PnP NMA RPG version 2
I decided to post this separate instead of overwriting the first post in case we decide to do a roll back
Stats, base skills and a percentile skill system are all taken from the standard fallout character sheet. We have to start somewhere.
Human range 1-10, 1 is cripplingly bad, 2-3 is noticeably low, 4-6 is average, 7 represents a “career” level in a stat, 8-9 noticeably high, 10 exceptional.
Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck. (At character creation the PC's have 42 points to allocate in stats)
Calculated stats
Sequence (Ax2), Move ((E+A)/2), Base actions ((I+A)/2), Hit points (15+E),
a.k.a Damage Reduction (1/3 E), Damage bonus a.k.a DB (1/3 S)
Skills are percentile, with a base of about 4xStat. Small guns for example may have a base of Agility + Intelligence + Perception + Perception. A full write up on skills will come in a separate post.
To succeed in a skill roll 2 ten sided dice (D10) use one as the 10's digit and the other as the 1's digit. (alternately use a random number generator) If the roll is less than your skill (plus or minus modifiers) you succeed. Critical Failure happens if you roll 100 or above (90 + Luck). Critical Success happens if you roll under (Luck). Modifiers will be important, generally they will be at the Overseer's discretion but a few examples will be provided as guidelines.
Skills can be specialized, to do this at game start subtract 10 from your skill and add 10 to the new specialty. So if you start with Speech at 32 and decide to specialize in “seduction” you change your base speech to 22 and add Seduction 42. *
After character creation Skill points spent on specialties are twice as effective 1 skill point increases a specialty by 2.
Contested Skills
Contested skills, roll against modified skill and compare success margin.
You are trying to sell a box of mystery cans to a shop keeper. You have a Barter of 34 and the shop keeper has Barter 56. The Overseer(GM) rules that it is a bit of a buyers market (-10%) on your roll. The Overseer decides the shop keeper is intimidated by the group (so the shop keeper gets a -20%) you roll 67 vs a target of 24 and the shop keeper rolls a 70 vs a target of 36.
You fail by 43 and the shop keeper fails by 34. A difference of 7 in the shop keepers favor so you accept a lower price.
Alternate contests.
Sneaking for example can be against an opponents Perception stat. If so multiply the stat by 10 for determining a value then treat as a regular contested skill. While on the surface this may not look fair, modifiers have to be taken into account. (sneaking in daylight with no cover in front of someone is difficult)
Who goes first? Roll 1D10 and add it to your Sequence, (luck may be temporarily spent to up this number, announce before rolling)***
Roll Action points. Roll 1D10 and add it to Base actions**, (again luck may be used, as above)***
Announce actions, (in a general sense) lowest sequence first.
The person with highest sequence acts first, performs an action and reduces their action points by that number. “I draw my 10 mm” The person with the next highest sequence goes next “I move towards cover” until all participants with remaining action points have had a turn. A participant may choose to wait and use their action points later in the round. In cases where two or more participants have the same sequence the action with the lowest AP cost goes first.
Once everyone has depleted their action points the combat round ends, Luck is refreshed and begin again.****
- It costs 5 Action points to travel your move stat (in meters)
- Reloading costs 2 Action points
- The use of Luck to increase sequence and action points is optional, but if it is used then luck should have another purpose in play. Possibly a luck point can be temporarily spent to get a +5 modifier on a skill based action in combat, like shooting
- Every one has two weapon slots, a primary and a back up. Using other weapons costs 4 AP to ready them.
Guns and shooting
Gun stats
Class/sub class - What skill do you use to fire the gun. "SG/P" Would be Small guns/Pistol
Accuracy - How much of a bonus does the gun provide to the to hit roll. (this is to do with inherent accuracy not bonuses provided by sights etc)
Size - How big is the gun, Tiny weapons are very easy to hide these represent derringers and the like, Small these are weapons that could conceivably fit in a pistol holster, medium this is larger smgs and carbines, large guns are full sized battle rifles like the ak-47, Huge weapons are machine guns and bazooka sized.
Frequency - How easy is it to find spare parts, a replacement and ammunition. (E)asy, (S)imple, (T)ricky, (H)ard, (I)mpossible. Then note the ammunition, 10mm for example
Shots - How many bullets does it hold
AP/Mode - How many Action points used for a type of firing, e.g. 3/SS, 5/B would be 3 AP for a single shot, 5 AP for a burst.
