Fallout:Online wins the MMORPGDot dreamgame

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
MMORPGDot, a daughter site of the venerable RPGDot, announced the dream games of 2004. The award is given to a kind of "if only it could be"-game and voted by the users of MMORPGDot. The winner was none other than Fallout Online, known colloquially by Fallout fans as FOOL. However, the staff of MMORPG seems to disagree itself and added this note:<blockquote>When Interplay announced the licensing of Fallout to Bethesda they also revealed that they were keeping the right for a MMORPG based on this post-apocalyptic universe. For someone not aware of the past actions of this compagny this can sound good but for those who know how Interplay failed to make a good use of Fallout (Van Buren's cancellation, F:BoS) this is not a dream but a nightmare. Hopefully, with no money left in the bank, no developers in the house we have some big chance to not see it made by Interplay.</blockquote>Very true, very true. The list goes on to name such imaginative titles as "Gothic Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online". Let us all hope none of these will ever see the light of day.

Link: MMORPG Dream Game on MMORPGDot
Ekarderif said:
Torment Online!


I can see it now...the glory...

The Nameless One
Teh Nameless One
The Namelezz One
The Nameless 1
The First Nameless
The Only Nameless
The Real Nameless One
Doing your bit for the environment Kharn?

This newsbit is proof that morons love polls.
<blockquote>Hopefully, with no money left in the bank, no developers in the house we have some big chance to not see it made by Interplay.</blockquote>

It seems that the above it no longer completely true. He plunked down $675,000 to help Ballerium along.

From reading the French investor's site, it looks like herve used his position as liquidator of Titus to funnel money into Interplay's coffers instead of Titus' creditors - which have really pisssed Titus investors.

I am still waiting on my unused vacation payout . . . I've given up all hope of seeing the money from Herve's stealth switch from salary to wage. Even though it is against the law, no body in corporate law enforcement cares.
I beat you to it Kharn. Actually, I started before you posted.

Thanks Corith, I hope you have better luck in the future with the owed money.
Bah, making up excuses because you are jealous of my quicker reflexes. Really, a "42" line? Why not start with some Holy Grail quotes while you are at it?
Kotario said:
Bah, making up excuses because you are jealous of my quicker reflexes. Really, a "42" line? Why not start with some Holy Grail quotes while you are at it?

It was in honour of how much the film will suck.

That said, when newsposts are made more-or-less at the same time (I finished my newspost before I read your post that you were working on it), I generally pick the one that looks better and dump the other one. A while ago I dumped my own because Silencer's looked better, this time I'm dumping yours. Ah la. Live with it.
Can't even spot some humour, can we?

Edit: Now it is, only had a fourth or less of my attention anyway. Busy working on the future of my life and so forth, but it's awfully dull, so I check in at NMA at the same time.

Everything in that list is either a rehash of something SP (Diablo Online? Is Battle.Net that restrictive or something?) or a sequel to an already existing MMO.
Why, you expected an original idea? Noone* would believe something that hasn't been done before could work.

*exceptions prove the rule
Jebus, you've never done essential paperwork? Searching for obscure information from a host of records, filling out countless forms that cover the same material with minor permutations? It's rather mindless work, no matter the final purpose this bureaucratic horridness leads to.

Do you have a problem with me? You have taken to being insulting to me over multiple forums now. If you do, send me a Private Message about what the problem is, because I am rather unaware of any potential conflict you may have with me.
Just wanted to say:

Kharn said:
The list goes on to name such imaginative titles as "Gothic Online" and "The Elder Scrolls Online". Let us all hope none of these will ever see the light of day.

this whole time I thought it was "Amen" eh eh eh crazy me.... *sifty eyes* well I think that is mother bitchen sweet that other poeple out there really want Fallout in their lives. And we are all not just a bunch of crazed "worst fans ever" AKA Fallout Fans