Fallout Series Retrospective


First time out of the vault
Catch up on the history of one of gaming's most beloved and successful franchises.

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So much time spent talking about Fo3, and not a word about FoNV, the first RPG of the series since Fo2 ?
Are you affiliated with the current devellopers/publishers of Fo3-Fo4 ?
Admits in the comments that they haven't played either New Vegas or Tactics. Both of these games have some footage featured in the video. No footage in the video is credited to anyone else. There's some special thanks to other youtubers in the description. Some shots of the modern Fallout games have enb and others don't. They make at least one video a day on various games. They mistake New Vegas for being an expansion to 3 rather than having any connection to the main series. Seems to me that the maker played Fallout 3, and later decided to cash in on the entire series by using other peoples' gameplay footage and whatever they read from a wiki. Not that this offends me or anything, but that's my take away from this experience. It's their top viewed video and everyone has to eat, so why not.
I doubt the video was specifically made to offend a specific member of NMA, the first month of his registration, but it does still suck.
When you work on a project to "teach" others about a franchise, you need to know well enough about it OR get some help from people who does. (and have them check your work) I don't get the thing about wanting to do everything by yourself when you know you suck at it...
I prefer Shoddy cast videos, they might be FO3 fans but they at least know about the lore well, they go in depth and they have good presentation.
Noah Caldwell Gervais and Shoddycast are your go-to's for anlaysis and breakdown vids if you ask me. This guy was poor. Not the most offensive thing, really, just misinformed and badly executed. I'd say get some experience with NV, Tactics is optional, and have another go at it.
This one got a few facts wrong, missed part of the homework, but wasn't a total disaster, and certainly seemed to have intended it to be an honest and fair review. Failed a bit, but it is good karma in my book.
Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to watch the video and comment on it. I appreciate the harsh criticism as I knew I would get that from this community seeing as you guys are pretty much the hardest of the hardcore when it comes to Fallout which is why I wanted to share the video here.

So much time spent talking about Fo3, and not a word about FoNV, the first RPG of the series since Fo2 ?
Are you affiliated with the current devellopers/publishers of Fo3-Fo4 ?

To be fair, I did say at least a few words about FoNV but admittedly did gloss over it when I should have gone more in depth about the game. For whatever reason, I decided early on in the writing process to only gloss over it and I can't really say as to why. I regret that and wish I had included much more about NV. And no, I'm not affiliated with Bethesda in any way.

Appreciated :ok:

*But this ones' quite a bit better [IMO].

Thanks Gizmojunk! I'll check out that video :)

i can tell by his voice he's fat so i stopped listening to him after 30 seconds

Well, you're a pretty angry dude aren't you? I can assure you that I'm not fat and am quite in shape actually thanks to my day job. But I do apologize if my voice offended you.

No footage in the video is credited to anyone else. There's some special thanks to other youtubers in the description

That's not true. If you watch to the end of the video, you will find that I did credit all of the relevant people who provided me with gameplay footage. I wasn't able to give credit for the Tactics footage because it was the only HD footage I could find and comes from a German channel that is no longer active. Since the channel has been defunct for many years, I took the chance that he wouldn't mind me using a few clips of his gameplay.

They make at least one video a day on various games. They mistake New Vegas for being an expansion to 3 rather than having any connection to the main series. Seems to me that the maker played Fallout 3, and later decided to cash in on the entire series by using other peoples' gameplay footage and whatever they read from a wiki. Not that this offends me or anything, but that's my take away from this experience. It's their top viewed video and everyone has to eat, so why not.

I do upload one video a day on one of the three current fast paced Let's Play series I do. The retrospectives are/will be bonus videos not part of my regular schedule and I hope to do at least one per month. I wouldn't say I mistook NV to be an expansion, but having never played it, I just felt that because it was so similar to FO3 yet came from a different developer that it wasn't necessarily part of the canon series. I was wrong and I apologize for that.
I've played all of the Fallout games I covered except NV, and in fact FO3 is the only one I haven't completed. I had to use other people's gameplay footage because it would literally take me months to playthrough and record what I needed from all of the various games. Also, it isn't my top viewed video. It's actually just passed my Witcher Preview Guide to get to number 2.

