Fallout PNP Matthew Standley update

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Matthew Standley has been hard at work for some time now to bring us an updated version of Jason Mical's pen and paper system, and now he has.<blockquote>Jason Mical did an amazing job putting together the 2.0 PnP rules. I saw a few places where I could add fine tuning and additions especially given all the updates to the sources material since the original publication (2001 I believe?). Mical's Fallout drew upon FO1, 2, Tactics, and Wasteland. I've added content from FO: Van Buren and FO3 and its add-ons as well as some rules clarifications, equipment quicklists, and some sample NPCs.</blockquote>Link: Fallout PNP MS Edition Equipment.
Link: Fallout PNP MS Edition Rules.
Link: Fallout PNP MS Edition World.
all your best friends huddled around a card table in your basement with moutain dew, twinkies, and bags of cheetos and dice . . . the way role-playing should be done. :clap:
Me and some friends are trying to get back into roleplaying so this might be a candidate. Meanwhile our next campaign seems to be Top Secret, they played it as kids and have fond memories, I've never touched the game.
I don't want to sound bitter, but given that his version uses a lot of text from Jason's original Fallout PnP, it would be nice to acknowledge it within the PDF instead of taking the whole credit, wouldn't it? Sure, it is acknowledged in this newspost and NMA's file description, but not within the files themselves, which are likely to end up available outside NMA as well.

By the way, but with Jason's permission we've also been working on an updated version of Jason's Fallout PnP at The Vault as well:


I removed some of the stuff from Wasteland and Tactics from the main book, adding instead stuff from Van Buren and locations cut from FO2. Wasteland is Fallout's predecessor, but I don't think there is much of a point in mixing the locations from the two within one book. I think it will be better to have a separate Wasteland sourcebook, for playing Wasteland campaigns using Fallout ruleset, allowing the players to mix them into one setting if they want to, but not mixed by default. I also think that the main rulebook should focus on the Core Region (West Coast), with East Coast and Midwest being covered in separate sourcebooks.

We're using a version of the rules partly updated by Jason but never published. It still needs a lot of work, but hopefully we'll get there.

Maybe Matt would like to join us in the wiki and work on a common version?
They never attempted to squash any fan-made, non-commercial Fallout PnP RPGs. Unlike Glutton Creeper itself, actually.
Ausir said:
By the way, but with Jason's permission we've been working on an updated version of Jason's Fallout PnP at The Vault as well:


Matt actually mailed Jason for permission to publish this ruleset, and Jason did point him to Wikia, but I think Matthew was partially doing this for use in his own PnP group.

Nothing wrong with having an updated version in one PDF anyway. Wikia isn't very useful for PnP sessions, unless you PnP with the computer on and close, but talk about an atmosphere killer.
Brother None said:
Nothing wrong with having an updated version in one PDF anyway. Wikia isn't very useful for PnP sessions, unless you PnP with the computer on and close, but talk about an atmosphere killer.

All the players should get I-Phones, strap 'em to their wrist and refer to their "pip boy" for rules clarifications.

Nothing wrong with having an updated version in one PDF anyway. Wikia isn't very useful for PnP sessions, unless you PnP with the computer on and close, but talk about an atmosphere killer.

Sure, but would be nice for Jason and other contributors to the original version to be credited in the file itself, IMHO. And we intend to release a PDF version of The Vault's edition of the rulebook as well in a while.

My only beef is with the credit thing, other than that there's nothing wrong with there being more than one version of the rulebook around.
Ausir said:
My only beef is with the credit thing.

His reply is that the PDFs don't include any credits, either to him or Jason.

I dunno. I'm fine with it unless Jason isn't.
I renamed the files to that to distinguish them within our own file system. He did not submit them as that.
I'm planning to GM using this... What I find strange in the equipment section are the changes to ammunition. Ok, AP doesn't suck anymore, at least not like in fallout, and that's good I guess, but why does JHP do less damage than FMJ but have a better DR mod? Isn't that backwards?

.223 AP, AC-10, DR 0, ignores DT, Dmg 1d6
.223 FMJ, AC 0, DR -10, Dmg 1d10
.223 JHP, AC 0, DR -20, Dmg 1d8

Shouldn't the Hollow Point be hurt by armor, and maybe even increase the DR, but do more raw damage than FMJ?

There's also no indication of how to roll on the critical hits table (1-200), or maybe my perception isn't that high after all.
