Fallout New Vegas: Interior lighting is screwed up...


New Vegas gunslinger
Never in my life have I played a game where some interior locations with interior lights are well lit and easy to navigate, while some others with interior lights look like the lights are broken or something. Either that or Mr. House has been laying off his light-bulb changing robots to save on Caps, because I can't see a DARN THING when I go into the Lucky 38 casino in New Vegas!

Oh sure, the penthouse and cocktail lounge are fine and all, but that's only because of those big windows that overlook the entire Wasteland. In the main casino floor and the Presidential Suite? You'll be lucky if you can see 3 FEET in front of you, even with the Pip-Boy light!

And I KNOW those interior lights are working; I've seen these rooms in various YouTube videos, and they were both well lit. So what exactly is going on here? It's not a bug with the graphics settings or my monitor, I know that much.

The screenshot below says it all ( it's worse on my screen, believe me ): Something is seriously wrong here, and as my copy of New Vegas is a pirated one my brother gave to me for my birthday (jerk, I said I wanted 4, and why is it even pirated...), I may not be able to use a mod to fix it; I've heard those mods don't work very well with cracked copies of the game. And after all the nonsense Bethesda has put us through with Fallout 76, they'll be snow on the Strip before I shell out money for a legitimate copy of the game, AND all the DLCs. They don't deserve that money after all this "Fallout 1st" baloney they've pulled.

Is there any way to fix this terrible interior lighting? Or do I just have to use night vision items and hope for the best? And if I ever have the chance, should I just put down the money for a normal copy of New Vegas and the DLC? I hate playing a pirated copy, but Bethesda's shady business practices with 76 has me throwing my money elsewhere.

