Fallout: New Vegas help request


First time out of the vault
Well, I have encountered a nasty bug. I picked 2 ranks of perk "Implant GRX", but it's still 5 per day and lasts as long as it would last on rank 1. Adding via command is impossible, console responds that "item not found for parameter perk", so its basic ID specified in wiki isn't valid. Trying changing first two digits for other DLCs didn't work. Same with restarting PC and loading saves. Can anyone suggest a solution please?

Note: all DLCs installed, nvse installed, mods "Functional Post Game Ending" and "Aliens now Respawn" from nexusmods online and working. Any help appreciated.
You would have to post your modlist. Certain mods, like Project Nevada modify the implants or remove them. My guess is that a mod is at play, as the implant GRX works in vanilla. Did you wait 24 hours?
I posted my modlist. Aliens now respawn and Functional Post Game Ending. Haven't tried Nevada yet. And I waited using "wait" option (hotkey T) and waited 24 hours.
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If I were you, I would instal FNVedit and search if any of the mods modifies a script from Old World Blues DLC. That's where implant GRX is located along with few others.
If I were you, I would instal FNVedit and search if any of the mods modifies a script from Old World Blues DLC. That's where implant GRX is located along with few others.
Well, installed, operational. Opened Old World Blues.esm, foung GRX description. No conflicts displayed. It says that its ID is 04009d48, as if it was Lonesome Road perk. But, typing exactly same in cosole stil says "Error! Item "04009d48" not found for a parameter perk. Compiled script not saved!" What to do next?
You're not looking for GRX exactly. But a script. I can't remember exactly which, but it should be referrenced in GRX or one of the implants.
Well, thanks. Bug fixed. (Strangely. I didn't change anything. I just removed it through console (it worked on removal woth different ID and re-picked on level 36)