Range - What are the key ranges? Medium range is the optimal distance the gun was designed to be used at, Maximum. A pipe rifles ranges would be (25,100). The second number is the distance that the weapon has no range modifiers, the third number is the range when a miracle would be required for a hit.
Condition - How well maintained the gun is (E)xcellent, (G)ood, (A)verage, (P)oor, (T)errible.
$ - Value.
So the 10mm from fallout 1 would be written up like this.
Name, Class, Accuracy, Size, Frequency, Shots, AP/Mode, Range, Condition $
10mm Pistol , SG/P, 0, Small, Simple 10mm, 12, 5/SS, (12,50), Good, 250
Thoughts on damage a 10mm should do about 10 points of damage on average, multiple ways to calculate it, 10 damage, 3d6 damage, 7+1d6. all these values give average damages between 10 and 10.5, with the margin of success mechanic below the average damage should be reduced to 9 or 8 so 10mm does 8, 3d6-2 or 5+1d6
Shooting a target
So it's your action, you have a gun ready, you have the AP to use it, what happens?
- Determine the range to your target and any modifiers that apply.
- Roll under your modified skill to hit. The better the "Margin of Success" (M.O.S) the better the hit. Each 10 full points of success adds 1 to the base damage (?). Use the digits show on the 10 sided dice in reverse (or re-roll if need be) to determine the hit location.
- The target can attempt to "dive for cover" this is an agility check reduced by the shooter's M.O.S.
- Reduce the guns base damage by the target's armour's damage reduction(DR). Reduce this number by the targets toughness. Toughness cannot reduce damage to 0, only to 1. (getting a hole in you hurts less if you are big and tough, but it still hurts)
Shooting example
The Ghoul with no name (GWNN) has a pistol skill of 60 and a 10mm
(8 base damage for this example) and fires at Ian
(agility 7, 20 HP, leather armour DR 3, toughness 2) who is standing on a narrow bridge 10 meters (or yards) away. This is medium range which means an unmodified base roll, the Overseer rules that there are no other modifiers. GWNN rolls an 11, almost but not quite a critical hit, his M.O.S is 49. Looking on the hit location table this is a head shot, poor Ian. Ian tries to dive for cover, the Overseer rules a -10 modifier for Ian's situation. Ian rolls an 87 failing his "dive for cover". So the 10mm round that intersects with Ian's head does 8 base damage + 4 for the GWNN's M.O.S for a total of 12, Ian is not wearing a helmet, Ian has a toughness of 2 reducing the damage to 10, this is doubled to 20 which blows poor Ian's brains out.
Carry Weight
Three levels so lightly armored characters have a benefit, up to strength x 10 no restrictions. Up to strength x 20 base actions stat penalized by half(?). At strength x 40 you are shuffling.
- Target is in melee combat with the shooter - 10, -20 with large or bigger guns
- Target is crouching -10
- Target is completely prone -20
- Target is unaware of the shooter +20
Critical fail
Make a reliability check to see if your gun jams
1, Just a complete miss
2, hit friend
3, hit self
4, drop weapon
Critical hit
1, Gap in armour, treat armour DR as 5 points less
2, Crippling injury, regardless of total damage
3, Bleeder
4, Vital location, double all through damage
5, Target is stunned and loses rest of their APs
6, Target is knocked to the ground
Hit location
1, head, 50/50 chance of hitting non full face helmet, all damage through is doubled.
2, torso
3, torso
4, torso
5, torso
6, arm, odds left, even right, 5 points of damage will incapacitate an arm.
7, arm
8, leg, odds left, even right, 6 points of damage will incapacitate a leg.
9, leg
0, leg
To be worked out
Burst fire
reliability rolls
*Optional skill specialization, instead of one specialty at +10 a character may take two specialties at +5
** Better name needed than base actions
***Optional rule, if a 10 is rolled then add 10 to the total and roll again.
****Optional rule, Spend AP in 5 point chunks, this avoids the situation where weapons with a low AP cost end up firing most of their shots at the end of the turn. E.g. a person could choose to fire one 5 AP burst or two 3 AP single shots. Actions that cost more than 5 AP can be performed. So a tiny revolver with a 2 AP cost could be fired 3 times.