Fallout: New Vegas game guide blog #4

Sam Ecorners

Vault Senior Citizen
This one is about enemies<blockquote>Wilder foes are classified as “Abominations,” creations abhorrent to the natural order of things, and “Mutated Animals,” wildlife with a taste for human flesh. At the top of the “crap your pants in fear” chart are the Alpha Male, Female, and Legendary Deathclaws — taller, bigger, and sharper than their east-coast brethren. Geckos also dash around the countryside, bigger than a man, and skedaddling faster than you can run. Venture into an old Vault in the northwestern mountains, and expect encounters with atrocities that merge the line between plant and animal. Fight off the slithery and furry advances of the Nightstalker, then save some of your ammunition for the scatterings of Feral Ghoul settlements and encampments of blue Nightkin Super Mutants — and their lunatic leaders, Tabitha and Davison.</blockquote><center> </center>
The sort-of "glove" part of Caesar's weird device sort of looks like speakers. Maybe a sonic-based power fist-type weapon or something? :eyebrow:

EDIT: And I just noticed the big robot sitting on his bed. Is that an auto-doc or something, maybe?
Does anyone else think that thing on Caesar's arm looks kind of like a pipboy? Electronic boxy thing on the arm, thing on the back of the hand that looks like a dial or clickwheel...
DemonNick said:
Does anyone else think that thing on Caesar's arm looks kind of like a pipboy? Electronic boxy thing on the arm, thing on the back of the hand that looks like a dial or clickwheel...
I'd have to go with this thing being a weapon, or trigger of some sort. Pipboys are equipped automatically on the left arm, whereas melee based weapons are equipped on the right.
DemonNick said:
Does anyone else think that thing on Caesar's arm looks kind of like a pipboy? Electronic boxy thing on the arm, thing on the back of the hand that looks like a dial or clickwheel...

That was my first thought as well, but it's on the right hand - probably some kind of power fist.

EDIT: Late...
warsaw said:
DemonNick said:
Does anyone else think that thing on Caesar's arm looks kind of like a pipboy? Electronic boxy thing on the arm, thing on the back of the hand that looks like a dial or clickwheel...
I'd have to go with this thing being a weapon, or trigger of some sort. Pipboys are equipped automatically on the left arm, whereas melee based weapons are equipped on the right.
Makes sense I guess. Oh well, it would've been cool.
Incognito said:
randir14 said:
The article says NCR has vertibirds, how did they get them? Maybe enclave remnants joined NCR?

Go play F2.
I don't think that's really addressed in FO2. I remember being able to give the plans to the Brotherhood and the Shi, not NCR.
randir14 said:
The article says NCR has vertibirds, how did they get them? Maybe enclave remnants joined NCR?
That or the Chosen One made more than one copy of those blue prints.

edit: or NCR just took them from the BOS as spoils of war.
Perhaps this is the rare Pipboy model for left handed people... or the picture is just reversed to screw with us :P I vote for the latter.

As for that robot behind him my first thought was the robot in that game that came out a little while back, Planescape, the computer/robot thingy.
My! The deathclaw skin-texture, it looks reptile-like. I don't recall this it to be like this in F3.

the glove-wrist thingy looks like an energy based power glove to me. I also recall an in-game animation hurling an opponent away after being hit by a swinging hand and big green light flash. This one?

They should turn up the shadows a notch. BUT, what's with the shadow on the far right?
looks like a (N)PC with a stealthboy.

The quarry crane is cool. It looks like they using more interesting scenery this time around

All the different subspecies, like with the deatclaws, small ones to alphas. |Makes me think of fallout tactics. in FT:BOS they also had all this subspecies. I liked it. I Also liked Bos and their squad tactics, with Paladin (in power armor) leading the less protected troops and grunts.
Candlejack said:

They should turn up the shadows a notch. BUT, what's with the shadow on the far right?

They wanted to get rid of the kneeling guy there but they made it badly.
Candlejack said:
They should turn up the shadows a notch. BUT, what's with the shadow on the far right?

So it's obviously the form of a man, presumably using a stealthboy. I didn't see the vid, is this screen taken from the players view or from some floating camera. It's likely that player character back there, but if the scripted for certain NPCs to actually intelligently use things like stealthboys I'd be very impressed.

I'd be glad to stumble upon rangers taking out mole rats in this fashion, and more excited if there were a couple instancesmissions where a failed perception chek means radar/VATS is totally unaware and I've got to spot a shadow like that or I get ambushed, pickpocketed, or a person I'm hunting escapes.
Could make a great escaped prisioner/slave mission, with you being the one hunting them down. Have a squad of your allies blocking the other exits from some warehouse, casino, or hotel and you are sent in the front to find and subdue/recapture them. High perception, means easily spot them. Low perception makes is a real challenge. If you pass them, they escape and you fail the mission. That would make a very different mission type than what we're used to seeing.
The guy in the background is just nearly out of object view range. Fallout 3 has the same effect. I'll guess it's just a "lucky" screenshot.