Fallout: New Vegas guide blog - Locations

Well, it's possible that even if we consider Hecate to be canon, not all the Vipers joined her.
Big Danny K said:
70 quests? AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Fallout 3 had...? How many..? 20-30 quests? More or less?
I'm talking about the vanilla without the add ons

Fallout 3 vanilla without add-on had exactly 33 quests recorded on Pipboy, plus some other not recorded, and main quest was divided in multiple entries.

Fallout 2 had.. +- 120 quest recorded in Pipboy. Fallout 1 had a little less than that.

But it's hard to compare with that kind of numbers, it depends essentially on how fresh and deep that quests are.

edit :
New Vegas has a massive game world featuring well over 200 primary locations, and that’s not including around the same number of secondary locations not on your Pip-Boy’s map
Fo3 had 162 primary locations, and most of them were quite empty..
Still can't get over the flat ground, it is kind of a little thing but it was one of my biggest complaints about 3 that pretty much nowhere was flat.
To me it feels like I made just like 5 Quests in Fallout 3.
Am I the only person that see that the whole city is levitating over low resolution texture and the railroad suddenly cuts of into it? Bah, you can even see that this signature tower of New Vegas has it's lower half cut off :|

This terrible effect was very visible in FO3 too. But nowhere you could see it so clearly.

But the lighting is nice :)
PinkyKillerCat said:
Am I the only person that see that the whole city is levitating over low resolution texture and the railroad suddenly cuts of into it? Bah, you can even see that this signature tower of New Vegas has it's lower half cut off :|

This terrible effect was very visible in FO3 too. But nowhere you could see it so clearly.

But the lighting is nice :)

uh, what?
There is a mountain top blocking the half of the tower, but I agree with you to an extent on the roads, but couldn't it be possible that the rest of the tracts are missing/stolen?
John B. said:
There is a mountain top blocking the half of the tower, but I agree with you to an extent on the roads, but couldn't it be possible that the rest of the tracts are missing/stolen?

Sure, especially now that I looked at the picture very carefully. But the city still looks pretty ugly to me, and this mountain top you are talking about would have to be very plain.

It's mostly because there's not much crap around, you just have this desert and whole city visible in the distance. Makes me notice all the flaws of Bethesda's Gamebryo...

Incognito said:
Pretty sure that's NCR built railroad.

NCR wouldn't build those railroad barriers.
yeah, i don't get it either. not sure i want to. the pic looks pretty decent to me. not mind-blowing but still enticing. the city looks fine, the tracks look fine, the flat land is awesome.
generalissimofurioso said:
Also, I get to be afraid of radiation again!

Bethesda laziness: you can tell when locations are irradiated because there's going to be a lot of smog in the air/murky water/etc. The scary thing about radiation in real life is you DON'T know what is irradiated and what isn't. There's no big smoggy green cloud to tell you what's going to kill you and what isn't.