Fallout Offiicial Survival Guide

Per said:
Has anyone ever managed to escape from combat by turning on Sneak? It's not something I've heard of.

Yes, though I admit it was while playing the RP. If you have good sneak and can round a corner or get far enough away, with 1ap left so your turn doesnt end, you can engage sneak and hit end combat, and combat will end. I found this ability extremely useful for re-positioning my party during random encounters.
I do it all the time in vanilla F1 (or as vanilla as it comes off of the most recent version of the Iplay Fallout 3-pack, anyway). Just today I went through the military base using that strategy to take the muties out two and three at a time instead of having the usual marathon gunfight. It's a pretty fickle mechanic, though; typically, you've got to open up a turn or two worth of distance and/or (usually "and") break LOS, and if you've gotten yourself too deep into things, you're probably stuck. (Needless to say, if you have companions with you and they decide to jump into the fray, your chances of pulling it off become pretty slim).

PDF Only For All Except New Vegas Guide. Sorry Guys.

The New Vegas and Fallout 3 Guides were Removed by Request of the Mods. Sorry.

Fallout Official Survival Guide
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(Go down and click the save floppy disk file. It will download it to your comp. If for some reason it wont or you don't know how, you can download it from here, its the same site:)

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Fallout 2 Official Strategies and Secrets
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Hi all,

could someone re-upload Fallout Official Survival Guide in pdf format please? All links I was able to google is dead...

Thank you
Looks like all the links are dead...
Will Per's guide do or are you looking for the survival guide specifically?

Thank you for the quick reply. I'm looking for the guide specifically and I think it will be awesome if we all try to preserve the official strategy guides for any old game.
Agreed, if anyone finds it, upload it here in the NMA downloads (I assume copyright issues don't really matter for this, but could be wrong)