Fallout on GameTap

Jabu said:
Is the GameTap client also free?

I have no experience with this - never really heared of GameTap also.

I was searching for a FAQ or basic rules page to paste for you, but I can''t find one. If there is one its well hidden (or I'm strategically blind).

How it works, is you create an account (which is free), you download the client (which is free) and at that point you can then download any of the free games. To play, you click on the game you want to play (and click play) and sit through a short commercial ( 15- 30 seconds if you don't have a pay account). After that you can play your game for as long as you like without interruption (even if you loose connection to the internet).

Overall, it's a nice system to play free games without having to resort to piracy and there have been a few games that I actually am looking to buy now that I played them (I got a board version of Ingenious and I'm going to get Psychonauts eventually).
Future Fallout, Disruption Fallout

Future Fallout, Disruption Fallout

Daimyo@ http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43649&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=80

... I truly believe that FO 3 is targeted NOT at the hardcore gamer and the Fallout fan, but at the (possibly wrong labeled**) casual gamer.
I also believe that it will fail horribly because of that. - Mix salmon and chicken into a stew and both the fish lover and the poultry lover will wrinkle their noses ...

The article linked to above(**) also places Bethesda firmly in the ranks of studios too preoccupied with "Production is King"
and that is why we now see FO 3 deteriorating into a so-so FPS ...

Imagine what they could do with FO 3 if they had actually kept the Fallout setting as it was instead of mellowing it out to nothingness?

Such a shame.

** Pardon my html skills are lacking, Daimyo links to: http://malstrom.50webs.com/birdman.html

Sean Malstrom, about half way down this read, declares that advertisers want to lock on "'casual' games", and with the flourishing of flash games, to pull these consumers into their sites.

GameTap appears to follow this game plan of advertiser sponsored entertainment with a diverse number of genre 'tiers' to attract customers to load their app.
and possibly to subscribe to their -full frontal- servicing.

As long as the advertising and any possible DRM are not intrusive and exploitive then these matured game titles may be the attractive web venue sought.
Rather then irritating millions with a general, and possibly in one's face, advertising missive,
this mutual exchange may bring to the point of sale thousands of people who are genuinely interested in ... whatever the sponsor believes expeditious to propose.

Quick study of the Malstrom article.

Malstrom's greater gambit applies the template of disruptive technology to the past, present, and future of the never ending game platform hardware wars,
and adds a dash of asymmetrical conflict ... avoidance (to be strong where the competition is weakest) ... to grant the spiritual, intellectual, and economic edge to a Nintendo business bushido.

Nintendo goes off the sexy tech radar when they assert that the game is not about the insatiable lust for hardware, but about the quality of the game software.
Their game is about crafting playable games. Low tech is fine because it's their tech.

The Nintendo Disruptive Innovation seeks to fill the empty, entry level, gaming tiers with a satisfying player experience. The good times will nurture a Nintendo fan base that will grow in experience and appetite as the company moves up scale to the 'hardcore' gamer genres that are the last profit base for the *smart money* corporate tech wizards.

By educating a larger demographic to the possibilities of electronic gaming Nintendo will arrive at the high end hardware playground with their cadre of game groomed 'hardcore' consumers . Ready to take over where the less profitable 'old school' of the nex gen will have retreated or gone under.

@ Ausir.
As much as I'd want it, if Fallout 3 is a financial success (and I think it will be), there will probably never be a faithful sequel to Fallout.

American sports trivia based cliche. ""Say it Ain't SO ...!""

Well. reckon it could be a long twilight and many a parched promise ... and a dry sister's kiss, until the RPG well can be dipped.

The FO3 vault suit may be baggier, but everyone will know it was a Bethesda 'innovation', to unfurl their ^ lived in ^ fashion statement.
The FO Wiki will know.
Time will tell if the 'every gamer', accessible, B-soft design with , hopefully, fold up A-RPG training wheels was the hook that pulled in the real cash, the b-b-b-Billions,
or it was the same old sales to the same old hardcore,
the insatiable mavens of unrequited lust, the copious copulating splatter violence of the Bloody Mess.
Bloody Mess, now bigger breasted and HIGHer HEALed for our hilarious gratification.
Bloody Mess the siren that any old traditional entertainment pimp could exploit. The slam dunk choice of the safe, and smart money, investor.

When I Google FO, I find the FO Wiki.
The Fallout Wiki is of immense value in keeping the story straight on FO canon.
Like when the paunchy and the puffy abandoned super hero spandex for that roomier sooper-dooper 'stretched' fit.
FO Wiki.
As player aide it enriches the mythos.
FO Wiki.
As an educational asset the FO Wiki will foster an experiential niche which may not know how to replicate a 'happy accident',
nor quantify the 'quality' of the FO's for an accountant's spread sheet,
but will know when they see it, some "Once And Future ..." successor, a true inheritor of the Wasteland,
and the Fallout that stirs over the next rise on the last quiet breeze.

Quiet breeze or that next Disruptive technological sneeze.
A conventionally unpredictable meteorological mass kicking up it's own dust over the horizon with it's own peculiar fall out.

For some reason, I always feel somewhat like an uneducated tribal whenever 4too graces us with these examples of what a keyboard can be made to bring out. :shock:
Simply beautiful.
Matt K said:
Jabu said:
Is the GameTap client also free?

I have no experience with this - never really heared of GameTap also.

I was searching for a FAQ or basic rules page to paste for you, but I can''t find one. If there is one its well hidden (or I'm strategically blind).

How it works, is you create an account (which is free), you download the client (which is free) and at that point you can then download any of the free games. To play, you click on the game you want to play (and click play) and sit through a short commercial ( 15- 30 seconds if you don't have a pay account). After that you can play your game for as long as you like without interruption (even if you loose connection to the internet).

Overall, it's a nice system to play free games without having to resort to piracy and there have been a few games that I actually am looking to buy now that I played them (I got a board version of Ingenious and I'm going to get Psychonauts eventually).

Dunno I must be missing something. I DL and install the Gametap client and it says that you have to go Gold to play Fallout...
Re: Future Fallout, Disruption Fallout

4too said:

Good to see that someone took the time to read it - I found it to be very interesting :)

Seeing as this is the News Section and any indepth discussion of the article itself perhaps should happen elsewhere (?) I'd just like to point you guys (and gals) to the General Gaming and Hardware Forum where I posted about it some days ago:


(Just to inform, not to glorify myself or break forum rules ...)