But best title ever!
Time for some news about Fallout Online that don't involve legal hijinks as another newsletter, or rather, Armageddon Rag issue is out.
As always, it's rather flavory and cryptic and seems to mostly concentrate on atmospheric short stories, but the part about equipment seems to hint at what we're going to see in the full game.
Here's a snippet:<blockquote>Super Duper Stimpak¹
The absolute BEST life-saving healing drug available on the market today! One shot of this, and even the dead² will rise again! This is a clone of the MedTech 2000 model, not those cheap models. The needle alone will wake the dead² and provide life-saving stimulus. If you’re looking for the one medical item to carry at all times, this is not the GUN FOR YOU, but it is the best stimpak you can afford!
Available Now! Carrying backpack rig not included.
¹ The Super Duper model adds the Duper company logo.
² The standard “Mostly dead” disclaimer applies. Mostly dead is slightly alive.</blockquote>Thanks Ausir.
As always, it's rather flavory and cryptic and seems to mostly concentrate on atmospheric short stories, but the part about equipment seems to hint at what we're going to see in the full game.
Here's a snippet:<blockquote>Super Duper Stimpak¹
The absolute BEST life-saving healing drug available on the market today! One shot of this, and even the dead² will rise again! This is a clone of the MedTech 2000 model, not those cheap models. The needle alone will wake the dead² and provide life-saving stimulus. If you’re looking for the one medical item to carry at all times, this is not the GUN FOR YOU, but it is the best stimpak you can afford!
Available Now! Carrying backpack rig not included.
¹ The Super Duper model adds the Duper company logo.
² The standard “Mostly dead” disclaimer applies. Mostly dead is slightly alive.</blockquote>Thanks Ausir.