Fallout NV Ultimate Edition out in February 2012

A blessing from Bethesda, just in time. My copy of NV recently stopped working. Hopefully this will be as mercifully priced as NV was.
According to Gamepro it will be $49.99 on Xbox 360 & PS3, and $39.99 for the PC. The PC version is cheaper than all the DLC's. If you can wait until February it will be a great deal.
WHAT?!? So I spent a good amount of money on DLC for NOTHING!?!I could have bought that Halo map pack I wanted!Hell,I could have bought a new game! Thanks Bethesda,your great. :evil:
Sucks for people like me who just HAD to buy the DLC. good gift for a friend though
Yeah, not such great news for me, considering I've still got Lonesome Road and the two item packs to cross off my list and the collection is only going to cost about twice what I'd pay for 'em. It'll be nice to be able to send them as a Steam gift to my girlfriend so that I'll be able to get access to my computer for more than two hours a day again, though.
It's neat, but I already have all the DLCs (except for the small ones).
I would buy the Ultimate Edition again if I could play it in english in some way.
But I guess I'd have to set up a new Steam account with a proxy for that.
I told my friend to wait until this came out instead of just buying fallout: new vegas.

He didn't.
Bakura said:
WHAT?!? So I spent a good amount of money on DLC for NOTHING!?!I could have bought that Halo map pack I wanted!Hell,I could have bought a new game! Thanks Bethesda,your great. :evil:

Except you would need to wait more than a year for playing all the content, right? :roll:

Complains, complains, complains...
I got the "Collector's Edition" while it was still new because I wanted the extras. I can still get the "Ultimate Edition" and save money because the PC version is cheaper than the DLC's. Amazon may even list it cheaper than list price.
I'll probably buy this, I bought the 3 GOTY edition, even though I had the normal edition of 3.

I'm just hoping with this they fix some of the stuff on the console (PS3 specifically) versions.
thegaresexperience said:
I'm just hoping with this they fix some of the stuff on the console (PS3 specifically) versions.

I sincerely doubt that. Bethesda pulled the support plug. Complete BS in my view. You don't release three DLCs (Lonesome Road, GRA and Courier's Stash) without a followup patch. Well, you shouldn't but Bethesda did.

Is their support that bad for their own titles or were they just crapping on Obsidian?
Josan said:
Is their support that bad for their own titles or were they just crapping on Obsidian?

Uh... Obsidian fixed and balanced a ton of stuff between the original release and LS (playing the vanilla NV would be a nightmare now). Bethesda with FO3 fixed next to nothing IIRC. The patches just added trophies for the DLCs.
Uh... The game is still shit on PS3 and almost unplayable once your save files hit double digits. Unless you enjoy freeze, reboot, freeze, reboot every 2-5 minutes.
Yes, it would seem so. They waited until these were released before announcing the Ultimate Edition.
Josan said:
Uh... The game is still shit on PS3 and almost unplayable once your save files hit double digits. Unless you enjoy freeze, reboot, freeze, reboot every 2-5 minutes.

Never heard of that before and doesn't happen to me. But regardless (?) of that Obsidian did a lot of work post-release that Beth didn't.
Clearly you don't play on PS3. Certain areas are almost unplayable at any stage in the game (Bitter Springs, Red Rock Canyon, the Gomorrah) but even worse when your save files are larger.

And regardless of how much work Obsidian did, it's the publisher that makes the support decisions and Bethesda dropped the ball on this one. They announced they were "turning out the lights".

You can test all you want prior to releasing DLCs but you're not going to catch everything. Releasing three DLCs and pulling the plug with no final patch, especially when some issues, well known ones for the platform, were never addressed... well, shame on Bethesda.