Fallout scripts


First time out of the vault
Do I have to decompile a script before it will make any sense in notepad?

Also, notepad cant seem to read scripts from fallout 1. Any ideas what I can use to read and edit these scripts?
so the IPP or IIP, whichever one it was. EIther way, I opened the other ones with notepad and it made sense, the only problem is I didn't really see anything I was looking for.

either way, thank you for your help.
get oryginal mapper and install it.
It has compiler and sources (*.ssl files) of almost all scripts included in Fallout 2.
If you want to decompile some scripts i recomend noid compiler/decompiler.
Unfortunately, many of the .ssl files that comes with the mapper compiles to v1.0 instead of v1.02D, which would have been more useful. A few of them don't even compile to v1.0.

Fortunately, I have fixed all the relevant .ssl files so that they will compile to v1.02D .int files. I've already sent the files to NMA, and they should be posted in the downloads section sooner or later.
Are these 1.02D compatible source SSLs available somewhere? I didn't see them in the download section.
