Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo offscreen footage

Broc Flower and Xander Root are back in. The fridge out in the middle of nowhere was kinda strange to me . I always hated that about F3, the randomness of where they placed most things in the environment.
I'm not sure but I think the fridge might be that Wild Wasteland "random encounter" where you find a fridge with Indy's hat and whip in them.
Damn, I forgot about quest markers. =/
Can we disable them this time around?
Interesting. I'm pretty excited for this game. I know my expectations are too high, but dammit, I'm excited. That vault boy in the corner of the screen when he approached the fridge, is that there to identify encounters? I suppose it'd make it easier to know what's an encounter and what's just random wasteland stuff. Not a great video, but new is new I suppose. It's always nice to see some raw footage, so I shouldn't really complain.

Also, it looks like there's a mirror of the flash video in case Zenimax takes down that clip.
Logan said:
Damn, I forgot about quest markers. =/
Can we disable them this time around?

Unfortunately, I doubt you can. It's not mainstream enough. I'm sure we'll have mods that will take em out by the first day however.
ZeusComplex said:
Logan said:
Damn, I forgot about quest markers. =/
Can we disable them this time around?

Unfortunately, I doubt you can. It's not mainstream enough. I'm sure we'll have mods that will take em out by the first day however.

There was no need to mod that in Fallout 3, you could just edit one ini and voilà, no quest compass. It's the console players that get the shaft.

Lexx said:
Fallout 3 got this already.

Not sure about the crouching animation but the limping animation looked completely different to me.
Walking animation still sucks. A lot. Very disappointing; they had plenty of time to correct this... so though I would like to go through the game using a 3d person view "a la witcher", i guess it's going to be a Bioshock style trip! Now... just if New Vegas were as good as a shooter as Bioschok is.... :|
TwinkieGorilla said:
not sure about you guys, but i play Fallout games for the walking animation!

Dude, not saying gameplay and the rest of the stuff is not important, but imo, if you are playing 3d person and the walking of Your Character is so terrible, it's gonna take you out of the game, it's just one point less to the ambience.
Vegas_Wanderer said:
Dude, not saying gameplay and the rest of the stuff is not important, but imo, if you are playing 3d person and the walking of Your Character is so terrible, it's gonna take you out of the game, it's just one point less to the ambience.

how very "Next-Gen" of you. me personally? i'm hoping for a well-written game which responds to the choices i make and the actions i take.
Incognito said:
well, no shit, but shitty animations made me rage in F3. So moar nice things, the better.

they had a little over a year to make this game using Bethesda's assed-out, out-dated engine. what would you rather they spent their time doing?

making a good rpg or fucking with graphics?

and oh, btw...this isn't news. the fact that ALL of you have known for some time that Obsidian was using Bethesda's engine and that New Vegas is going to look and respond in many of the same ways as Fallout 3 yet are STILL acting like you're surprised about the graphics is ridiculous. either let it go and hope for a good game, or stay away if the graphical or game-play elements bother you. what's the problem here?
Oh, I don't have a problem with graphics, on the contrary, I'm loving the looks of the wasteland and new animations.

Nothing negative here, nope.
Vault dweller and Chosen One walked in a zigzag pattern most of the time.

In their time, those games were average on graphics and animations, New Vegas IS NOT. It's 2010 and a just a few months later after Vegas release Witcher 2 will come out.... HUGE difference if you ask me.