Fallout New Vegas, DT issue


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Hello everyone,

just recently I have followed Fallout NV mod guide from this site: https://www.gamingboulevard.com/2015/11/special-lets-mod-fallout-new-vegas-with-100-mods/

However, after playing the game a bit I have noticed that the game does not work as intended, project nevada in particular. I set bleedthrough at 1% at Project Nevada Rebalance, but it does not seem to work at all. Radscorpions, ghouls, automatic weapons. My full suit of combat armour does nothing, despite showing shield icon next to my health.

I am hoping for your help. Please hear my pleas, @Risewild !

With Regards, Ediros.

Here is my load Order:
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
WME - DLCs.esm
WME - GRA.esm
FOOK - New Vegas.esm
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
rePopulated Wasteland.esm
Companion Core.esm
RobCo Certified.esm
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
Casa Madrid Redesigned.esp
Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
ILO - GS Shack.esp
ILO - PipBoy Light.esp
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp
ILO - YUP Patch.esp
ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp
NewVegasUncut 123457 Merged.esp
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
hz_1 by 1 Reload Fix.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
FOOK - New Vegas.esp
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
FOOK-PN Convergence.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Project Nevada - WME.esp
FOOK-PN-WME-WMX-EVE Convergence.esp
RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp
Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes HH DLC.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
dD-Reduced Dismember Force - EVE.esp
dD-Smaller Wounds - EVE.esp
Conelrad 640-1240.esp
Mojave Nights.esp
P0N-3 Radio.esp
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
Cap Removed RR.esp
Zombie Serenade.esp
Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes GRA DLC.esp
Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
Unofficial Patch Plus - Project Nevada Patch.esp
Immersive Minigames.esp

Total active plugins: 94
Total plugins: 94
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Holy crap! Using 100 mods with Fallout Ultimate? Bad stuff is bound to happen. Always try to have a total load order less than 100 and around 90 tops.
Also I skimmed over the list on that site and I am sure there are mods that will conflict. To be honest your problem sounds like a mod conflict alright.
I am not a best to help with specific mods made by other people since I don't know how they are made. I know a lot about TTW and mods made by other TTW members, but since I haven't used an external mod besides TTW, DarnUI and MCM with FNV in years I really am not the best to find incompatibilities with other people's mods.

My advice, get the most recent version xEdit (aka FNVEdit), take some time to learn the basics of it (the basics are easy), IIRC gopher has some videos on how to use xEdit and you will be able to find incompatibilities by yourself in the future, another reason to get xEdit is to be able to make merge patches (note MERGE and not bashed, bashed patches are a different story) and long load orders need a merge patch to make all the mods work well together and avoid things being overwritten, RoyBatty has a nice video guide on Youtube or Twitch IIRC. This is the best advice for people who want to play FNV with a lot of mods. It is very useful to know how to do these two things because you will be able to have a stable LO for any future playthroughs of a modded FNV. :ok:
Holy crap! Using 100 mods with Fallout Ultimate? Bad stuff is bound to happen. Always try to have a total load order less than 100 and around 90 tops.
Also I skimmed over the list on that site and I am sure there are mods that will conflict. To be honest your problem sounds like a mod conflict alright.
I am not a best to help with specific mods made by other people since I don't know how they are made. I know a lot about TTW and mods made by other TTW members, but since I haven't used an external mod besides TTW, DarnUI and MCM with FNV in years I really am not the best to find incompatibilities with other people's mods.

My advice, get the most recent version xEdit (aka FNVEdit), take some time to learn the basics of it (the basics are easy), IIRC gopher has some videos on how to use xEdit and you will be able to find incompatibilities by yourself in the future, another reason to get xEdit is to be able to make merge patches (note MERGE and not bashed, bashed patches are a different story) and long load orders need a merge patch to make all the mods work well together and avoid things being overwritten, RoyBatty has a nice video guide on Youtube or Twitch IIRC. This is the best advice for people who want to play FNV with a lot of mods. It is very useful to know how to do these two things because you will be able to have a stable LO for any future playthroughs of a modded FNV. :ok:

I did install FNVEdit and have been using it for quite a while. However, the problem I have stems from something different. Project Nevada has got custom global, which can be regulated by the player and it allows you to set how much the armour protects you from. The thing is, it seems like it is being overwritten by something else. I have already moved it up a bit in my load order but so far no success. However after checking it with FNVEdit, I could not see any mod that seemed to modify the DT in any way shape or form. I suppose, I will have to simply go through all the mods and find the one responsible for this mess... Well, still thanks for the piece of advice, Risewild.
Why not use Fear and Loathing in New Vegas, instead? It uses Mod Organizer, which made modding a whole lot easier (because it integrates different utilities like FNVedit, LOOT etc etc) AND not even changing your directory (so you can have multiple sets of mods for different experience), and it was always updated whenever there's a mod updated (last update was March 27th 2017).