Fallout on Ubuntu realy slow // wine


First time out of the vault
Hello guys,
I'm from Germany, so excuse me for my English. :)
Since a few Days I tried to get Fallout 1 & 2 work on my Notebook (Ubuntu 14.04) using Wine.
On Windows the game runs smooth and nearly perfect.
On Ubuntu everything is really slow.
I tried Fallout without any mods, only patched and with mods (Fallout Fixed, Fallout Hi-Res) but it wont work better.
I already used Google, but none of the solutions I found worked. I installed DirectX with winetricks, tried Direct Draw and also setting a higher priority won't make it better.

I hope you can help me.

Best regards,
there's a good and elaborate installation guide (haven't tried it myself though) stickied in the Fallout General Modding subforum. for some unknown reason, i cannot submit a post with a link in it. :)
Thank you guys, but I already tried that.
Wine 1.7.44 makes it all the worse. Not even the setup starts. It says that my Windows version is not supported or the screen in the wine Window just gets black.

This is displayed in the console. Using a win32 prefix fixed the "Not supported" error message, but the screen still gets black.
Presario-CQ61-Notebook-PC:~$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/fallout" wine uninstaller
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:thread:start_thread Started native thread 00000036
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33ef38,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 8
fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 8
^Cfixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 26 on event 0
Presario-CQ61-Notebook-PC:~$ fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 8
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I suggest posting your issue in the thread mentioned above. Gramblosh might be able to help you with this.
i really don't understand why i can't post any links. it says post denied, new posts are limited by number of urls it may contain.

try this. just remove the underscores.

i just checked and saw that Gramblosh already replied with the same link. :D
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I would guess the admins have blocked users with less than 10 posts or so from posting links to combat spam bots.