Fallout: New Vegas miscellaneous round-up

John B. said:
My last system was purchased in 1998 so what happened in the two years after I bought my console?

You got me? But my last console was a GameCube, so Fallout won't be much an option on it. Now, were it possilbe to rent games for the PC, I'd probably take a weekend playing numerous different games that just aren't worth the $30-50 to me. Still they'll be in a bargin bin one day. (I'm always bummed when I see STALKER at $30. It looks like a decent game, and get good reviews, but I don't really do shooters so I'm not going to pay over $15 for it.)
You could always go gamefly, if your willing to pay the subscription fee it's well worth it from what I've heard.
John B. said:
You could always go gamefly, if your willing to pay the subscription fee it's well worth it from what I've heard.
Very well worth it...that is how I'm playing FNV. :D
smber2cnma said:
John B. said:
My last system was purchased in 1998 so what happened in the two years after I bought my console?

You got me? But my last console was a GameCube, so Fallout won't be much an option on it. Now, were it possilbe to rent games for the PC, I'd probably take a weekend playing numerous different games that just aren't worth the $30-50 to me. Still they'll be in a bargin bin one day. (I'm always bummed when I see STALKER at $30. It looks like a decent game, and get good reviews, but I don't really do shooters so I'm not going to pay over $15 for it.)

STALKER Clear Sky is only $9.99 on Steam. It's not that bad, either, though I'm curious why Shadow of Chernobyl is more expensive (SoC is the original, Clear Sky is the prequel, Call of Pripyat is the sequel).
Hardcore Mode just sounds annoying as fuck and stupid.

I remember Fallout Wanderers Edition, the mod for Fallout 3, had a thing where you fucking CONSTANTLY had to eat, drink, sleep, etc. and it didn't improve the gameplay at all for me, it just made playing the game one of the most tedious fucking things I've ever experienced. Holy shit.
I would personally like to be able to gather everything I need THAN turn it on, that way I'd have what I needed.
smber2cnma said:
This isn't some indirect way of saying, "I just pirate the game then pay them later if I decide they deserved it" is it? Cause that would be really lame reasoning, especially for someone going into graphic design and who could get screwed by such thinking for their whole career.

Oh, no, that's not what I meant. I meant that if I read a review that a game is mediocre then I would either not buy the game or wait a year or so until it's on a dirt-cheap sale. I meant that if a game is of high quality (opinions from honest reviews) and I wish to support the developers, then I would pay full price rather than waiting. I was using the restaurant analogy as a way of saying "Why would I pay some one up front if I have no clue what I'm getting in return?"


And yes, pirating is wrong. My CS5 Creative Suite is 100% legit even though my bank account grumbles otherwise. I agree, it's worse with software "tools" being pirated in my opinion because designers actually make money with Adobe products. That's like stealing a car then starting a taxi service.
Yazman said:
Hardcore Mode just sounds annoying as fuck and stupid.

I remember Fallout Wanderers Edition, the mod for Fallout 3, had a thing where you fucking CONSTANTLY had to eat, drink, sleep, etc. and it didn't improve the gameplay at all for me, it just made playing the game one of the most tedious fucking things I've ever experienced. Holy shit.

Yea it is a video game and I do work full time among other things, im gonna try hardcore mode at first to see how it is but im not going to waste my time with the mode if it is as annouying as you just described.
MKSaibot said:
Yazman said:
Hardcore Mode just sounds annoying as fuck and stupid.

I remember Fallout Wanderers Edition, the mod for Fallout 3, had a thing where you fucking CONSTANTLY had to eat, drink, sleep, etc. and it didn't improve the gameplay at all for me, it just made playing the game one of the most tedious fucking things I've ever experienced. Holy shit.

Yea it is a video game and I do work full time among other things, im gonna try hardcore mode at first to see how it is but im not going to waste my time with the mode if it is as annouying as you just described.
I'm guessing their Timescale was a bit too high. Mines usually set at 1.5 (almost realtime), so I only have to eat/drink/sleep every 2-3 real hours.
STALKER did it well... the need to eat stuff was pretty rare and insignificant. You could get by on a thing of soup per day I think - there wasn't any consequence to being slightly hungry, and I think you'd actually have to go a few days without eating before your health started to be damaged.

It was just nice knowing that you did have to eat, rather than food merely being in there as a way of recoving a small amount of health.

(Seems pretty absurd that in Fallout 3 I've gone weeks without eating anything, and then had a day when I ate about 20 dinners to recover health without using stimpaks.)

