and its style, and its surrounding areas. They claim it dovetails nicely with the general aesthetic of the Fallout series as a whole, while the Strip is a "big artistic playground", "it's like a big amusement park the size of a city".

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MVgRH7yePpk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></center>

Thanks maggit.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the look of Vegas. It's true that it's not that much post-apocalyptic, but I think it provides a nice contrast with the rest of the wasteland.
That one was MUCH better than the previous diary. I'm diggin the art style. I for one am digging the change of scenery and its nice to get a different look and feel in Fallout setting.

I do think however that I might need to stop watching these damn videos. I don't want to take all the visual surprises away! But this game is becoming one of those instances of watching a potential trainwreck that you can't pry your eyes away. This time however, I sorta want this train to make it home without it getting into some horrible accident.
While I like the Mojave Wilderness I just hate the ridicolous Vegas and the Casinos and such. I am replaying Fallout 1 right now and wonder where all the grittiness and desperation is gone.

Well, I guess it's just not "cool" enough. :/
Eh, society rebuilds 200 years after the war and starts with sins. Nothing extraordinary if you ask me.
Surf Solar said:
While I like the Mojave Wilderness I just hate the ridicolous Vegas and the Casinos and such. I am replaying Fallout 1 right now and wonder where all the grittiness and desperation is gone.

Grittiness and desperation is perhaps too buzzy a way to describe it, but yeah, I'm not a big fan of New Vegas as a concept either. Like New Reno, it brings in too many questions. How is it viable? Why are people wasting massive resources on this? There's a very rare power source in the area, are we really only warring over it now?

It seem they have learned little of why New Reno did not work in Fallout 2 and are just doing it again. Not looking forward to that.
I'm willing to give them some leeway since the game hasn't been out yet and those questions may actually be answered in the game.

Various interviews seems to imply (or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part?) that the Strip has been running again only very recently.
Well, they definitely have a problem with power, since there's an implied interest in power from Helios One.
I'm sorta on the fence myself.

I think I'll wait to see just how much of an explanation there is in the game for how Vegas is functioning. Hopefully they have developed a history/timeline that will justify its existence such as it is. I'm perfectly willing to forgive a few things (omg teh lightbulbs!) if the meat of it feels justified. I have my doubts about how fleshed out it will be, but we'll see. They seem to have done a fair amount of research generally speaking and hopefully there is much thought put into it.

I think I'm also kinda forgiving because I absolutely love the concept of a "civilized" oasis in the middle of a wasteland. I loved the juxtaposition of Vault City (and how horrible it was, albeit in different ways) and the wasteland and I hope this will deliver something like that as well but with a different flavor.

I would've also preferred something more "classic" post-apocalyptic like Fallout 1, I really miss the days when the game wasn't drenched in so much humor and "omg its teh fifties" flavor that it felt like the series is almost poking fun at itself.
Surf Solar said:
While I like the Mojave Wilderness I just hate the ridiculous Vegas and the Casinos and such. I am replaying Fallout 1 right now and wonder where all the grittiness and desperation is gone.

Well, I guess it's just not "cool" enough. :/

exactly! :clap:
Brother None said:
It seem they have learned little of why New Reno did not work in Fallout 2 and are just doing it again. Not looking forward to that.

Yep, not only that - I am also talking about the general style the art goes. Maybe it is because of the engine and all, but that all seems more like a giant playground and not so "serious" like in Fallout 1.
The same goes for the music and all and... ah hell... :|
I like the style and changed perspective on the wasteland.

Seriously, if I wanted more dark and gritty THIS-IS-WASTELAND, I could play Stalker, or Fallen Earth, or Fallout 1&2, or...

Nah, I'm happy they went for something new.
Of course, I also hope that it won't just be a bigger New Reno.
Lexx said:
So, this is from Hoover Dam. Looks somewhat small to me. I hope the location is big and gigantic ingame.
While I agree with the sentiment (the dam should be, well, damn big), I'm not sure that a close up of one guy in front of a pillar really tells us anything. I may be missing something so feel free to point it out to me.
WorstUsernameEver said:
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the look of Vegas.

mebbe, mebbe not. you mean the minority of Fallout fans world-wide or those obsessed enough to constantly post about it (us)? anyway, i'm with you. i dig it. and i'm stoked that aside from making the NECESSARY things better (story, dialogue, c&c) they actually spent a bit of time tweaking the ugly red-headed stepchild that is Bethesda's idea of a good engine. i pre-ordered the vanilla package for an in-store pick-up just yesterday after i realized my collector's edition pre-order most likely wouldn't arrive on the day of release.
TwinkieGorilla said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the look of Vegas.

and i'm stoked that aside from making the NECESSARY things better [...]

And having a good atmosphere prior to the the first game for example isn't neccesary? Or having quite a believable background without ridicolous elements?

No doubt Obsidian will pull good dialogues and a better story, I am not concerned about this, that's why I preordered the game too. All I was saying that I don't like the atmosphere the game is presented.
Surf Solar said:
And having a good atmosphere prior to the the first game for example isn't neccesary? Or having quite a believable background without ridicolous elements?

so you either:

a) have played the game already? good job!


b) are determined to decide what i believe is good, believable or ridicolous [sic]?

No doubt Obsidian will pull good dialogues and a better story, I am not concerned about this, that's why I preordered the game too. All I was saying that I don't like the atmosphere the game is presented.

when the heck was i ever addressing you? i don't care what you said. honest.
Broc Flower and Xander Root <3 <3 <3

EDIT: nipple tape?