There's a new post on Bethblog about locations in F: NV<blockquote>But what kinds of locations are available to the sight-seeing Courier? Well, some personal favorites include The Devil’s Throat; a giant rock depression filled with Evolved Centaurs, radioactive barrels, and heavy Energy Weapons. There are stretches of lonely highway to trek down passing savaged caravans with Brahmin corpses stinking in the mid-day sun.
There’s a whole mountain wilderness where Super Mutants are the friendliest creatures you’ll face, and hidden pathways to find locations you previously thought inaccessible. There are mines, shacks, ravines, mountains, caves, sweeping plains, dry lakes, rocky promontories, and wild canyons where the thrill of traversing the rugged landscape changes to fear as your hunting rifle jams just before a Legendary Fire Gecko spots you. And that’s before you enter the outskirts of New Vegas itself. Finding out which locations are safe to explore and which are deathtraps filled with Deathclaws is only a glimpse of what the strategy guide offers. Expect a full, complete, and helpful tour of every nook, cranny, and secret safehouse there is to find.</blockquote><center>
There’s a whole mountain wilderness where Super Mutants are the friendliest creatures you’ll face, and hidden pathways to find locations you previously thought inaccessible. There are mines, shacks, ravines, mountains, caves, sweeping plains, dry lakes, rocky promontories, and wild canyons where the thrill of traversing the rugged landscape changes to fear as your hunting rifle jams just before a Legendary Fire Gecko spots you. And that’s before you enter the outskirts of New Vegas itself. Finding out which locations are safe to explore and which are deathtraps filled with Deathclaws is only a glimpse of what the strategy guide offers. Expect a full, complete, and helpful tour of every nook, cranny, and secret safehouse there is to find.</blockquote><center>