First time out of the vault

Direct2Drive has the digital collectors editoin of New Vegas (it has the All Roads Novel) for sale for 34.95. You can put in a code to get an additional 15% off.'s-Edition-Download
My question is this, for those of you who have bought from D2D before: it says that a 3rd party install is required to play the game. I gather that this means Steam? So, if I get New Vegas through D2D, does that mean that it will install, update, and play through Steam just like any other Steam game?'s-Edition-Download
My question is this, for those of you who have bought from D2D before: it says that a 3rd party install is required to play the game. I gather that this means Steam? So, if I get New Vegas through D2D, does that mean that it will install, update, and play through Steam just like any other Steam game?