I doubt the video was specifically made to offend a specific member of NMA, the first month of his registration, but it does still suck.
When you work on a project to "teach" others about a franchise, you need to know well enough about it OR get some help from people who does. (and have them check your work) I don't get the thing about wanting to do everything by yourself when you know you suck at it...

Absolutely not. Why would I spend so much time creating a video solely to offend people from NMA? That was not my intention at all. I also wasn't aiming to "teach" people about the franchise but rather provide a crash course in the history of the games. I thought I knew enough about it having grown up playing Fallout and FO2 to do a good job, and I am proud of the video. I obviously don't think that I suck.

This one got a few facts wrong, missed part of the homework, but wasn't a total disaster, and certainly seemed to have intended it to be an honest and fair review. Failed a bit, but it is good karma in my book.

Thank you Oppen! That is a very honest and fair review of the video and I appreciate that :)

Anyway, I don't want to create an internet argument by responding to the posts as I really do appreciate you guys watching the video and taking the time to comment on it. So thanks again and I hope I at least explained some of my decisions behind the video.
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On the second post you quoted from me, i was answering to mmmyummilemons. I don't think the vid was made to offend him personnally.
About not knowing stuff, i can't tell specifically if it was that or not, but if you don't know some stuff, there is nothing wrong in looking for help, because the viewer shouldn't be aware that you lack knowledge if you make a video whose purpose is educationnal, or at least meant to learn things to people.

On my reaction about FoNV, it isn't specifically about the Fo3 vs FoNV preference, but about the role of the game in the franchise, specifically for old fans, NMA included. While the lack of mention of FoBOS is troubling (it would have been better to describe it a bit more, just the headline for giving an idea of what it is), that games is usually considered as the black sheep of the series, moreso than FoT or Fo3. FoNV on the other hand, is the game of the reconciliation (for now). When Fo3 was released (as still today, as you can see here), it widely divided the fans. Some liked/disliked the change from isometric to 1st/3rd person, from turn-based to real-time, from very big discontinuous gameworld to very small continuous gameworld etc... But one can argue that those things were cosmetic. On the other hand, the game lost a lot of what got it praised in the first place. The writting, the choices & consequences, the grey morality, the interest in politics & societies, all was forgotten or mishandled a lot in Fo3, which was often considered as a theme park, lacking any depth. FoNV, while still keeping features that attracted the new fans, like real-time & 1st person, has ALSO brought back and even sometimes improved some of the things that made Fo1-Fo2 shine, like the grey morality, the quality or writting, views on politics & societies, choices & consequences, faction/reputation system, choices of the main plot, etc, proving that you can use Fo3 engine and still be an RPG, mix features meants for the mainstream crowd and features meants for the RPG fans. It was the game that had the most united fan-base post-Fo2, instead of being hated by one of the two fanbases. Plot-wise, it is also the first game in a decade to be a direct sequel to Fo1-Fo2 west-coast series, while FoBos/FoT had autonomous stories in remotes locations and Fo3 is the beginning of a new series in the east coast. So it hold a special place for old fans, as they had to wait 13 years to know what would happen next in the west coast.
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The way you explain it makes a lot of sense naossano. I totally underestimated the impact New Vegas had on the fanbase so didn't take the time to explore it as much as I should have. That said, I can't wait to play it now and will be doing so very soon.
Hey guys, I just wanted to pop back in and let you all know that because of your feedback and passion for New Vegas, I'm making a stand-alone supplemental to the Retrospective all about New Vegas and will post it here as soon as it's finished. I hope it meets with your exacting standards :)
Appreciated :ok:

*But this ones' quite a bit better [IMO].

Seconded. This guys videos are a bit long but he puts a lot of work into them and usually goes over almost everything there is. Very informational videos if you have the time to watch them. There's also the shoddycast series that is like a TV show format with episodes that talk about each piece of lore (vaults, people, etc..)
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