Fallout: New Vegas miscellaneous round-up


But best title ever!
First, Hexus.Gaming has a new preview of Fallout: New Vegas. Here are their conclusions:<blockquote>In truth, Fallout: New Vegas doesn’t look too dissimilar to Fallout 3, both in look and in structure. But the new narrative, Vegas setting, tweaks to the gameplay and additions to the combat system should be more than enough to tempt fans of the series. There's not long to wait now! Fallout New Vegas is set to arrive on European shores on October 22, 2010. We'll have a full review shortly. </blockquote>Second, Ausir rounded up some posts from various Obsidian devs about Fallout: New Vegas on the official forums in a newspost at the Vault.

Josh about Hardcore Mode, fast travel and the tweaks to the game UI:<blockquote>
Yes. If you travel a long distance you are likely to have your H20/FOD/SLP meters lighting up when you get to your destination. </blockquote><blockquote>The PipBoy shows exact values (as with RAD in F3), but the HUD has pop-ups for general "danger".

When you hit the first level of badness, the three letter abbreviation will pop up but be dim and HUD-colored. So if your HUD is set to blue and you hit Minor Dehydration, it's a dark blue, semi-opaque H20.

When you hit the second level, it's normal HUD color, fully opaque. No messin' around, get some H20.

At the third level, it turns red. At the fourth level, it slowly pulses red. At the fifth level... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U7rOUSvYM8#t=6s

There are five abbreviations that can show up on the HUD: H20, FOD, SLP, RAD, and LMB. With limbs the color changes as more of your limbs are crippled. Just in case you forget that your torso, both legs, and both arms are piles of mush. </blockquote>Frank Kowalkowski and Josh Sawyer about VATS, or rather, its necessity:<blockquote>I did a playthrough recently on PS3 without pulling up VATS other than fat fingering the trigger. There are certainly play styles and character builds that will get great benefit from VATS and some that don't. </blockquote><blockquote>Long-range characters or stealth-oriented characters benefit less from VATS than general mid-range run-and-gunners. </blockquote><blockquote>There's still a maximum VATS range, regardless of PER. And IMO, it's pretty boring to stroll through the game making silenced VATS head shots at guys at ranges that are far outside of (their) detection range.</blockquote><blockquote>Stealth characters that are melee characters(?) or those that like to sneak up close for higher VATS percentages? (with guns)

Either way, it's less useful because the targets tend to be unaware and not moving (or not moving fast), which makes them relatively easy to hit.</blockquote><blockquote>I was a stealthy long-ranger with Boone in my corner (sometimes Cass) and also had speech tagged. I also play a lot of console shooters, so the mechanics of dispatching enemies at all ranges is probably helped by that. I used primarily rifles and the more powerful handguns (revolvers). When vault/cave clearing I'd throw an SMG into the mix for room clearing at close range. </blockquote>Josh on the Courier's background:<blockquote>To clarify, the Courier was definitely traveling from California (you are ambushed off of I-15 on the way to New Vegas), but nothing is said about where the Courier came from prior to starting that trip. </blockquote>To conclude, according to Dan Stapleton the review embargo will be lifted the 19th, the US release date.
Ha review embargo? You shouldn't need that unless the game is complete shat, if the game is any good than shouldn't you WANT reviews? finding out about that embargo has just made me want to cancel my order.
So it's entirely possible I've missed it, but have they released what the effects are in game as we ding 1st, 2nd, 3rd level on dehydration, hunger, radiation, crippled limbs?

Also, are we certain the levels for crippling just denote # of crippled limbs? Could it not denote their level of damage?
Like: Level 1 damage - you jumped off a high ledge, took some damage and sprained your right ankle. (penalty: slower movement)
Level 2 - a mole rat visciously gnawed into your calf (crit hit), its infected and your whole foot is numb. (penalty: slower movement, and will progress to level 3 after 2 days)
Level 3 - a rocket just destroyed your ankle. You are carrying your foot in a ice chest & you probably lost 3 pints of blood in the whole process. (penalty: severe movement penalty, perhaps slow damage over time)
John B. said:
Ha review embargo? You shouldn't need that unless the game is complete shat, if the game is any good than shouldn't you WANT reviews? finding out about that embargo has just made me want to cancel my order.

