Fallout Portland


Still Mildly Glowing
I started mulling this idea over after thinking about elements of Fallout Tactics and which parts of it will someday become canon.The parts of Tactics that I'm assuming are true with this story is that there was a Vault 0 with the Calculator in it and the BoS destroyed it after the conflict was over and didn't get access to any large stockpiles of technology. Another part is that there was some sort of wider reconstruction plan thought up before the war. Vault 0 was at the center of it. Part of my story suggestion was that there were some secret Vaults built before the Great War, ones that would function to Vault Tec specifications and open up to help in the Calculators rebuilding plan, but this didn't happen because of the corruption of the Calculator and the Midwestern BoS. Anyways the story is centered around one of the secret Vaults, specifically one west of Portland, Oregon. The Plan B, so to speak was to wait 200 years then unseal and start exploring the world and begin rebuilding. The story would go on to deal with the world that lay outside of the Vault. You start out as someone that was born in the Vault in 2252. You are part of a team that has been trained to explore the outside world, or at least what Vault Tec thought the world would be like. It is your job to explore the wasteland and determine the course of action the Vault should take. I'm assuming that these secret Vaults were larger than the standard ones and some of the team is injured early on except for like one person. The others, I don't want to put a number, return to the Vault. You and the other person go out into the wasteland.
Republic of Washington: This group was founded by Army personnel that survived the Great War in a bunker near Fort Lewis in Washington. After the radiation went down to a safe level, they started to defend the surrounding settlements in exchange for resources and started to rebuild. (Fort Lewis is in between Tacoma and Olympia, WA for those not familiar with the area). The Republic of Washington is recovering from a civil war fought from 2251 to 2258. The rich business class attempted to use a mercenary army to overturn the Republic. This has damaged the Republic of Washington's economic power, mostly by ruining most of their factories. The military is celebrated and they've expanded into Vancouver, WA looking for resources. Vancouver is across the river from Portland. The Republic brings some physical stability but poor management and corruption in the hinter lands.

Cascade Proletarian Republic: This is a group founded by descendants of communist sympathizers and socialists that were interned at a prison camp near Richland, WA. The camp was mostly self sufficient at the time bombs fell and Richland's isolated location it wasn't a target. Eventually the descendants formed a small city based on socialist principles and is a quasi Social Democracy. They used these principles to educate the wastlanders and unite them under their banner. Think of the Followers with guns and a more expansive agenda. They lack a large industrial capacity due to being founded around a small city. They expanded southwest towards Portland for this reason. The Proletarians bring relative stability, but there isn't much potential for growth in the long due to lack of an industrial capacity and they're backwards technologically to some degree.

Oregonian Nation: This is the most controversial of the groups, they are founded by Enclave personnel that survived the destruction of the oil rig and fled north. They aren't for genocide, except for Ghouls and Super Mutants. They also don't see the wastelanders as equals to them. They settled in the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. They expanded by paying of powerful locals. They give the locals technology to increase their productivity, but then work them hard, almost as bad as pre Civil War slavery. This is billed as being the only way America can rebuild. They are going for the Vault and are the only one of the factions that know of its existence.

The story would revolve around the protagonist exploring Portland and eventually encountering the factions and settling their problems. This could end in either an Independent Portland led by the Vault, one of the main factions dominating the region or getting the Republic and the Proletarians to unite and beat back the Enclave. (Also banking on the Vault dwellers know about the Enclave's genocide plan and don't like it).
Interesting idea... but Enclave really? We're all a bit tired of them and new enemies would be welcome. A good idea, if recycling some elements of earlier games (mainly just tactics, enclave and the Vault Dweller). Also the Repblic of Washington is remnant to the NCR quite strongly, not always bad. But overall an great idea! Are you planning to work on it?
I'm not planning on working on it. I'm more of a writer. Computers are not my forte. The Enclave was just an idea to have a dubious faction, one with technology and knowledge. Or just pulling the strings in the background without being blatantly Enclave like in older games. My other idea was Brahmin Barons that moved north to get away from the NCR, but why would they know about a secret vault? The Republic of Washington is meant to be like the NCR, but being built by a military faction instead of economic interests.

