Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay

Lexx said:
Maybe the story ending doesn't allow to continue the game. Then it's silly to make it possible to continue.

It doesn't matter to people.

They want to meander aimlessly regardless of what happened.

Even if they make the best ending ever, if people can't play past it, they will flip out and call Obsidian the worst devs ever.
MrBumble said:
Fair enough.

But I still have to ask though : is there a heavy polygon limit that comes with Gamebryo that forbids Super Mutants from looking like

yup the 10 years old engine is not able to display on screen 10+ models with this detail and make you play at reasonable frame rate.

and we are talkin about a multiplatform game...
MrBumble said:
Fair enough.

But I still have to ask though : is there a heavy polygon limit that comes with Gamebryo that forbids Super Mutants from looking like


or was it an actual artistic decision ?

Because they could easily achieve that kind of graphics with today's technology so does it have anything to do with them using a ten year old engine ?
i believe it was a artistic choice just like there other choices to change the game from 1 & 2.
Bimmy said:
MrBumble said:
Fair enough.

But I still have to ask though : is there a heavy polygon limit that comes with Gamebryo that forbids Super Mutants from looking like

yup the 10 years old engine is not able to display on screen 10+ models with this detail and make you play at reasonable frame rate.

and we are talkin about a multiplatform game...

Sadly, this is probably close to the mark, although it might not have as much to do with the game being on consoles as it does with money and time.

Even with access to an engine that could do everything they want and more (zenimax owns iD now..) they are trying to keep using their horrible (but paid for) Oblivion base to minimize production costs and development time, and while they save money on that, the consumers pay full pop to get a shoddy product shoehorned into a very old engine that really does not hold up to the newer standards and which by now is probably being held together by duct tape and chewing gum.

There are many recent xbox/ps3/pc crossplatform titles that do not look this chunky and dated, and which do not have anywhere near the same level of glitchyness. Many of them are FPS games that require a pretty steady and decent framerate to play effectively.

Look at a game like ET:QW (SD and iD both worked on this and now they are both working with bethesda on "Brink")


While it can look amazing on PC, it still runs well on ps3 and xbox, you get what amounts to a playable framerate for a multiplayer FPS, and it looks lightyears ahead of FO3 or FO:NV in terms of model detail (effects and shaders too). It has weather effects, realistic looking water, huge enough outside environments to allow for vehicles and it has the kind of drawdistance that few other games would even be able to use effectively.

If they'd spend less time and money on hype, and spend it instead on actually liscensing/using a decent engine for the application and customizing it to fit the game they are actually making (as opposed to trying to stretch an old one from another game for as long as possible), they would have a title that sells itself without having to lie to the public about how "next gen" it looks and line the pockets of "reviewers" to get good scores.
Bimmy said:
yup the 10 years old engine is not able to display on screen 10+ models with this detail and make you play at reasonable frame rate.

and we are talkin about a multiplatform game...
To be fair, no platform could handle an open-world game with that sort of character model. Not even close.
Dionysus said:
Bimmy said:
yup the 10 years old engine is not able to display on screen 10+ models with this detail and make you play at reasonable frame rate.

and we are talkin about a multiplatform game...
To be fair, no platform could handle an open-world game with that sort of character model. Not even close.

How about Just Cause 2 ?
It looks fantastic, it's an open world and the framerate is decent even on consoles...
Dionysus said:
To be fair, no platform could handle an open-world game with that sort of character model. Not even close.

Have you not seen the Id Tech 5 engine? Megatexturing can handle that shit. So can the latest version of the Unreal engine.
Jet1337 said:
Have you not seen the Id Tech 5 engine? Megatexturing can handle that shit. So can the latest version of the Unreal engine.
The shots I've seen of Rage don't come anywhere close to that model of Marcus. There's no question that New Vegas could look better, but we're a long way from putting a bunch of those models in a sandbox RPG.