Fallout Realtime GIF scenes *Updated*

What program are you using to make these animated gifs?

Your text isnt being antialiased and makes it look too staight... you should put sharp antialiasing on the text then it will be 99.9% true to ingame font (I forgot to tell you before to use sharp antialiasing on my last post... oops)

The colours of your text isnt the same as ingame... not a big problem really, but it adds that extra touch. Here are the RGB for the ingame colours of text

red text- R 250, G 0, B 2

normal yellow text- R 251, G 252, B 125

Green text- R 60, G 249, B 0

All im missing is the blue text RGB, but if you need it i can find it out for you. Keep up the great work! You should add some nice fallouty dark humor to your animations :P
Your gif animations are really cool! COuld you be so kind to make a special gif animation for my signature.

A guy in black leatherjacket shooting some kids to millions of pices with minigun would be really cool :D could you? please.

And add a big OWNED! text after the massacre.

sorry about my english....
do you know the anime series Trigun?
it might be a funny concept.

it's about a goofy guy that always seems to make errors & mistakes (making him look a perfectly harmless kid), but in fact he's just so skilled he can pull anything off. the screwups are just decoys.

makes for some really funny scenes.

by the way, wouldnt it be easier to make these things in flash, rather than gif?
i've wondered is there any chances to get people sit instant stand? like Gizmo but different characters? and about this ghoul thing i liked it! point is very good!
I wonder how did you get those animated characters. Did you use fraps to record them or can I get them from some website?
Markus# said:
i've wondered is there any chances to get people sit instant stand? like Gizmo but different characters?
Gizmo's chair was a part of his character model. you can't have people sitting down in FO i'm afraid.
i'm glad you all like my animations BUT could you please NOT USE/STEAL them for your own signatures! It took an awful lot of work on that first one and am planning to use it myself!

In response to your questions:

I used ImageReady to compile it. Flash may be easier but its also expensive (and i don't have it) so thats a no. Unfortunately the palette colours on IR are all messed up so i just guessed.

I used FRM2GIF to extract the FRMS
These were unpacked from the CRITTER.DAT files in your Fallout1/2 directories.
Generally these things take a hell of a lot of work and patience.

Next project has over 36 gifs in so don't expect it in the next week or so. Still should be fun.
Ok, I was messing around with some programs to view the frms and sprites... and then I remembered this thread and I came up with this after some tinkering around: clicky...
Voila, I made a gif of it...

Wow, just makes you realise how shiney FO1 armour was. The only thing i can say i liked about Tactics armour was its rustyness.

The animation is fine and i love the content but how come you didn't make it taller? 80 pixels is far too small and your figures are chopped off at the top and bottom. Have you still got the editable layered thing with perhaps the tops and bottoms?

Good job
Love alll the stuff in this thread. Almost inspiring, if I weren't so lazy.
Hotel California said:
The animation is fine and i love the content but how come you didn't make it taller? 80 pixels is far too small and your figures are chopped off at the top and bottom. Have you still got the editable layered thing with perhaps the tops and bottoms?

The whole images for the animations are in there... just off screen... see, I haven't really figured out yet how the actionscripting works to get a movie clip playing, so I just imported the gifs, and then you get an image frame every... time frame... which I have to move every frame... by typing in the values, which is a real bitch after a while. So the things being chopped off is just lazyness.

Also, the background is grey because for some reason the Tictacs gif refuses to have a transparent background, as opposed to the Fallout one... it has a grey background, hence the overall grey background.
Urrg! What software are you using? I used ImageReady which allows photoshopyness. Are you using a comand promt of some sort?

Anyway, how do you set things to transparent? What did you use?
I use spr2gif to convert the Tictacs graphics, frm2gif for the Fallout graphics and Flash MX to make the animation...