Still Mildly Glowing

Some Metal Slug sprites modified to look like the ones in fallout.
And this is a flash animation im doing about fallout, I didn't used any of the sprites I showed but I will maybe.
And another thing, i used as background a picture I found here, the city with the tornado that was made by Defonten i think, I would like to know if there is no problem with me using it.
The movie doesn't have preloader so you'll have to wait a while and the press play.
And the dialogues are in spanish but don't worry they aren't important i'm goingo to change them anyway and i'm going to add voices so they aren't important reight now.
I hope you undesrtand what I tried to say, sorry for my english. Bye.

And this is a flash animation im doing about fallout, I didn't used any of the sprites I showed but I will maybe.
And another thing, i used as background a picture I found here, the city with the tornado that was made by Defonten i think, I would like to know if there is no problem with me using it.
The movie doesn't have preloader so you'll have to wait a while and the press play.
And the dialogues are in spanish but don't worry they aren't important i'm goingo to change them anyway and i'm going to add voices so they aren't important reight now.
I hope you undesrtand what I tried to say, sorry for my english. Bye.