Fallout PnP license sold

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Further selling the remains of its IP, Interplay has sold the Fallout Pen & Paper RPG license to Glutton Creeper Games:<blockquote>June 16, 2006: GCG is reviewing Fallout license, and hiring freelance authors and artists to undertake the d20 Fallout PH project. More news to follow...

June 10, 2006: GCG has finished contract negotiations with Interplay for a license to create a d20 modern OGL setting for FALLOUT. More news to follow... </blockquote>I'm sure we've got a good pool of freelance arists and authors they can recruit from.

Link: GCG website

While I'm not familiar with the mechanics of the d20 system I'm curious to see how Fallout will make the transition from GURPS-based SPECIAL to d20.

Who knows? It may be time to dust of the dice and get a copy of the d20 Modern Rules...

While I would love to contribute to this project I really don't have the time to do any serious work on it. :cry:

Dungeons & Dragons is d20, but the system works nice with other preaviously skill based systems like Fading Suns etc. So i'm rather optimistic. Another "must buy" thing in my calendar to bad i will have to somehow get those books to poland.
Dagon said:
Dungeons & Dragons is d20...

Yes, I understand that. I'm just not familiar with the exact mechanics, though. I gave up on AD&D back when it was 2nd Ed. and never looked back. Ergo I'm not up to snuff exactly what changes were made to the system when it became 3rd Ed./d20.

Personally I wish someone would make a GURPS-based version, but the OGL offers an easy out on legal issues, not to mention that more people have the d20 System at their fingertips than GURPS so it'll have a broader appeal.

That *may* be good news. I've played a D20 version of Deadlands Hell on Earth ( a post-apocalyptic setting for Deadlands ) and it was cool. Wait and see...
OnTheBounce said:
Personally I wish someone would make a GURPS-based version, but the OGL offers an easy out on legal issues, not to mention that more people have the d20 System at their fingertips than GURPS so it'll have a broader appeal.

SJgames offers a free version of GURP's 4th ed on their website, called GURPS lite.. its 32pages long and has all the rules you need.

4th ed GURPS is better than d20, but 3rd ed GURPS is far worse, IMO.
Brahmin said:
SJgames offers a free version of GURP's 4th ed on their website, called GURPS lite.. its 32pages long and has all the rules you need.

It seems that the d20 OGL doesn't offer any advantages then, and I have to ask, "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THEY GOING WITH GURPS?!"

You can download basic GURPS rules for free, but you can't publish your own GURPS settings and adventures without paying SJG.
Gamma World was D20 as well, though I understand the latest edition contained lots of errant numerical tables and some pretty shoddy writing. D20 Fallout could be just fine if they do it right.
Ausir said:
You can download basic GURPS rules for free, but you can't publish your own GURPS settings and adventures without paying SJG.

Ah, I see, so it seems it's a legal advantage to go with d20 then.

Stephen Amber said:
Gamma World was D20 as well, though I understand the latest edition contained lots of errant numerical tables and some pretty shoddy writing. D20 Fallout could be just fine if they do it right.

Gamma World goes back a lot farther than the d20 system, being a spin-off of Metamorphosis Alpha. Then again, someone with a screen-name that appears to be a reference to the D&D Expert module X2 Chateau d'Amberville probably already knows that. ;)

Actually the last time someone was officially tubgirled was when Rex registered a fake username, tried to mask his IP and sent some tubgirl, along with some other tasteful images, to MrSmileyFaceDude.

Rex has recently died of natural causes, but details of those causes haven't been released.


PS I'm sure Ausir's up to the task of doing whatever's necessary, if it becomes necessary.
OnTheBounce said:
Ausir said:
You can download basic GURPS rules for free, but you can't publish your own GURPS settings and adventures without paying SJG.

Ah, I see, so it seems it's a legal advantage to go with d20 then.

Stephen Amber said:
Gamma World was D20 as well, though I understand the latest edition contained lots of errant numerical tables and some pretty shoddy writing. D20 Fallout could be just fine if they do it right.

Gamma World goes back a lot farther than the d20 system, being a spin-off of Metamorphosis Alpha. Then again, someone with a screen-name that appears to be a reference to the D&D Expert module X2 Chateau d'Amberville probably already knows that. ;)


I love that module.

And yea, there have been 4 editions of Gamma World, with the latest being probably the weakest. Nukes did'nt even cause the apocalypse in the latest edition; biological warfare did.
Speaking of that thread....the guy who posted the topic brings up the idea that the whole thing is a hoax and Glutton Creeper doesn't really have the license.

I called up Interplay and left a voicemail inquiring about the whole deal. I don't know if we'll hear back, but I'll let you know if I do.