Fallout PnP finishing up and release date indicated

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Glutton Creeper Games had this to say today on their upcoming Fallout PnP game:<blockquote>Wrapping up with the designers and artists, test play groups are under way picking apart character creation and addition rules. Will be heading to the editor within the week and print layout is being designed. We are looking for a December print date and a before X-mas release. Click the following link to view the front cover art - sorry it is a large file 3MB and a PDF (you'll need Adobe reader 6.0 or higher to view) http://www.gluttoncreeper.com/FOCover.pdf - we'll work on getting a smaller file later in the week (enjoy this for now); our CPU is buggy and we are getting a 3rd system up and running to handle just these tasks.</blockquote>Link: GCG Fallout PnP site

Thanks Grifka

EDIT by Rosh:

GluttonCreeper has decided to remove the link to the pdf and replace it with a low quality version, which looks like it has been darkened to try to make it look worse than it was already.

If you want to see the image at it's full craptacular splendor and detail, I converted the pdf as GC should have and have it available for inducing nausea whenever you need it.
Heh...any bets on how long until GluttonCrapper deletes this?
gluttoncreeper said:
Didn't we say it was uneditted with no artwork? Of course it is not the finished product, and just a sample.

Well, maybe next time you'll bother to do your part as editor and do the corrections people submit, or even bother to proofread the work yourself (since, hey, that's your job as editor), so you can have the finished work go public, and have the material look good instead of being so laughably inaccurate and unconnected to setting elements (the different cities used in this "publication") it would be called crap if it were posted on any Fallout Fan-Fic forum.

Here is where a few people, in a few minutes, manage to do what you are supposedly paid to do. So that was a sample? Of what we should expect for the finished product to be as uninformed, lazy, and botched, that it does you and more importantly Fallout a disservice by posting it?

So what's the excuse for the laziness? You want to claim yourselves "The Evolution of Tabletop Games" when so far your work has been rather half-ass and uninspiring compared to Fan-Fic from solo work efforts. So far, it looks like there wasn't any effort to clean up any of your released work. Evolution, my ass.

We will be posting sampling #2 in the next week or so, or whenever the lard one gets around to it...

From the "two classless classes that determine your skills from your starting background" garbage akin to calling a Ford F-150 "not a truck but a four-wheeled thing you can haul stuff in" to the intro being an unedited failure of Copy+Pasting from the Fallout Wiki, to the front cover being a PDF when an image file would have been far less unwieldy to...you're not even trying, kids.

I see no reason for me to pay money for this garbage.
The trashy "Truck driver airbrush porn style" fugly drawings is what burns teh eyes. Jesus. Couldn't they have hired someone with a bit more skills, or was it developed for free by high school kids?
Wooz said:
The trashy "Truck driver airbrush porn style" fugly drawings is what burns teh eyes. Jesus. Couldn't they have hired someone with a bit more skills, or was it developed for free by high school kids?

Given the whole attention to detail and the amount of effort that even a single person could do better with, I'm inclined to believe that the core of GluttonCrapper Games is a handful of children in a high-school special-ed class*, only devoting a bit of time each day to doing any productive work on this title during "Arts and Crafts Hour".

* - Not the CP/etc room, the special-ed room with the socially dysfunctional...of which, only the latter is capable of achieving qualifying for the entire spectrum at some eventual point as it makes them stupid through lack of social interaction and "peer pressure"**.

** - AKA, "Do something that stupid again, and we'll beat your ass."
Good thing it's a "lincensed" product... :roll:

The supermutant and the ghoul look like crap. In fact the whole style of the drawing is completely incompatible with Fallout.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Good thing it's a "lincensed" product... :roll:


So much for my return-salvo when they reply to yet more attention to their lack of...well, everything.

Myself at DAC said:
Here's a positive outlook:

Maybe with the next title they "lincense", they will bother to pay attention to what they're doing.

No kidding, someone forgot to spellcheck the cover before publishing it. And apparently, nobody in the creative process noticed (like nobody noticed that the cover art style is completely wrong from THE TWO FREE CLUEPONS™ HERE and HERE!), but those who are not paid to do this find said error within a few seconds.


The supermutant and the ghoul look like crap. In fact the whole style of the drawing is completely incompatible with Fallout.

Fallout is very EC Comics style. The linework and shading styles, in essence the pulp style before the clean 60's and the shade-based/lineless 80's-90's, are essentially a match. The Vault of Horror (hehe...) and similar comics are nearly in the same style as the Fallout comic cover shown here.

Which means that their artists are likely a bit DEE! DEE! DEE! and the author of this piece is probably in reality a friend of someone already present on the design team, or was someone they picked up cheap, because they are obviously without any background education in this art style, nor experienced enough to look at the source material before making a simplistic and superficial facsimile.
Hmmm... I wonder how much the Fallout PnP licence cost? From the looks of that cover, it looks very affordable. :)

I know some freelance artists that could do a better job.


Check out their comic book art. I'm pretty sure they could match the required style.
Davaris said:
Hmmm... I wonder how much the Fallout PnP licence cost? From the looks of that cover, it looks very affordable. :)

Let's take a look at what else they couldn't afford.

A website design circa this century.
A news script so their information pages didn't look like ass - FREE!
A forum of their own for people to tell them how much they suck French Whore ass - FREE!*
A collection of design samples to see what their artwork should look like - FREE!
A font that would befit the style of the game - FREE!
An editor with a clue - FREE, but currently not available at GluttonCrapper.

* Provided by the kind folks at DAC. ;)

And then these asshats at GluttonCrapper expect us to pay for their failure to do the least amount of work with free materials at hand as reference. We have consistently given this information for free for years about the games and their communities, - these shitstacks can't be bothered to do the same to research and convey it to a P&P form - and they expect to be paid for it.

That is the most insulting part of their fraud.
Davaris said:
I'm wondering if Interplay have even heard of them.

Want to talk about desperate?

The attention whore SeanyD was "working for them for a bit" and left, probably out of denial like his CRPG isn't developing itself on concept art, neither is this craptacular offering.

And now he's left the only thing he could have done that could have relevance to any of his crap regarding name-dropping Fallout, Final Fantasy, Diablo, and more "classic RPGs" [sic], probably to seek more lucrative employment for one of his skills in the fast food industry.
Slaanesh said:
OK, now i don't know which is worse, this or FO:POS cover :shock:

Both look sucky. :twisted:

Fallout:D20 just wrong. There's no Class to choose. You pick ya 'class' based on ya selected skills while D20 limits you to 'must-have-class-to -play' :roll:
You know, I rarely post here anymore (I still read the news here regularly, however). I was even ready to give the system a *modicum* of doubt (even with the screwed up history they had written).

Unfortunately, THIS piece of artwork is a travesty. I mean can't ANYONE get the logo even remotely similar? The only thing vaguely Fallout-y, besides it saying "Fallout" in some generic text is that the power armor helment is kinda-sorta like the other images of power armor I have seen in the Fallout world.
This is sooooooooo wrong...


Why do people take so much pleasure fuckin with this license...