First time out of the vault

I installed fallout 1 today to play again. I got windows 7 but it installed and started properly. The problem is the low resolution. I've read about the high resolution patch and i installed it but i had problems which were fixed thanks to unoficcial patch by TeamX. But now i encounter another problem.
What i did finally:
1.Installed fallout 1 1.2 PL
2.Installed patch 1.3.4 PL (i know there is 1.3.5. but i couldn't find the polish one)
3.Installed the High Resolution Patch 2.2b and modified both drdraw.ini and f1res.ini to 1280x1024 resolutions. I also checked that dx9 fullscreen plays well,dx9 window doesnt help with my problem but works,and the normal 8bit doesn't start the game at all.
I have tried the 8bit and 16bit options.
But when i start i see the background and buttons stretched out of my screen,which is locked at 640x480. So i got high resolution but i can see only 640x480 part of it. Everything else works. I tried disabling and reenabling every thing in both drdraw.ini and f1res.ini,or only in one. I even tried Sfall, same problem.
What do i have to do? Im sending you the ini files of mine.
The [[[[Tried That]]]] means i tested with the option.
As a Windows 7 user i checked win95,win 98,windows xp SP3 and SP2,which haven't helped me.
PS.It is also worth noting,that for Fallout 2 it worked fine. I mean about the High Resolution. Is there maybe a way to convert the Fallout 1 to Fallout 2 engine,like in Baldurs Gate Trilogy(other game,sorry;p) to play the story of 1 in modern 2.
I installed fallout 1 today to play again. I got windows 7 but it installed and started properly. The problem is the low resolution. I've read about the high resolution patch and i installed it but i had problems which were fixed thanks to unoficcial patch by TeamX. But now i encounter another problem.
What i did finally:
1.Installed fallout 1 1.2 PL
2.Installed patch 1.3.4 PL (i know there is 1.3.5. but i couldn't find the polish one)
3.Installed the High Resolution Patch 2.2b and modified both drdraw.ini and f1res.ini to 1280x1024 resolutions. I also checked that dx9 fullscreen plays well,dx9 window doesnt help with my problem but works,and the normal 8bit doesn't start the game at all.
I have tried the 8bit and 16bit options.
But when i start i see the background and buttons stretched out of my screen,which is locked at 640x480. So i got high resolution but i can see only 640x480 part of it. Everything else works. I tried disabling and reenabling every thing in both drdraw.ini and f1res.ini,or only in one. I even tried Sfall, same problem.
What do i have to do? Im sending you the ini files of mine.
;Change to 1 if you want to use command line args to tell sfall to use another ini file.
;Set to 0 to disable everything in this section
;The speeds corrisponding to each slot in percent. (i.e. 100 is normal speed)
;The initial speed at game startup
;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 1 for 8 bit windowed
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;Mode 1 requires your desktop colour depth to be set to 32 bit
;Windowed modes incur a performance hit. (Modes 1 and 5 more so than mode 3)
;The 16 bit colour modes cause movies to display incorrect colours, and slows down fades
;dx9 modes cause some corruption of movies, but not as bad as 16 bit colour modes
;dx9 modes work with fallout 1, but results in movies being completely corrupted
Mode=4 [[[[Tried Here]]]
;Refresh the screen every x frames. Set to 0 to disable frameskipping.
;If you don't want frameskipping on initially, but may want to enable it later, set this to 1
;This has no effect in fullscreen mode or in dx9 modes
;If using a dx9 mode, this changes the resolution
;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does _not_ let you see more of the map
;If you want to use an upscaling filter other than the hardcoded once listed below, place a dx9 effect file called 'global.fx' in data\shaders
GraphicsHeight=1024 [[[Here i changed]]]
;If using a dx9 mode, this changes the settings of the global shader
;Set to 0 to disable, 1 to use only if screen res > 640x480, 2 to use if screen res != 640x480 or 3 to use always
GlobalShaderMode=0 [[[Tried That]]]
;Set to something other than 0 to apply a software scaler in graphics modes 4 or 5
;0 - without scale filters
;1 - 2xSai
;2 - SuperEagle
;3 - Super2xSai
;4 - hq2x
;5 - AdvancedMame2x
;Set to 1 for a linear texture filter, or 0 to disable
;Set to 0 to disable everything in this section
;This will also disable any input related script extender functions and the keyboard commands used to control other sections!
;Set to 1 to enable the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through your inventory
;The mouse Z position is dividied by this modifier to calculate the number of inventory
;slots to scroll. My mouse moves 120 pixel in the z direction for one click of the mouse
;wheel, but this may vary depending on your mouse manufacturer and windows settings.
