Fallout Online Newsletter: The Armageddon Rag #4


But best title ever!
Time for some news about Fallout Online that don't involve legal hijinks as another newsletter, or rather, Armageddon Rag issue is out.

As always, it's rather flavory and cryptic and seems to mostly concentrate on atmospheric short stories, but the part about equipment seems to hint at what we're going to see in the full game.

Here's a snippet:<blockquote>Super Duper Stimpak¹
The absolute BEST life-saving healing drug available on the market today! One shot of this, and even the dead² will rise again! This is a clone of the MedTech 2000 model, not those cheap models. The needle alone will wake the dead² and provide life-saving stimulus. If you’re looking for the one medical item to carry at all times, this is not the GUN FOR YOU, but it is the best stimpak you can afford!

Available Now! Carrying backpack rig not included.
¹ The Super Duper model adds the Duper company logo.
² The standard “Mostly dead” disclaimer applies. Mostly dead is slightly alive.</blockquote>Thanks Ausir.
I don't mean to pry but it looks like someone stoned was writing this text ... and text on site looks and sounds like those Amazon books "learn -something- in 24h/best push ups for you"
Almost like Borderlands . Super Duper Stimpak hahah , let's see if it delivers .

But nice site design .
Writing style just reminds me of 12 year old lolrofllmao humour... Not fallout at all.

"©¾847 The Armageddon Rag - Pirates will be shat!"

An NPC that talks like this is OK, he's or she's just a nut-job you can laugh at and move on.

But a whole game written in gibberish?
So no one who has commented so far about the writing style bothered to read the other two entries in the newsletter, I take it?
WorstUsernameEver said:
Here's a snippet:<blockquote> One shot of this, and even the dead² will rise again!

² The standard “Mostly dead” disclaimer applies. Mostly dead is slightly alive.</blockquote>Thanks Ausir.

Mostly dead is slightly alive you say? No doubt a reference to...


They're sneaking those pop culture references in already! Brought a smile to my face, thanks for the info.
Ausir said:
It was written by original Fallout designers Mark O'Green and Chris Taylor.

So much for the original team doing it better than Bethesda.

All hope on Obsidian.
Ravager69 said:
An NPC that talks like this is OK, he's or she's just a nut-job you can laugh at and move on.

But a whole game written in gibberish?

What makes you think the whole game would be written like this?
Ravager69 said:
An NPC that talks like this is OK, he's or she's just a nut-job you can laugh at and move on.

But a whole game written in gibberish?

From one newsletter to the following one less gibberish is showing up. It's explained that this is caused by "the typing bug" being worked on. This is on purpose for the newsletters, what it means well, you figure it out.

So no, it won't be a game feature.
Dirk Magirk said:
They're sneaking those pop culture references in already!
Another is in the J. Hardy and the Death Blanky story.
Back up a hill. Just over the top, wonderful. Raspberry bushes. A full thicket of bushes, both green and dead.

So I ran through the briars and I ran through the brambles. And I smashed through some bushes and scared the hell out of some poor rabbit. Didn’t slow my heart down, either. With the ripped clothing, little bloody gashes, and smears of raspberry juice here and there, I probably looked like the chipmunks had gotten me.

But I kept going. I ran so fast that the Hounds couldn’t catch me.
Battle of New Orleans said:
Yeah, they ran through the briars an' they ran through the brambles
An' they ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go.
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Full lyrics here: http://www.louisiana101.com/battle.html
Engaging stuff

The writing is engaging and unpretentious, which is cool, like it comes right from the inhabitants of the world, many of whom would not be the most educated or civilized of people. The stories seem to be showing off some features of the Pip Pad, how it might be used in the game to add a level of immersion. I wonder what other kinds of things the Pip Pad will be able to do?
Geech said:
Ravager69 said:
An NPC that talks like this is OK, he's or she's just a nut-job you can laugh at and move on.

But a whole game written in gibberish?

What makes you think the whole game would be written like this?

Perhaps it is an overstatement, but the newsletter IS the only information about the game so far, at least about the lore. Nothing so far indicates that the game will not have dialogues and descriptions written in similar fashion, which troubles me, since I can't stand any more of such bullshit in Fallout. It was overdone in Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 and I want something similar to New Vegas, where the humour wasn't so in-your-face.

Now when I think about it, I guess the game will be much more serious, but there is still a big possibility of having to wade through tons of text akin to the ones in the newsletter.
Not all of the short stories in the newsletters have had such silly/humorous tone. E.g. the one about Brotherhood of Steel in the previous one was fairly serious.
Not sure what to make of the weapons direction. I really liked the weapons from the first 2 games the most, with their generic names & special detailed descriptions. I also liked the odd ammo types, such as 10mm being a standard, whereas 9mm was a real rarity. The second game went a little overboard, but a few of the weapons were very nice / much needed additions (Gauss, Pulse, etc.)

The first 2 games had the AK-112 "An old military model, out of use around the time of the war". However this post is advertising the AK-47, which was prominent in Tactics.

Never liked how Tactics basically replaced the familiar Fallout weapons by adding a ton of currently modern real world weapons, didn't mesh well with the atmosphere.
Weapon-wise, I see Fallout as dead. It will never ever get back to how it was in Fallout 1.