Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure


I've been writing a dramatization of a Fallout 4 play-through, partly for fun, partly to address some of the more moronic parts of that game in a way that, while completely nonsensical and silly, still manages to make more sense than what Bethesda actually gave us.

I just put a new chapter up today and aim to have 1-2 chapters up every Sunday until I'm done. Expect silly parody, humour, Eldritch Gods of blood and gore, robot armies, synth sexbots, and all manner of other crazy stuff. If you're going to make something nonsensical, might as well go all-in and have fun with it, right?


Three chapters are published so far.
Okay, first chapter Impressions:

Impossible?! Nora acts like a human would do? What sort of sorcerry is this?

Jokes aside, finally this fiction makes more sense than an entire Fallout 4.

One, kill a radroach, and laugh like a maniac at the absurdity of that? Check.

Two shoot the lock, instead of waiting for dogmeat or getting levels? Check.

The reasonable explanation behind the marriage? CHECK.

Damn, I am enjoying this so far and I want to see more of a COMBAT LAWYER.
Okay, first chapter Impressions:

Impossible?! Nora acts like a human would do? What sort of sorcerry is this?

Jokes aside, finally this fiction makes more sense than an entire Fallout 4.

One, kill a radroach, and laugh like a maniac at the absurdity of that? Check.

Two shoot the lock, instead of waiting for dogmeat or getting levels? Check.

The reasonable explanation behind the marriage? CHECK.

Damn, I am enjoying this so far and I want to see more of a COMBAT LAWYER.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. I'm trying to inject some logic into the world... but at the same time you'll see in the next couple of chapters that I'm also going to be doing some silly stuff to illustrate how absurd the world is :D

And don't worry, I have plans for my combat lawyer, oh yes ;)

Thanks again!
Thanks! Glad you liked it. I'm trying to inject some logic into the world... but at the same time you'll see in the next couple of chapters that I'm also going to be doing some silly stuff to illustrate how absurd the world is :D

And don't worry, I have plans for my combat lawyer, oh yes ;)

Thanks again!

No problem, already read the next two, but I think I need to form my thoughts into reasonable review before that. Still, I am enjoying it so far, so I will be waiting for more.

By the way, have you ever read New World Blues = Crossover of Fallout and RWBY? It is ridiculous and amazing at the same time and I can recommend it.

However, be warned it will most likely hurt your brain at first and you will have to read it again, to understand all the jokes and references the author made. One of the best crossover I have read so far.
Okay, time for a second round of the review as Codsworth, said: " Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!"

Well, explanation for Pipe weapons? = Another Mystery of The universe, I am up for that. Makes more sense than every single human being able to build a gun in the first place, or the fact that they never fall apart.

Dogmeat as a god with super powers? Makes more sense than a purebreed dog after 210 years of apocalypse, especially after you see all the other dogs.

Main Character accepting reality and absurdity just like that? A bit unreasonable, but at the same time it is better than "SHAUN!!!!".

So far, so good. Also Buffy the Synth Slayer is coming for your soul! And is going to turn you into an ICE CREAM, IF YOU ARE LUCKY!

I laughed at this, so hard. It is absurd, but at the same time enjoyable and at least there is no more family issues, so that is great.