MutantDwarf said:
STALKER Clear Sky is only $9.99 on Steam. It's not that bad, either, though I'm curious why Shadow of Chernobyl is more expensive (SoC is the original, Clear Sky is the prequel, Call of Pripyat is the sequel).

Because Clear Sky is the least popular in the series, and has a reputation for being pretty unforgiving, more than the original. If people are going to buy just one STALKER game, it's likely they'll go for the reasonably-well received original or the well-recieved sequel (Call of Pripyat) rather than mixed-review prequel.

Also, the original STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl as tons of mods, including "Stalker COMPLETE" which is supposed to be very impressive. There isn't as much Clear Sky modding, so the best you can hope is to slightly improve the game rather than overhaul it.
John B. said:
Ha review embargo? You shouldn't need that unless the game is complete shat, if the game is any good than shouldn't you WANT reviews? finding out about that embargo has just made me want to cancel my order.

I'm wondering, John: so you are waiting for the review to come out before you buy the game, and yet you've already pre-ordered and will cancel it because of the embargo?

Did you pre-order the game expecting to read positive reviews before actually opening it to play? Just curious, is all.

And anyway, given the falsities and hype of reviews on the net, of which I only trust several sources, you are better off finding out for yourself based on what you prefer, rather than, say, what IGN thinks.
Yazman said:
Hardcore Mode just sounds annoying as fuck and stupid.

I remember Fallout Wanderers Edition, the mod for Fallout 3, had a thing where you fucking CONSTANTLY had to eat, drink, sleep, etc. and it didn't improve the gameplay at all for me, it just made playing the game one of the most tedious fucking things I've ever experienced. Holy shit.

Then don't turn it on.
STALKER (including Shadows of Chernobyl) goes on sale on Steam all the time. At least a couple of times I've seen it for under 10 bucks.
willooi said:
I'm wondering, John: so you are waiting for the review to come out before you buy the game, and yet you've already pre-ordered and will cancel it because of the embargo?

Did you pre-order the game expecting to read positive reviews before actually opening it to play? Just curious, is all.

And anyway, given the falsities and hype of reviews on the net, of which I only trust several sources, you are better off finding out for yourself based on what you prefer, rather than, say, what IGN thinks.

Exactly. Who can trust a review? A good majority are bought or coerced in some fashion. Reviews are mildly helpful at informing me about what I can expect in a general sense. Perhaps highlight glaring flaws or interesting design elements. In that sense they are useful for someone who hasn't followed the development from the beginning. I'm willing to bet the majority of the people on here are more informed about what the game offers than the reviewer.

I find the best information comes from game forums. Although the majority of posts are largely negative - as generally people prefer to complain than applaud - the replies agreeing or refuting the OP are where the best 'opinions' are found.
Well I did just cancel my order, but not for the review thing, being able to pay the bills is more important than getting some game.
Yazman said:
I remember Fallout Wanderers Edition, the mod for Fallout 3, had a thing where you fucking CONSTANTLY had to eat, drink, sleep, etc. and it didn't improve the gameplay at all for me, it just made playing the game one of the most tedious fucking things I've ever experienced. Holy shit.

lol. Master of Orion 3 would explode your head if that was the "one of the most tedious fucking things [you've] ever experienced."
Good thing it's merely a feature, eh? I probably won't play without it. Fallout 3 needs whatever extra challenge it can get. Heal over time should be the case hardcore mode or not, but whatevs.
MutantDwarf said:
STALKER Clear Sky is only $9.99 on Steam. It's not that bad, either, though I'm curious why Shadow of Chernobyl is more expensive (SoC is the original, Clear Sky is the prequel, Call of Pripyat is the sequel).

Thanks for the info I may have to give Steam a try. I know admitting this shows I'm a bit out of touch with the progress of PC gaming, but I've actually never downloaded anything from Steam. I'm of course aware of it, but while putting myself thru nursing school a few years back, my wife and I were internetless for about 2.5 years (crazy I know but the savings were too impt).

So, if I'm looking to try one of the three STALKER versions (and likely will only have time to play 1 of the 3) which would be the most enjoyable? Vs. a 4th option of getting Witcher Complete.

NOTE: FO3 is the last game I've actually paid for, borrowed others like KOTOR 1&2, Bioshock, CIV4, Mass Effect 1&2, and Dragon Age from siblings b/c my wife would kill me for spending more than say $100 per year on games - leading to missed opportunities like Portal, STALKER, Witcher, Company of Heroes, Assassin's Creed (mostly the 2nd from what I hear), CIV5, etc... But being a budget gamer, that's life. :D