;Set to 0 to only ever scroll 1 click
;Adjusts mouse sensitivity to some percentage of normal.
;Negative values are valid, if you want your mouse axis reversed for some reason
;DX scancode of a key to press when the middle mouse button is clicked
;The default of 0x30 toggles between your two weapons
;Set to 0 to disable
;Set these to 1 if you want fallout to access the keyboard or mouse in background mode
;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any speed settings
;If set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;A key to press to toggle the speed tweak on or off
;Specify 0 if you don't want a toggle key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;The keys corrisponding to the 10 speed slots
;Set to 0 to disable a slot, otherwise specify the DX scancode of the key you want to use
;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any graphics settings
;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;Increase/decrease frame skip.
;Toggle the global shader on or off
;Changes the current scaleing and texture filters
;The F1_RES Configuration file 05/09/2009
;A High Resolution Mod For Fallout 1
;Comments start with ; anything on a line after a comment is not visible to program
;Set the screen resolution here
SCR_HEIGHT=1024 [[[Changed here,ingame also doesnt work]]]
;Set the number of colours here
; 8 for 8bit(original)
; 16 for 16bit colour (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)
COLOUR_BITS=8 [[[Tried Here]]]
;Text displayed on the Main-menu for the Options/Game Preferences window.
;if DISPLAY_LIST_DESCENDING=0 resolutions are listed from lowest to highest.
;if DISPLAY_LIST_DESCENDING=1 resolutions are listed from highest to lowest.
;set to SAFER_DISPLAY_LIST=1 if you experience a crash using the Screen Settings Panel.
; if MOVIE_SIZE=0 - movies remain the original size of 432x320
; if MOVIE_SIZE=1 - movies will stretch to fit the screen while maintaining an aspect ratio of 4:3
; if MOVIE_SIZE=2 - movies will stretch to fill the screen
;Height of the area at the bottom of screen for displaying subtitles when set in the Game Preferences window.
;Distance from the bottom of the screen to the bottom of the subtitles.
; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=0 - map edges are set for each map by variables listed in
; the folder named below by the MAP_EDGES_NAME setting.
; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=1 - map scroll edges are ignored, scrolling is only limited by angled scroll limits.
;Name of the folder where files containing map edges variables are stored.(folder is located in the f1_res\Map_Edges\ folder)
; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=0 - scroll limits from player are controlled by the
; variables SCROLL_DIST_X and SCROLL_DIST_Y found below.
; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=1 - scroll limits from the player are ignored.
;HALF_SCRN eqauls half the screen width when used by SCROLL_DIST_X.
;HALF_SCRN eqauls half the screen height width when used by SCROLL_DIST_Y.
; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=0 - the bottom of the map view window sits at the top of the IFACE Bar.
; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=1 - the bottom of the map view window extends to the base of the screen and is
; overlapped by the IFACE Bar.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=0 - Black, No Iface-bar side art used.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=1 - Metal look Iface-bar side art used.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=2 - Leather look Iface-bar side art used.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDES_ORI=1 - Iface-bar side graphics extend from the Screen edges to the Iface-Bar.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDES_ORI=2 - Iface-bar side graphics extend from the Iface-Bar to the Screen edges.
; Error checking of EXE before memory write
; if MEM_CHECK_FLAG=0 - Display error and Don't write to memory
; if MEM_CHECK_FLAG=1 - Don't Display error and Don't write to memory
; if MEM_CHECK_FLAG=2 - Don't Display error But Write to memory anyway
; if NOTIFY_CENTRE_X=0 - notify bars will extened right from the NOTIFY-bar X pos (original mode)
; if NOTIFY_CENTRE_X=1 - notify bars will be centred around the NOTIFY-bar X pos
; if NOTIFY_CENTRE_X=2 - notify bars will extened left from the NOTIFY-bar X pos
;if DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=0 - Map and Iface-bar are VISIBLE while viewing the Dialog Screen.
;if DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=1 - Map and Iface-bar are HIDDEN while viewing the Dialog Screen.
The [[[[Tried That]]]] means i tested with the option.
As a Windows 7 user i checked win95,win 98,windows xp SP3 and SP2,which haven't helped me.
PS.It is also worth noting,that for Fallout 2 it worked fine. I mean about the High Resolution. Is there maybe a way to convert the Fallout 1 to Fallout 2 engine,like in Baldurs Gate Trilogy(other game,sorry;p) to play the story of 1 in modern 2.