Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer interview


But best title ever!
PC Gamer has a new interview with New Vegas senior producer Larry Liberty, where he talks about the new features of the game, new weapons, what was recycled from Van Buren and Wayne Newton. Here's an excerpt:<blockquote>PC Gamer: Can you explain how the game lets you ally yourself to different factions within the game? How much does this mix up the linearity of the main plotline?

Larry Liberty: Factions are managed via the new Reputation System. Most communities and groups are tracked via this system. The player can always see where they stand with a group that they’ve done something for or to in the Pip-Boy. You start off with a blank slate and a perfectly neutral reputation. If you do something good or bad to a member of a tracked group that will immediately be reflected in your reputation with that faction It’s possible to weave a complex web of hatred and love and everywhere in between. You can be a beloved saint in one place and the hated nemesis of another. At times, this complexity can make crafting robust quests a challenge, but overall your allies and enemies will directly impact the end-game and your experience in the core game. Those that love you will help you in various ways, giving you discounts, gifts, and support. Those that hate you can send assassins to track you down if they have the power, or offer tribute in exchange for mercy if they lack the resources to resist.

PC Gamer: What are your favourite new items and weapons that we’ll discover in New Vegas?

Larry Liberty: I really like the Ballistic Fist – it’s essentially a tiny shotgun grafted onto a gauntlet. It’s activated by a pressure plate when impacting a target. Perfect for the unarmed fighters among us. Euclid’s C-Finder has the single coolest weapon effect in the game. It’s a space-based mega-weapon that has its own quest line. Spears are really fun for Melee fighters. We’ve added the ability to throw weapons, and in the case of the spear you can literally pin limbs to walls, with or without the victim. If you prefer a more traditional, conventional FPS weapon, the Light Machine Gun is fantastic. It has a high rate of fire, and with the right ammo type can handle most enemies rather easily.</blockquote>Spotted on the Obsidian Entertainment boards
The real question is whether or not the special attack for the Ballistic Fist is something cool like a dragon uppercut or if it's something stupid.

Also, how fast it is to reload.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
oh shit, they brought back the punch-gun from FOT. I loved the concept of that, it just wasn't that good.

Yea one of my favourite weapons that I never used, just liked the concept of.

Also I may actually make a melee character just for the spears.
What does Euclid, the father of geometry, have to do with space-based weapons?

Also, what's a C-Finder?
OakTable said:
What does Euclid, the father of geometry, have to do with space-based weapons?

Also, what's a C-Finder?

You don't see how space based weaponry could relate to geometry? Really?
generalissimofurioso said:
The real question is whether or not the special attack for the Ballistic Fist is something cool like a dragon uppercut or if it's something stupid.

Also, how fast it is to reload.

reloading? nobody reloads around here- it's all about switching your weapon, and then switching back.
Not even that. In Fallout 3, you just open your pipboy, unequip the weapon, then equip it again and it's full
Beelzebud said:
OakTable said:
What does Euclid, the father of geometry, have to do with space-based weapons?

Also, what's a C-Finder?

You don't see how space based weaponry could relate to geometry? Really?
Bah, silly me. Still wondering about the C-Finder though.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Larry Liberty: ... We’ve added the ability to throw weapons, and in the case of the spear you can literally pin limbs to walls, with or without the victim. </blockquote>

With or without? Does this mean dismembered victim parts (why would you want to after they are dead) or there are mutated limbs crawling around like in Dead Space? I never really understood why a limb blown off meant the thing was dead anyways. People live without arms all the time, sure they would be in shock and have to compensate for that (either freaking out and pissing their self or pick up the gun with the other hand and go kamikaze on you... if a leg perhaps lay there making you think there dead and then when you get close open a burst shot or eat a grenade or one of those old western style "spill the beans" before they die revealing some little secret stash similar to the PDA system in STALKER) but not instant death.

That aside... pinning limbs sounds really cool. Can't wait to see if you pin the arms of a uncooperative NPC to the wall and he starts getting friendly really fast for you :D F the speech perk, need to add groin shots back and pin that for speech instant win's! :P I know I would open up like a frekin book to get that outta my stuff :D
Larry Liberty: I can say that there is considerably more dialogue in New Vegas than Fallout 3, and more overall reactivity. We made a change to the dialogue editor that allowed our designers to create hierarchical dialogues. It would have been impossible for us to write as much as we did had we not made the investment in the tool early in development.

I've actually pre-ordered NV now. I've seen enough to be more hopeful than not that it's genuinely a Fallout game, in the spirit of 1 and 2, game engine notwithstanding.
I want the dang collectors edition but I was too late, I contemplated for too long and now I can't get it.
Hopefully the Ballistic Fist is a little better than the FOT version. The idea is pretty brilliant, but if it's executed poorly, it sucks the major fucknugget.
MKSaibot said:
I want the dang collectors edition but I was too late, I contemplated for too long and now I can't get it.

I'm sure you can get one if you pre-order on a site like Amazon....I hope. Though I feel very doubtful about it. It isn't imperative that i get the CE, but I would like the Graphic Novel for my collection.
Was it ever said that the CE is limited?

I've pre-ordered already too a few days ago, btw. Was too scared to not get a All Roads comic.
MKSaibot said:
I want the dang collectors edition but I was too late, I contemplated for too long and now I can't get it.
So did I. Gaystop stopped taking preorders on CE, so I had to get it online:(