Fallout Revelation Blue: Van buren remake for New Vegas

So after a couple of months we are back with some updates for everybody here.
We wanted to reveal that we are currently working mostly in the New Canaan worldspace and Joshua Graham's storyline, with most of the work being done into map mapping, finishing design documents, and making enviroment models.

Also, kinda old, but I forgot to share the armor models pack by Webb Productions, you can find them in nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79310
Any question is welcome, and as always, good day.

Yeah, I've been busy and haven't had time to post any updates for the mod. Sorry about that everyone, lol
"Heyo people, we've been screwing around and finding out with docs, and character stories for a while now, and instead of sharing 20-40 or so pages of text for New Cannan we'd like to show you what else we've been working on.
That being said though, we have nearly completed the changedors, all that's left with them is placement in the map, dialogue, and unique npcs. If you remember, their armor was shown in Webb Productions' armor pack.
We've been taking a break from New Cannan a bit to work on other things that are just as crucial to the game, like weapons, perk icons, and more. Flashman in particular has made several new perk icons and vaultboy icons in general. He's also a damn fine doc writer and knows his way around a lot of Van Buren content.
Draxtemsklounts has been making some weapons and even making some creature assets that will be up for the taking. In particular, the mighty dud hammer!
JoacoN is working on a video made to help everyone get a better idea of what the project is striving for, the project's history, and really just to help clear some uncertainty around it.
As for me, I've been busy with Joshua, and fine-tuning that to be where I know it's up to the reputation of the character. Also beginning some work on that faction exclusive to the mod. But that has been small in comparison to everyone else's work, so just DM me and tell me how I should stub my pinkie toe into a mouse trap.
So that about settles it. Just various kinds of work all around. If you have any questions, just leave a message in questions for devs! Stay safe and try to have a good time out there!" by O-dawg

- Draxs work:

- Flashmans Current pip-boy icons, subject to change in the future:

- "What is Fallout Reveleation Blues" video bulletpoints:
  • What is FRB?
  • Clearing misconceptions
  • Will FNV be canon to the mod? Will there be elements from NV?
  • How will the gameplay work? (explanation of areas and transport system)
  • How much will it differ from VB documents?
  • How can I help the mod? (section promoting the discord server)
And a little bit of info about changedors

"Changedors are created as Revelation Blues own wastelander interpretation, as such, the player will be able to find them in almost every location, except big populated areas or isolated factions/groups. Even then, Changedors will be the most prominent at the borders of settlements and states, often trading, hunting or patrolling in case of enemy presence. The idea for them is to not have a central settlement, but rather show by themselves how even in a nomadic group, the members are united and have a sense of found brotherhood amidst the worst situations."

More info about this faction will come out in the next updates
A small piece of concept art by Odawg
Currently we are working in a statue for New Canaan and Doomer is finishing more parts of the New Canaan worldspace

Some more teasers coming from the mod, because im seeminly the only team members with a NMA account im gonna try and post more often here.

So, lets start with some tangible stuff:

- First of all, some discord teasers that were shown off last month, most important being the 3D models of the Molech and Gehenna by DraxTemSklounts.

3D view: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/molech-6f908ab02aea4dbb99d2db4faddd5126


(Keep in mind these are not the final versions and maybe receive a retexturisation in the future)

Next are some music tracks by walaby:
- Los Conecton Lamda:
- Psionic Saw:
- Sinister Properties:
- Dusty Roads:

In terms of general development, it's been going pretty well, our lead Doomer has continued making cells for New Canaan and working on the worldspace, with some other developers also contributing cell work and map testing.

Personally, since last time I made an Angel Moroni statue to be used in the New Canaan worldspace. Everything from the model was handmade, except for the face which was created using one of the vanilla statues as base (image attached is a little low res because the exported uncompressed image file would take too much time to upload sorry):


It's a little low poly because its supposed to be created post War by New Canaan citizens, so it wouldn't be as detailed or complex as how a sculptor with years of skill and a good industrial furnance could, instead being made from materials like copper, bronze, and other common metals. In short its supposed to look more brutish and rudimentary than pre War statues.

So I guess that's it for today, for the latest news from October I can say the team has been playtesting a combat demo in the New Canaan worldspace to experiment with creating better combat arenas and choosing what enemies from the current pool to use:

See ya next week! Will try to update again in early to mid November
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Another final thing, we are searching for a NV modder who could lend a hand to port the statue model into the GECK, because strangely it always fails when trying to import it, Doomer (Project Lead), myself and another member have tried exporting it from numerous versions of Blender, with differents plugins and everything and still received and error when opening it in GECK
The appear to have changed the title to Fallout Revelation Blues. Anyway there's a playable demo taking place in Burham Springs that you can download.