Also, I thought of a more New Vegas like angle where you choose who to side with. So the Enclave based faction wouldn't be outwardly hostile or evil. More of evil light or just not as genocidal. Being born into the Vault that a regional conflict will center around is more incentive to care than in New Vegas. In New Vegas my only reason to care was because that's what kept the plot going.
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Well that woud be more interesting and you share my belief. I love writing yet not good at computers. Which is why I am developing a text based Fallout game. Very little coding and lot's of writing! I like your idea... yeah I see what you mean with the... can I say ROW? A military approach reminds me of the NCR slash BOS kind of faction. I like the proleteriat faction, one of my grievances was the under-playing of communist groups. It's like they never existed and communism only existed abroad which is... ehh... alright to a degree.
Any other questions? I haven't exactly thought everything out and the banter will help that. Some of what I have thought about seems better than what gets kicked out by modern game developers.
Yes actually. Politics! What are the goals of the ROW and the various other factions? In FO2 it was clear cut, the NCR wanted to expand, etc, etc. What are the objectives of the main factions?
Only a small note, the Followers have guns. They even give the Vault Dweller armed support and both the Mormon Fort and the Follower outpost in the Mojave have armed guards.
RoW: The are looking to expand into new areas for the technology or what ever they could find. Maybe they know of the secret Vault and want it as some sort of prize. That could be one thing.

CPR: They want the industrial equipment that they can salvage out of the ruins. And get factories going to make weapons and other things they need. Also, they want to help the people of Portland

ON: They want the secret Vault because they know of its existence. They don't care about the well being of the people living in and around Portland.

I'm figuring that the RoW and CPR have only recently encountered each other and are still neutral. And whether that neutrality will become an alliance or hostilities will depend on the PC.

I'm assuming ON will be hostile to all other factions except the Vault and unaligned towns. Just based on "we're Enclave and we're better". No matter how involved in governance the Enclave actually is.
Only a small note, the Followers have guns. They even give the Vault Dweller armed support and both the Mormon Fort and the Follower outpost in the Mojave have armed guards.

Maybe armies was a better way to put it.
Hmm... maybe add this to the ON. They have racism problems, such as Humans, especially pure-bred Humans are held above ghouls, Super mutants and other Humans? So not to be cartoon evil but still not perfect or kind.
Don't make it too evil but you could do slave camps. Umm what is the point of this? I really don't care if there is none.
Debating new game ideas and pushing the lore forward.Seeing how people react to a new location with no old factions, except the Enclave.
Let's see, there was the Union of Atomic Workers in California, but they were wiped out down there, I suppose since Portland is a ways away, they could have a chapter up north a bit.

Kind of like the Brotherhood of Steel, only more insular and less military.

Would interesting to see a technology faction less oriented around killing stuff.

Plus, you know check the wiki, tons of stuff there on the different factions.

I always wanted to see a faction descend from Boy Scouts. That hasn't happened in game yet. But the bombs fell in October, so there weren't as many activities going on for Boy Scouts to survive outside of a city.

Cascade Caravans: They move goods north of Portland, no real political association.
Willamette Caravans: The move goods from the south of Portland. It is also used by the Oregonian Nation as an intel channel.

I'm still thinking about possible large towns in the Portland Metro Area.
Just dream about it bro it will never happen.I tought fallout 4 will be somewhere in middle US continent i was wrong, fallout 4 looks like fallout 3 a lil' bit and i think it will follow fallout 3 and it's spin off: Vegas.
I've continued refining this story over the last few weeks.
  • The big change was setting the story in 2260 rather than 2277.
  • Also puts a starting point of the NCR-BoS War sometime in 2256.
  • Oregon Nation is the Federation of the Willamette. They're nationalistic and the Enclave references are removed.
  • The Enclave has a small base on the coast, but would remain unseen in the game.
  • The BoS is removed entirely.
  • Militias are spread around the map. To some extent they replace raiders. But the militias aren't hostile at first.
  • Raiders would be spread around and act like feudal lords ruling over farms.
  • Added another nation in California. Decending from the Shi, Enclave personnel that survived the NCR attack, and local factions that sided with the Shi over the NCR.