So what does that mean exactly? No one can review the game until the 19th?

If thats the case that isn't a bad idea for New Vegas because unless at least a Fallout 3 fan is reviewing the game it is going to get crap reviews. Someone who never played Fallout 1 or 2 & also does not like Fallout 3 is going to give Fallout New Vegas a shit review. The best thing for us and the developers is for Fallout fans to just buy & play the game and come up with our own review.

Then you look Fallout 3 casual fan's, they are going to pick up New Vegas and it will just be another game to beat and move on from while also feeling stupid for buying a $50 - $60 game unless they did the alternative which I as a fan am not going to do, plus the collectors edition is worth the money for me.
MKSaibot said:
So what does that mean exactly? No one can review the game until the 19th?

Nobody is allowed to release a review until the 19th.
12 days left (for Europeans) and 9 days for Americans/Canadians
In Fallout 3 I abused the Fast Traveling system, using it ALL THE TIME!
Now in New Vegas I'll have a reason not to use it
Big Danny K said:
12 days left (for Europeans) and 9 days for Americans/Canadians
In Fallout 3 I abused the Fast Traveling system, using it ALL THE TIME!
Now in New Vegas I'll have a reason not to use it

Well my question is like if you fast travel from one end of the map to the other in hardcore mode will it come up with "You cannot travel that far you will die" or does it let you go ahead & do it but when you arrive at destination you are basicly like nearly dead?

Or maybe it will automaticly use items in your inventory to sustain your fast travel.

That is my question
MKSaibot said:
Big Danny K said:
12 days left (for Europeans) and 9 days for Americans/Canadians
In Fallout 3 I abused the Fast Traveling system, using it ALL THE TIME!
Now in New Vegas I'll have a reason not to use it

Well my question is like if you fast travel from one end of the map to the other in hardcore mode will it come up with "You cannot travel that far you will die" or does it let you go ahead & do it but when you arrive at destination you are basicly like nearly dead?

Or maybe it will automaticly use items in your inventory to sustain your fast travel.

That is my question

Yeah, that'll be interesting...
Maybe you'll stop in a random location there you'll eat/drink and then continiue your Fast Travel...
It will not let you fast travel, if you will die on the way. So if you are low on the bar, it's possible that you can't fast travel at all.
Ignore my last post

That is what I get for being ADD, if you read the thread about fast travel it answers my question's. The only thing I am still wondering about is IF you have food & water etc in your inventory will it allow for the long distant fast travel that would otherwise kill you if you did not have the sustaining items in your inventory.

My hopes are that the game will not automaticly take whats in your inventory & use it for long distance fast travels to even further keep you from doing it. I wish there was no fast travel at all in hardcore mode and I don't even have that much time on my hands to play the game, but im also not going to be in a hurry to beat it ethier.
That could wind up badly for the poor traveler, "oh look at that I can just fast travel to get to town around thi- oh looks like I'm takeing the long rout, damn hunger bar!"
John B. said:
Ha review embargo? You shouldn't need that unless the game is complete shat, if the game is any good than shouldn't you WANT reviews? finding out about that embargo has just made me want to cancel my order.
Maybe Bethesda didn't set up a 5-Star hotel for the game's reviewers this time, don't want to take any chances! :lol:

All I know is I'm 100% sure it can't be any worse than 3.
John B. said:
Ha review embargo? You shouldn't need that unless the game is complete shat, if the game is any good than shouldn't you WANT reviews? finding out about that embargo has just made me want to cancel my order.

What? Aren't you overreacting a bit?